User:Valerie Hiller

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Revision as of 11:27, 19 February 2008 by Valerie Hiller (talk | contribs) (New page: Hello everybody, and greetings from Germany. My name is Valerie, obviously...:LOL:, and in SL I`m a mentor apprentice. I attended an orientation class some days ago, and will be a "true...)
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Hello everybody, and greetings from Germany.

My name is Valerie, obviously...:LOL:, and in SL I`m a mentor apprentice. I attended an orientation class some days ago, and will be a "true" mentor soon.

What else is there to say about me? I am a SL resident for over a year now. Nonetheless, I am still feeling new to all this! Because there`s no standstill, and there`ll hopefully never be one!

In the course of time I found a few things that constantly get my attention. Which are: my fellow residents from all over the world and their inventions! As soon as I find the time, I will talk about this in more detail.