Bug triage/2008-01-16/Transcript
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Revision as of 10:41, 17 January 2008 by Alexa Linden (talk | contribs) (New page: * [14:57] Linden: Oh: hello everyone! * [14:57] Linden: Bridie,: Alexa, Daedalus! * [14:58] Young: hi: Torley * [14:58] [...)
- [14:57] Linden: Oh: hello everyone!
- [14:57] Linden: Bridie,: Alexa, Daedalus!
- [14:58] Young: hi: Torley
- [14:58] Linden: I: like me some OSSM bunnehs.
- [14:58] Hello! undefined:
- [14:58] Wood: /ao: off
- [14:58] Young: hi:
- [14:58] Linden: Hi: hi hi.
- [14:58] Wood: Hello!:
- [14:58] Alexa's not: back from her coffee run in RL :)
- [14:59] Hi Squirrel:
- [14:59] How's everyone's: week going?
- [14:59] Wood: sloooow: ^^
- [14:59] Wood: and: caffeinated!
- [14:59] Yeah, my: coffee FINALLY kicked in
- [14:59] Linden: Crazy!:
- [14:59] Young: busy,: making a 3D short, been rendering all day
- [14:59] Linden: I: haven't had coffee today. Maybe I will tomorrow!
- [14:59] Linden: Oooh: is that gonna be up on the Internets for watching Daed?
- [14:59] Torley is: busy busy busy!
- [15:00] Linden: Hehe.:
- [15:00] Linden: I: need a better work/life balance right now.
- [15:00] Cool, Daed:
- [15:00] Young: yeah,: it's an inside-sorta joke for a Dutch tv show I'm on a fansite of
- [15:00] Linden: Bridie: to me it looks like you're standing IN your chair!
- [15:00] Wood: Ike: Turner died of a cocaine overdose
- [15:00] o.O undefined:
- [15:00] Young: The: Mole, you may know it
- [15:00] Linden: I'm: on newest RC...
- [15:00] Young: ooh!: did he
- [15:00] Wood: Yep:
- [15:00] Linden: I've: heard of several country versions of that, Daed.
- [15:00] Linden: Wow: Bridie's got skates!
- [15:00] Linden: Niiiice!:
- [15:01] Wood: lollerskates?:
- [15:01] Linden shows: off skates!
- [15:01] I'm on: latest RC too...
- [15:01] Wood: Rolling: Restart Scheduled Thursday Afternoon PST
- [15:01] sitting now: for ya Torley?
- [15:01] Linden: Yes: B!
- [15:01] Wood: A: rolling restart is scheduled for Thursday, 17 Jan between 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm PST. The simulator code update is meant to improve database performance
- [15:01] Young: sitting: for me too, you were standing before
- [15:01] Linden nods: to Squirrel
- [15:02] Swain: Hello: Everybody
- [15:02] Young: ahh,: there's a ghost prim in the new Second Arts Photography building, I hope it'll go away with the restart then
- [15:02] Linden: Hi: Jason
- [15:02] Young: hi: Jason
- [15:02] RC4 yesterday!:
- [15:02] http://blog.secondlife.com/2008/01/15/updated-1186-release-candidate-viewer-second-life-1186-rc4-available-today/ undefined:
- [15:02] Young: yep:
- [15:02] Here's today's: agenda...
- [15:02] https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Wednesday_Agenda undefined:
- [15:03] We've been: a little short on RC items...
- [15:03] Young: didn't: test it yet, but excited for the 1.19 release
- [15:03] So either: we're stabilizing or...
- [15:03] Wood: I: think https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-1134 was on the internal triage on monday..
- [15:03] Linden: Stability: is good!
- [15:03] Thx to: Daed for adding to the agenda and Alexa for further cleanup
- [15:04] Other Lindens: may show up, but shall we start?
- [15:04] Linden: Sounds: good to get rollin'!
- [15:04] Wood: And: Windlight *still* crashes when I have the camera focused on an avatar and that avatar logs out
- [15:04] Ok, starting: with Import?
- [15:04] VWR-4181 -: Votes: 2 - ObjectData.PathShearX and ObjectData.PathShearY are U8, should be S8
- [15:04] Squirrel, did: u file a bug?
- [15:05] Wood: Not: yet. Still testing it
- [15:05] I don't: know enough about 4181...
- [15:05] Young: neither: do I
- [15:05] Linden hmms:
- [15:06] Maybe I'll: ask around internally...
- [15:06] Let's move: on
- [15:06] [[User:# VWR-4158|# VWR-4158]]: - Votes: 1 - The prim is draggable like Ctrl-Drag when state changing in touch/touch_start event and next state do not have touch_start/touch/touch_end event. - Fake Fitzgerald
- [15:06] Harleen repro'd: this one
- [15:06] Not new: in RC ( is listed)
- [15:07] Breda: brb:
- [15:07] But seems: ok to import
- [15:07] Linden: ok:
- [15:07] Agreed? undefined:
- [15:07] Linden: Looks: good.
- [15:07] Linden: triage?:
- [15:07] Linden: Aye!:
- [15:07] yes, pls: Alexa
- [15:07] Next up...:
- [15:07] Linden: argh!: it be done matey
- [15:07] (moving swiftly: along...)
- [15:07] VWR-4216 -: Votes: 0 - Mac Pro (early 2008) crashes Windlight & regular viewer
- [15:07] Welcome Aric!:
- [15:07] Linden: thanks: bridie
- [15:07] Swain: Hello: Aric
- [15:08] Breda: back:
- [15:08] Young: hi: Aric
- [15:08] Linden: Hi: Jason
- [15:08] Linden: I: wonder if Zyzzy's already sent crash logs...
- [15:08] I didn't: try to repro 4216
- [15:08] Linden grins: at Daedalus and blows Alexa a kiss
- [15:08] Have you: seen it Torley?
- [15:08] Linden: I: know some popular crashes were promptly identified by our revised crash reporter...
- [15:08] Linden giggles: like a school bunneh
- [15:08] Linden: I'm: not sure what's causing this, there's not enough info...
- [15:08] Linden: Hey: Aric!
- [15:08] Linden: NMI?:
- [15:08] Care to: comment Torley?
- [15:08] Linden: We: should ask if crash logs have already been sent.
- [15:08] Linden: I'll: comment!
- [15:08] Wood: crash: reporter... windlight crashes, sends report. upon next start, wants to send report again ?
- [15:09] Merci! undefined:
- [15:09] Linden: heya: Torley. how nice to see you here. I was expecting to miss you today
- [15:09] Linden: tthanks: torley
- [15:09] Linden: Aw: Aric I'm not going yet! =) Nice ot see ya too.
- [15:09] Torley's going: to give us time to transition...
- [15:09] Linden sniffs: a bit
- [15:10] (Torley's a: very busy Linden and will not be able to attend all of our future triages...)
- [15:10] Young: awww:
- [15:10] Linden: It'll: be over a month at least. :)
- [15:10] So, 4216: NMI?
- [15:10] Linden: yup:
- [15:10] Linden: Yeah,: NMI!
- [15:10] Linden: Haha,: I like that acronym.
- [15:10] We appreciate: all of Torley's input/help -- and we'll def miss you T!
- [15:11] Linden: (:
- [15:11] Funny that: we were just complaining about acronymns in RL...'eh Alexa
- [15:11] Linden: I'll: miss you too but I'll still be around and may see you in unexpected places. :)
- [15:11] Linden: What's: there to complain about acronyms?
- [15:11] Linden whistles: and looks at the sky
- [15:11] WTTCAC? undefined:
- [15:11] Swain: I: think that maybe LL should increase Torleys working hours so we get to keep him *smiles* j/k
- [15:11] Linden: there: was one in an email I didn't know :P
- [15:11] Linden falls: over laughing
- [15:11] Linden: Haha: Jason.
- [15:12] Young: I: always just run it through Google if I don't know one
- [15:12] Young: usually: works fine, just fine
- [15:12] Linden: I've: been using Google more to search Issue Tracker...
- [15:12] If only: our cloning technology were further along...
- [15:12] Wood: OhNoes!: You will be on vacation Torley?
- [15:12] but I: did see that milk from cloned animals is safe...FWIW
- [15:12] Young: WindLightSurfing:
- [15:12] Aeon: YA:
- [15:12] Linden: mutant: milk?
- [15:12] Linden tries: to go back to agenda...
- [15:12] Linden: Squirrel: No, job transition to more marketing/PR stuff... doing more video tutorials to help with various LL projects.
- [15:13] Next, VWR-3850: - Votes: 0 - nvlddmkm Graphic Failure Error with SL Only
- [15:13] Wood: Ah:
- [15:13] Young: nvlddmkm,: is what I get when I fall asleep on the keyboard
- [15:13] Linden: I: don't know what that error is, but I'll remove "WindLight" as affected version because an issue should only be set with that if it's WL-specific.
- [15:13] Linden: Daed: Or cats on keys!
- [15:13] Aeon: IM: GOI NG WINDSURFING
- [15:13] Young: have: fun
- [15:13] Bye Linabell:
- [15:14] SHE TALKS: LOUD ;)
- [15:14] Linden: YES: SURE DOES!
- [15:14] Linden: lol:
- [15:14] lol undefined:
- [15:14] Wood: ^^:
- [15:14] So 3850...:
- [15:14] Young: oh: cats, yeah, tried to Request Admin Status one day
- [15:14] Swain: See: you Linabell
- [15:14] Linden: If: anyone wants to watch a cool movie about fonts, I recommend Helvetica: The Documentary. Sublime. As for this erorr, I haven't heard of anyone else having it yet...
- [15:14] Wood: just: created https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-4234 on my windlight crash bug => camera focus on avatar crash thing
- [15:14] Young: I'll: remember that Torley
- [15:14] Young: sounds: kewl
- [15:15] Linden: Wonder: what graphics driver Azildin is on.
- [15:15] We should: ask
- [15:15] Linden: *nod*:
- [15:15] Linden: I: can comment!
- [15:15] Young: NVIDIA: GeForce 8500 GT 512mb with ForceWare v163.75?
- [15:15] Linden: Oh: good eyes.
- [15:16] Linden: Thanks,: I missed that... that is pretty recent.
- [15:16] oh, me: too! thx Daed
- [15:16] Young: yw:
- [15:16] Linden: Wow,: got 8 GB of RAM (!).
- [15:16] Linden: This: is one of those bugs where I'd hope someone else having the same problem would chime in...
- [15:16] Yeah, let's: leave it for now...
- [15:17] Young: k:
- [15:17] Linden: I: see another match for that weird error in https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-1895 , wonder if it's related.
- [15:17] Wood: vista64: mayhaps ?
- [15:17] Linden: Similar: mention of "Vista" and "nvlddmkm".
- [15:17] Linden: I: see numerous mentions of this on the NVIDIA forums.
- [15:17] link? undefined:
- [15:17] Linden: It: may not be SL-specific, so... [1]
- [15:17] not just: for SL?
- [15:18] Linden: Doesn't: look like it, people are having it with other games.
- [15:18] add link: to forum in a comment?
- [15:18] (please) undefined:
- [15:18] Linden: Yes,: and NMI?
- [15:18] Linden nods:
- [15:18] Ty! undefined:
- [15:18] Moving down: the page to Hot issues..
- [15:18] Linden: Sounds: good! *writes* Teamwork!
- [15:18] SVC-1166 -: Votes: 12 - Temp prims are erroneously counting against sim total prim count
- [15:19] Hi Celierra:
- [15:19] Linden: afk: for a moment
- [15:19] we're going: through this agenda: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Wednesday_Agenda
- [15:19] Wood: temp: prims are definitely counted when you query the parcel prim owners
- [15:19] Darling: Hi: Bridie - thanks
- [15:19] Wood: griefings!:
- [15:19] Linden: Aww: crap griefer cubes!
- [15:19] Arg. undefined:
- [15:19] Linden: I'll: kill em!
- [15:19] Young: oh,: where's the creativity in griefing nowadays? :/
- [15:20] Swain: I: feel perfectly safe sitting next to 3 lindens ^^
- [15:20] Wood: Understand: Waco
- [15:20] Linden: There's: a bunch from adjacent regions too...
- [15:20] Linden: I'll: let our GTeam know.
- [15:20] And I: like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and all... but...
- [15:20] Linden: Oh: Alexa's got it!
- [15:20] Linden: Haha...: yeah...
- [15:20] Linden: what: an insult to Michelangelo!
- [15:20] Nd undefined:
- [15:21] Darling: Hee:
- [15:21] Darling: Is: that big one the spaner?
- [15:21] Wood: still: filing an abuse report
- [15:21] Darling: *: spawner
- [15:21] Linden: Anyone: who's annoyed by the particles can hide 'em... View menu > Beacons > Hide Particles.
- [15:21] Mohr: hiya: Wulf :)
- [15:21] Thx Alexa: + Torley
- [15:21] Linden: Or: Ctrl-Alt-Shift- =
- [15:21] So back: to SVC-1166
- [15:22] I couldn't: repro...
- [15:22] Linden: OK,: on this one...
- [15:22] Linden: I: see a long and arduous discussion...
- [15:22] Linden: I: asked Andrew the other day about expected behavior here...
- [15:22] Yeah, see: last comment for repro tho
- [15:22] Linden: because: I know he made changes to this system long ago. Haven't heard back yet, I presume he's veryvery busy with Havok 4...
- [15:22] Linden nods:
- [15:23] Kelly wasn't: sure either
- [15:23] Linden: because: there are misunderstandings about how this is *supposed* to work. I recently was in a discussion with Kate about temp-rezzers and we need better KB documentation. So cross-departmental.
- [15:23] Linden: For: now I think it's fine to leave this open but the right Linden stakeholders should know...
- [15:23] Linden agrees:
- [15:23] Linden nods:
- [15:23] Wood: there: we go again...
- [15:23] Linden: I: think we maybe should have a thread with dev and community
- [15:23] Linden: Yeah.:
- [15:24] Young: seems: logical, you can't get an object's info if it's not rezzed, also for contents, so how would you know if itis a temp object? only by rezzing first
- [15:24] Linden: *keeps: poofing local cubes while GTeam prepares to annihilate them across all of SL.*
- [15:24] Wood: can't: those cubes be purged from the asset database?
- [15:24] Linden: Squirrel: Yes.
- [15:24] Swain: That: would be a logical thing to do
- [15:24] Linden: That's: what's going to happen shortly.
- [15:25] Wood: then: they'd have to create new toys
- [15:25] Young: the: only inventory no-one would care about if it's lost
- [15:25] lol undefined:
- [15:25] Swain: lol:
- [15:25] On to: Patches?
- [15:25] VWR-1286 -: Votes: 21 - alt-zooming on hollow face mishandled
- [15:25] Linden: Oh,: longstanding issue... nice to see a patch for this...
- [15:25] Wood: looks: like that one's on hold?
- [15:26] Young: see: Gigs' comments yeah
- [15:26] Watanabe: hey: guys
- [15:26] Wood: Hi:
- [15:26] Linden nods:
- [15:26] Linden: Hiya: Alexander11!
- [15:26] Linden: Welcome: to our bug triage!
- [15:26] Linden: I: thought we'd closed this on monday
- [15:26] Hi Alexander11:
- [15:26] Linden: Didn't: we agree to wait for windlight on this?
- [15:26] Young: quote: "I'm sorta waiting for windlight to be released before putting too much into this... since Linden Lab is taking about 6 months to get new patches in, there's no point is me rewriting it for the first look."
- [15:26] Linden: *nod*:
- [15:26] Young: says: the man
- [15:26] Linden: WindLight: had some wonky handling of camera controls too...
- [15:27] Linden: recently: fix pending tho.
- [15:27] Linden: (: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-3283 is what I'm referring to.)
- [15:27] Young: I: put iton the Agenda only because it had comments after 9 Jan, which was the Last Triaged field
- [15:28] Shall we: leave it for now then?
- [15:28] Linden: Sounds: appropriate.
- [15:28] Young: sounds: good
- [15:28] Watanabe: D:
- [15:28] Linden nods:
- [15:28] Ok undefined:
- [15:28] Next... undefined:
- [15:28] SVC-1171 -: Votes: 0 - LSL Unsigned Right Shift Operator (>>>)
- [15:29] hmm -: 1 vote...
- [15:29] Linden: I: don't know about this one.
- [15:29] Young: ooh,: cool av Colton has
- [15:29] Linden looks: @ linked issue
- [15:29] Wood: I: guess someone does not understand how integers and stuff works there
- [15:30] Darling: People: want logical sign-extend, not integer sign-extend, I think
- [15:30] Darling: I: mean
- [15:30] Darling: Right-shift:
- [15:30] Wood: hmm:
- [15:31] Wood: I: just want x = (x<<13) ^ x; return ( 1.0 - ( (x * (x * x * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589) & 7fffffff) / 1073741824.0); to work ;)
- [15:31] How important/helpful: would this be?
- [15:32] We can: import and have our Devs review or wait for more votes/comments...
- [15:32] Linden nods:
- [15:32] Linden: ok:
- [15:32] Linden: I: can hear some pontificating in my future
- [15:32] Linden: ):
- [15:32] [[User::) undefined|:) undefined]]:
- [15:32] Linden: I: like the word, "pontificate".
- [15:32] Ok, next:
- [15:32] WEB-456 -: Votes: 2 - Enable interwiki linking
- [15:33] Linden: I: like this one
- [15:33] Linden: Hmmm: RobLa may have to look at this with Cascadeo.
- [15:33] Young: ooh,: we get "lolcat" support? :P
- [15:34] Linden: problem: is that i'm not sure that if we implement it, we'll always have someone internally to translate
- [15:34] Linden laughs:
- [15:34] yeah, let's: have rob look
- [15:34] Linden: we: have bigtime lolcat support internally
- [15:34] Linden: HAHAHA.:
- [15:34] Linden: *knows: those comics all too well*
- [15:34] Linden: there's: an inworld Lolcat HUD!
- [15:34] orly? undefined:
- [15:34] Young: lsl: 3 could become lolcat?
- [15:34] Linden: yup:
- [15:34] i can: has hud?
- [15:34] Darling: Yay: lolcat :P
- [15:34] Linden: hahahaha:
- [15:35] Linden: I: like the one with the manatee and the bucket.
- [15:35] Wood: OMy:
- [15:35] Linden: Even: tho it's not actually a manatee. :p
- [15:35] Linden: More: like a freakin' sealion.
- [15:35] Linden: lol:
- [15:35] lolsealion? undefined:
- [15:35] ok, next: up...
- [15:35] Linden: =^_^=:
- [15:35] VWR-3749 -: Votes: 0 - Windlight linkage fails on standalone build due to no boost_regex linkage
- [15:36] Linden: Fix: Pending eh?
- [15:36] Young: ya:
- [15:36] Linden: Tofu: and Brad were looking at these WL build errors from what I recall earlier.
- [15:36] oh cool:
- [15:36] Then moving: on down to Misc...
- [15:36] VWR-2680 -: Votes: 7 - Problem between Starting Second Life and NVIDIA GeForce 7600GS, 7800GS
- [15:37] Linden looks: through comments
- [15:37] Torley commented: on this one before...
- [15:37] Young: is: that that Vista Nvidia thing again?
- [15:37] Linden: I: remember this one being triaged before.
- [15:38] Young: or: related maybe?
- [15:38] reopened undefined:
- [15:38] i (heart): video card drivers
- [15:38] Linden: Looks: like hardware autodetect may not be reliably?
- [15:38] Linden: "working: reliably?" I mean.
- [15:38] Linden: I: know for WindLight, Zen added some new entries to the GPU table that fixed similar problems...
- [15:39] Linden: He: may know what's up with this one too.
- [15:39] Wood: dare: I say Vista?
- [15:39] Linden: I: see some of the reporters are on XP.
- [15:40] Linden: It: may not all be the same cause... but... at least some common hardware is identified.
- [15:40] Darling looks: through the GPU table...
- [15:40] Wood: ye.: the latest comment is from a vista user though who had no problems on xp
- [15:40] Linden: *nod*:
- [15:40] Should they: try with next version of WL?
- [15:40] Linden: I'd: ask if the current WindLight works for them...
- [15:40] Linden: And: if not, I'd ask Zen...
- [15:40] Linden nods:
- [15:41] Linden: I'll: leave a comment for now.
- [15:41] Linden: And: followup with them.
- [15:41] Ty undefined:
- [15:41] Linden: =):
- [15:41] Linden: thanks: Torley
- [15:41] Next, undefined:
- [15:41] SVC-126 -: Votes: 7 - In world map image is not updating
- [15:41] Linden: Oh,: that one's been a quandrary for awhile.
- [15:41] Young: I: remember this one too, it's also reopened
- [15:41] Linden: me: too
- [15:42] Darling: I: notice that the person who posted their env left out the "vendor" line... *wonders and comments*
- [15:42] Linden: We: can force refresh individual map tiles but the general process is unreliable...
- [15:42] Darling is: too slow >.>
- [15:42] Wood: I: get to see the grey map quite often... showing textures, then reverting to all grey and staying that way
- [15:42] Young: but: updated a good while ago
- [15:42] Linden: Part: of the problem is that Second Life is so big now.
- [15:42] Wood: Mayhaps: the sims could do that refresh automagically ?
- [15:42] Young: or: half-loaded region images
- [15:43] Linden: In: the future, what we really need is a World Map overhaul... the webmap loads faster than the inworld map!
- [15:43] Linden: (I'm: referring to the one at [2] )
- [15:43] Linden sighs:
- [15:43] Linden: part: of the problem is that even though it appears at one time, you can go back there and everything is normal sometime later
- [15:43] Wood: silently: cache the ingame map ?
- [15:43] Linden: Yup: Aric!
- [15:43] should we: resolve this one then?
- [15:43] Linden: We: *know* this is a problem. We are trying to fix it
- [15:44] so what: to do with this issue?
- [15:44] Linden: I: don't know. I hate to ignore Rascal. I'm just not sure what we can do nearterm to make him a happy guy
- [15:44] Linden thinks: maybe we should comment that we're working it
- [15:44] Linden shrugs: sadly.
- [15:44] Linden: That: would of course lead to questions asking WHEN WHEN WHEN. ;)
- [15:44] Linden: Alas.:
- [15:44] Linden: yes:
- [15:44] Wood: ^^:
- [15:44] Linden: I: hate that ineffectual feeling
- [15:44] Wood: still: a positive response though
- [15:45] Linden: *nod*:
- [15:45] But a: comment would at least acknowledge it (again)
- [15:45] Wood: it: shows that you are aware of it
- [15:45] Linden brightens: up
- [15:45] Linden: true:
- [15:45] Linden: that: was my idea too
- [15:45] Linden: After: this rolling restart there's likely to be some grayness.
- [15:45] Linden: (Today's,: I mean.)
- [15:45] Tomorrow's you: mean
- [15:45] Linden: Ack,: tomorrow, time traveler!
- [15:45] Linden: @_@:
- [15:45] Linden: lol:
- [15:45] Aric, would: you please leave a comment?
- [15:46] Young: hello: me, it's you from the future! :P
- [15:46] Linden: Haha: Daed, I'm so glad you remember that.
- [15:46] Linden: hahahaha:
- [15:46] lol Daed:
- [15:46] Linden wonders: what she did w/her flux copacitor...
- [15:47] Linden: Filled: it with crunk juice!
- [15:47] LOL in: RL
- [15:47] Young: the: one that got built into one of the servers?
- [15:47] Linden: LOLIRL: ;)
- [15:47] So I: vote for Aric to graciously add comment to 126...
- [15:48] Linden: seconded:
- [15:48] Linden: Thirded!:
- [15:48] Linden: D:
- [15:48] Linden: congrats: Aric
- [15:48] and I'll: buy Aric coffee next time I see him in RL
- [15:48] Linden: ditto:
- [15:48] Linden: XD:
- [15:48] Linden: oh: sure
- [15:48] Wood: coffee: overdose!
- [15:48] Aric's strong!:
- [15:48] Linden: make: the quiet nice person do it
- [15:48] who me?:
- [15:48] Torley? undefined:
- [15:49] ahhahah undefined:
- [15:49] Linden: me?:
- [15:49] Linden laughs:
- [15:49] Linden: X_X:
- [15:49] Linden: everyone's: a comic today
- [15:49] Nice Linden:
- [15:49] Linden: I'll: comment. I'm gonna say bridie and alexa and torley don't want to touch this with a stick
- [15:49] Linden: LMAO:
- [15:49] Linden: and: are making me be the bad linden
- [15:49] 'b/c they're: too nice'
- [15:49] Linden laughs:
- [15:49] Next up:
- [15:49] SVC-200 -: Votes: 5 - Prim Animation and llMessageLinked
- [15:49] Linden: D:
- [15:49] Linden: Hahaha.:
- [15:49] Darling considers: pasting this conversation in the issue
- [15:49] Darling: P:
- [15:49] Linden: who: knew triage was so fun
- [15:49] Linden: lol:
- [15:50] Linden: Hmmm...: I heard of this long ago, I didn't realize it was still a problem.
- [15:50] Linden: I: wonder if this behaves any diff. in Havok 4?
- [15:50] last update: was Oct
- [15:51] Wood: Recently: I had the problem that changing the size of a prim in a linkset that was NOT the root prim caused the entire object to move a short distance. several times in a row....
- [15:51] Aric should: we ask reporter or should we try internally?
- [15:51] Young: it: says scripts compiled in "other" Sl versions don't have the problem, may well be fixed by now
- [15:52] Let's resolve: then...
- [15:52] Linden: k:
- [15:52] and ask: the reporter to confirm/deny
- [15:52] Darling: "seems: to have been fixed, reopen if not"?
- [15:52] Linden nods:
- [15:52] Linden: ok:
- [15:52] next one:
- [15:52] SVC-166 -: Votes: 4 - Land adjacent to SIM boundary makes avatars ""sink"" and objects act like phantom
- [15:52] Linden: ):
- [15:52] Linden: Oh,: part of region crossing issues...
- [15:53] Linden: this: one has a LONG history.
- [15:53] Linden: yes:
- [15:53] Linden: there: are some dandy region crossing fixes going into havok4
- [15:53] Young: sweet!:
- [15:53] Linden: Part: of it has to do with the handoff time between regions (historically speaking).
- [15:53] Linden: I: was just discussing it with sidewinder yesterday
- [15:53] Linden: So: the "delay" in between gets manifested as "OMG falling through floor".
- [15:53] Linden: Oh: good news Aric!
- [15:53] Linden grins:
- [15:53] Young: I: nowadays usually jump over crossings
- [15:53] Wood: Ooo!:
- [15:53] Shall we: import and give to Sidewinder?
- [15:54] Linden: the: nice linden comes through again
- [15:54] Linden falls: over laughing
- [15:54] Linden: yes,: I think that'd be suweet
- [15:54] Linden grins:
- [15:54] Linden: ok:
- [15:54] ty Alexa:
- [15:54] Wood: Is: that where I suggested to show the map view from high up and zooming in on the target while the tp is in progress?
- [15:54] Wood: and: switching from the map view to 3d view at some point...
- [15:55] Young: I'd: like to see a wormhole opening above the av, av gets sucked in and travels through the wormhole as long as the tp takes
- [15:55] Linden: Squirrel,: that would be very fancy. Those sorts of transitions remind me of a Final Fantasy game.
- [15:55] Linden: For: anyone who's familiar, when the FF "battle cue" plays and then it zooms in to show your party fighting monsters.
- [15:55] Young: Sliders-like:
- [15:55] Linden: lol:
- [15:55] [[User::O undefined|:O undefined]]:
- [15:55] Linden: I: was a big Sliders fan in the mid-90s! Shame what they did with the show, but great visual effect.
- [15:55] Wood: then: again the general population might not like such fancies..... but then again they always complain :p
- [15:56] Linden: are: we on 220?
- [15:56] SVC-220 -: Votes: 4 - small-change llSetRot() calls don't cause an update
- [15:56] we are: now Aric
- [15:56] last one?:
- [15:56] Young: see: the spinning icon :)
- [15:56] Linden: should: go to sidewinder
- [15:57] Wood: not: part of this triage but do you all think [3] has enough votes yet? (we're slowly approaching 1000) ^^
- [15:57] Linden nods: to Aric 'Bad' Linden
- [15:57] Wood: the: question here is how small are those changes?
- [15:57] Linden: Squirrel,: not trivial. Did you see Robin's post in New World Notes about it?
- [15:57] Linden is: going to get a single white glove
- [15:57] Wood: don't: think I saw that one Torley
- [15:57] Linden: As: you can see from the comments themselves, there are disagreements about how it should be implemented.
- [15:58] Linden: Ack,: I should link to that in the comments...
- [15:58] Linden: *posts: something*
- [15:58] Wood: What: I know though is that there is a petition going round for more groups
- [15:58] Linden: Oh,: I see Ann Otoole already linked to it.
- [15:58] Linden: See: [4]
- [15:59] Linden: Part: of the consideration is technical, and part is social — figuring ways to make Premium accounts more valuable beyond land ownership.
- [15:59] Alexa's off: to fight the good fight...
- [15:59] Darling: And: dismissed as "nebulous double-talk" *groan*
- [16:00] Linden: I: have been in on many of those group limit meetings, and without studying the history behind them, one can only be wet behind the ears and not fully informed as to why we haven't done it yet.
- [16:00] Linden: o):
- [16:01] Linden is: going away. Gotta find a white glove and sparkly military uni
- [16:01] Linden: But: keeping in mind in 2006, we DID have a significant groups rearchitecturing... this (more groups) and other features would more likely be thematically linked in "another big group improvement project" which I think would be great.
- [16:01] Linden: Hahaha: what's that a reference to Aric?
- [16:01] Linden: Wow: I just saw Alexa zip into her chair.
- [16:01] Linden: sorry,: more griefer stuff
- [16:01] Linden: *remembers: a time when we were limited to 10 groups, and now I feel old*
- [16:01] Young: ok: Aric, have fun with it
- [16:02] Linden: Also...: there have been a lot of times I've experienced where someone could've squeezed more out of a single group's Roles instead of making a new group for each thing that would've worked fine as a Role.
- [16:02] Swain comments: that a 2004 account is /really/ old in SL time
- [16:02] Linden: So: some of it has to do with better education too. :)
- [16:02] Linden: hey!:
- [16:02] Linden: Jason: In my newcomer days I used to search for 2002/2003ers!
- [16:02] Linden: I: still look 2 thank you!
- [16:02] Yes Alexa?:
- [16:02] Linden: Hahaha.:
- [16:03] Swain smiles: back playfully
- [16:03] Linden: you: still look bunneh to me Alexa
- [16:03] Linden: Anyhoo,: it's been good triaging with yas.
- [16:03] Linden blushes:
- [16:03] Linden: nice: one today folks
- [16:03] Well folks,: it's after 4pm...
- [16:03] Linden: really: fun
- [16:03] See you: all next week?!
- [16:03] Linden: Bye: Torley :D
- [16:03] Linden: but: i need to hop along
- [16:03] Thx so: much!
- [16:03] Linden: Laughs: included free of charge!
- [16:03] Linden: Yes,: same time, same channel-esque thang...
- [16:03] Swain: Thanks: again, have a great day
- [16:03] Linden: hoorahs: for additional Torley time
- [16:03] Darling waves:
- [16:03] Linden: Bye: Alexa, Bridie, Daed, Aric, Jason, Squirrel, Celierra!