Ban List Limit
This page says that the number of people in an estate ban list is limited to 500. As far as I know, it's been 300 for a year or so. Did this change recently, maybe in the RC client? Lex Neva 10:31, 5 July 2008 (PDT)
- I'm not a pro on this so it is just a guess, but I would tend to think that the limit change would be connected to new simulator software, rather then to a new client, since the sim stores the list of people who aren't allowed to enter. The client is just displaying it(?)
- That beeing said, please browse to SVC-747 and watch for the comment made by Seraph Linden at 11/Jan/08 07:59 AM
- Because of the date, in case it was a client issue, then it should be at least fixed since 1.19
- Greetz, =) Zai Lynch(talk|contribs) 11:29, 5 July 2008 (PDT)
Prim Size Limits
I once saw instructions on how to make a prim that's larger than 10x10 but that the system considers to be 10x10. It isn't a megaprim and anyone can do it. It's a flat diamond shape. Does anyone know how? --Shadoe Landman 13:04, 6 July 2008 (PDT)
You can create >10m disks from tubes, rings, and torii. Set the twist Twist at: Begin: 90, End: 90, and Hole Size at: X: 1.00, Y: 0.05. --McCabe Maxsted 23:38, 8 July 2008 (PDT)
for the one the OP was talking about, I believe what you do is flatten a box, then set shear in both axes to the max (I always forget the name fo the parameter, is it really shear? the one that kinda tilts the prim without rotating it). I could swear I knew another trick beside these 2, can't remember right now :/ I think it involved twist, or perhaps this one I siad also needs you to make twist begin and end be 45 degrees, I'm not sure now...I think there also used to be another one I can't remember right now, where if one of the axes (probably the Z, can't rememeber for sure) wasn't made flat, the prim wouldn't stretch to the maximum size achieved with that specific torture, I can't remember, oh wait, yeah, twist 45 degrees, then flatten in X or Y axis, for cubes only I believe --TigroSpottystripes Katsu 11:54, 17 July 2009 (UTC)
Avatars per region limits
The limits on the number of avatars per region are soft limits, I beliece... i.e., if you have more than that many avis on the sim, the server slows down and crashes. Is the larger number listed for a private estate sim caused by the fact that there are (typically) a very small number of other sims which can see that sim? Tammy Nowotny 11:43, 15 July 2008 (PDT)
Region Name and Parcel Name Length Limits
Any way we can get both of these added to the limits list? Not sure what they are. -- Kenn Nilsson at 10:41 AM February 6th, 2009
- I added the max. parcel name length (63 characters). Don't know about max Region name length tho...
Lynch (talk|contribs) 18:47, 6 February 2009 (UTC)
- Found the Region name limits in the KB. Although it might not be a technical limit, it's at least a limit via guidelines, see SL Knowledge Base: Guidelines for Private Region Naming. The bar in Admin → God Tools accepts 63 characters tho. Dunno If they would be successfully saved in case one had the needed abilities...
Lynch (talk|contribs) 02:57, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
SLurls and (probably) the effects of converting integers to floating point numbers and back (Also: NOR rule for this article???)
I'd like to add the following, after "Absolute height limit"
- Highest z-value of an SLurl, that will still teleport you to a positive altitude - 2147483583
- This is lower than the Absolute height limit above probably because of precision issues. Any value higher than 2147483583 would be rounded up to something beyond 2147483647 and thus cause an overflow, while 2147483583 will still be rounded down to 2147483520 (see below).
- Highest altitude you can teleport to with an SLurl - 2147483520
- Highest z-value of an SLurl, that will still teleport you to a positive altitude - 2147483583
, but I don't have sources to cite, as I found these values by trail and error (or rather, by manual bisection). Does the header of this article imply a no original research rule? --Boroondas Gupte 23:06, 9 September 2009 (UTC)