Licensing/Partnering Questions

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Thank you for your interest in Linden Lab and Second Life. The Second Life Viewer is available under multiple licenses. Your rights to modify and redistribute the source code written and provided by Linden Lab is governed under the license of your choice:

   * The GNU General Public License, version 2.0, with a FLOSS exception - those people wanting the freedom to modify and redistribute the Second Life Viewer as open source/free software may do so under the GNU GPL, with a special exception to allow for use with open source licenses that might otherwise be incompatible with the GPL. Note that the GNU GPL is a reciprocal license, meaning that if you use portions of the Second Life Viewer to create a new derivative work, that work must also be licensed under the GPL.
   * Commercial licensing - For those wishing to incorporate the Second Life viewer into a proprietary product offering, Linden Lab also offers the Second Life Viewer source code under commercial terms which allow for this. Please contact us at for further details.

"Second Life" and "Linden Lab" are registered trademarks of Linden Research, Inc. Other trademarks include (but are not limited to): the names Linden and Linden Research, as well as the Linden Lab Hexagon Design and the Second Life Hand Design logos.

Use of logos and trademarks are subject to the Linden Lab trademark policy.

Note that some components necessary for use with the Second Life viewer are licensed from third parties under different licenses. The license for those components is clearly marked inside the distribution of those components. Some components may require payment of royalties or have other restrictions associated with copying, modification or redistribution. Please consult the license for all components when licensing the software.

In order to accept contributions of source code, we ask that you follow the guidelines for submitting code, which include the submission of a contribution agreement.