User:Sage Proto
Hi there
Hello. This is sage. <object id="audioplayer1" data="" width="160" height="24" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> <param value="" name="movie"/> <param value="playerID=1&bg=0xffffff&leftbg=0xD63200&lefticon=0x000000&rightbg=0x387321&rightbghover=0xD63200&righticon=0x000000&righticonhover=0x000000&text=0x000000&slider=0x387321&track=0xFFFFFF&border=0x000000&loader=0x387321&soundFile=" name="FlashVars"/>
<param value="high" name="quality"/> <param value="false" name="menu"/> <param value="transparent" name="wmode"/> <param value="#ffffff" name="bgcolor"/> <embed menu="false" pluginspage="" quality="high" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="24" src="" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="160" wmode="transparent"> </embed> </object> I run a Tattoo Shop 'Irezumi-ya'. 'tattoo' calls it 'irezumi' in Japan.
Please browse my shop and choose according to your fashion, each tattoo makes a bold statement! I have many kinds tattoos at my shop.
I hope you come again, Lots of love.
Owned by sage Proto
- Original Rez Date - Oct 5, 2007
- Avatar - Human Type, Male,
- SL Skills - Tattoo,
- Interests - Meet, Chat, Travel, Make Love, Tattoos,
- Hobbies - Music SL,
- Languages - Japanese and English
Where to Find Me
- I run a Tattoo Shop 'Irezumi-ya' at Oltonfell.
I stay almost in the shop. If I don't stay Inworld, Please drop notecard into the post in the shop.
- Feel free to IM me, or drop me a notecard in-world, and ask questions, and I'll do my best to help you.
Tattoo Shop Irezumi-ya
My Favorite Web Links
This page
Main Web Site
Inworld Main store
- Tattoo Shop 'Irezumi-ya' SLMaps map
- Tattoo Shop 'Irezumi-ya' SLurl map
- Tattoo Shop 'Irezumi-ya' GVurl map
Store of web site
- E-shop Irezumi-ya
- Xstreet SL shop
- Apez shop
- slapt shop
- MetaCommerce shop
- SLtrading shop
- vitty shop
- FloatChair shop
- SLUniverse shop
Pics & Movies
- my Flickr
- my Koinup
- my Mixoom
- my odyssey
- my zoome
- my フォト蔵
- my WeGame
- my モヴィエ
- my YouTube
- my vimeo
- my eyeVio