Key compression
Revision as of 13:36, 21 February 2008 by Tmyclyk Dmytryk (talk | contribs)
Compress Keys of all sorts
This function set will both compress and decompress a key. I've seen size cut down by anywhere from 25 - 50%
<lsl> string alphanum = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZqrstuvwxyz~!@#$%^&*()_+[]\{}|;':\",./<>?ÇüéâäàçêëèïîìÄÅÉæÆôöòûùÿÖÜáíóúñÑ¿abcdefghijklmnop"; integer boundOffset = 107; string compressKey(key id){
string str = (string)llParseString2List((string)id,["-"],[]); integer i; string output; integer len = llStringLength(str); while(i < len){ integer val = llSubStringIndex(alphanum,llToUpper(llGetSubString(str,i,i))); ++i; integer val2 = llSubStringIndex(alphanum,llToUpper(llGetSubString(str,i,i))); if(val <= 7 && val2 != 15){ val *= 15; val += val2; output += llGetSubString(alphanum,val,val); }else{ output += llGetSubString(alphanum,boundOffset + val,boundOffset + val); val = llSubStringIndex(alphanum,llToUpper(llGetSubString(str,i,i))); output += llGetSubString(alphanum,boundOffset + val,boundOffset + val); } ++i; } return output;
string decompressKey(string compressed){
integer i; integer len = llStringLength(compressed); string output; while(i < len){ integer indx = llSubStringIndex(alphanum,llGetSubString(compressed,i,i)); if(indx >= boundOffset){ output += llGetSubString(alphanum,indx - boundOffset,indx - boundOffset); }else{ integer val1 = (integer)indx / 15; integer val2 = indx % 15; output += llGetSubString(alphanum,val1,val1) + llGetSubString(alphanum,val2,val2); } ++i; } return llGetSubString(llInsertString(llInsertString(llInsertString(llInsertString(llInsertString(llToLower(output),12,""),8,"-"),13,"-"),18,"-"),23,"-"),0,35);
} </lsl>
Example Output
Original Key: a80bba1c-bcc2-49a0-9142-6b1ffc4f0fb0 Compressed Key: kiBlkRlmmc.kajb}íbppmepapla Compressed Key Length: 27 Decompressed Key: a80bba1c-bcc2-49a0-9142-6b1ffc4f0fb0
Example Output 2
Original Key: a2e76fcd-9360-4f6d-a924-000000000003 Compressed Key: kcohgpmnjdæepúkjY000003 Compressed Key Length: 23 Decompressed Key: a2e76fcd-9360-4f6d-a924-000000000003