Help:First Land

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OK so you wanna own some land? Well here is how you get started.

First, understand that if you want to own land, you will have to upgrade to what is called a Premium account. That means you need to sign in to log into your account and sign up there.

Keep in mind: you do NOT need to own land in order to have a great experience here in Second Life. I suggest you stay on your basic account until you've gotten to know more about SL.

But if you are hell bent on doing the land thing please keep reading:

You might not want to jump in with both feet, ie sign up for a whole year, but I suggest getting on any of the other plans besides the one where you pay $9.95USD per month.
The other plans give you a discount on the yearly price. Do the math:
Example: $9.95 x 12(months) = $119.40 for the year
if you pay for the year outright its only $72.00 for the year

I believe there are quarterly and other plans available that have discounts too.
Explore the options in the My Account area of the SL website and pick the one that works for you.

After you have signed up for a Premium account you will recieve 500L into your inworld account. Sometimes it happens right away, but more likely you will recieve on the next payday (every Tuesday). You will now also be getting an increased weekly stipend.

OK here is how you scout out and purchase your first plot of land, after you've recieved your 500L.

Click Find button from your lower toolbar and then choose the Land Sales tab.
at the top left of that tab there is a dropdown menu (the first word on that is All)

Select First Land from the dropdown menu then click to make a check mark in the box labled Area.

Next, type in 512 in the field to the right of that labled sq.m
Ignore the price square and leave it empty then click Search

A list of all the First Land available should appear on the main part of the Land Sales tab on the right hand side.
Click on the first one and choose teleport. Follow the red beacon and arrow to your destination.
Check out the land, check the location and see if you like it.

Then do the same for ALL the listings, so you can get an idea of what's out there and can make a choice from a selection of locations.

If you want to own land specifically in PG or Mature sims, please check the top toolbar when you get to each location, and it will tell you next to the name of the sim whether its PG or Mature.

You can also check that before hand by using your map. Resting your mouse over a sim on the map will tell you if its PG or Mature, and you can adjust your search accordingly.

      • NOTE: sometimes there isnt always First Land available. Be patient and try

again in a few hours or the next day.