User talk:Abigail Kohime

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Revision as of 08:02, 15 February 2008 by Tinka Willis (talk | contribs) (New section: Translations on the sides)
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The best way to contact Abigail Kohime out of Second Life is to E-mail her, however she will also respond to messages left here. To leave her a message here, click on the "+" beside "edit", or alternatively, click here.


Thank you for sweeping through and cleaning up those redirects. Since many of those pages belong to the same few users, you might drop a note on their talk pages advising of what you believe they may be doing wrong. The SLDev mailing list is also a good place to push advice - any Linden can act as a part-time wiki administrator, and helpful general interest messages are likely to be forwarded to company-wide mailing lists. --Soft Linden 06:29, 30 October 2007 (PDT)

Translations on the sides

Hi I am a norwegian Mentor, i was looking at the pages that needs to be translated, but could not find any information about norwegian translation is needed. Is it only me who cant see any norwegian translations beeing needed, or has it allready been done ?

Tinka Willis