User:Torley Linden/Vidtut process

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How my video tutorials reach the world. A behind-the-scenes glimpse at the step-by-steps:


  • Record raw footage inworld using Camtasia or FRAPS. I usually:
    • Set Second Life screen resolution to 1024x768 in Sizer — the actual dimensions are 1032x802 due to window UI chrome.
    • Scale SL UI to 1.200.
    • Set audio volumes.
  • When recording is done, gather raw footage into a template folder and rename it with the title of the tutorial.


  • Load "Video Tutorial Template" in Sony Vegas, containing basic outline and track setup. (Continues to be revised over time.)
  • Drag-and-drop movie clips on master video track. Trim ends and crossfade into each other as desired.
  • Move around ending bumper to fit.
  • Use "Video Event Pan/Crop" at appropriate places in the timeline to provide zoomed-in focus on UI elements.
  • Ctrl-drag to copy text media template to appropriate places in timeline and customize it. (Sometimes I customize start + end titles at this point too.)
  • Reword captions as I go along. Stretch text media if some needs to last longer. Other settings, like Placement, can also be changed to provide optimum visibility without impairing other stuff.
  • Solo stereo audio voiceover track, export as mono WAV.
  • Open audio in Sony Sound Forge, open "Torley's Video Tutorial processing" setting and process the WAV in the Batch Converter.
  • Drag-and-drop the WAV back into Vegas in the "MASTER" voiceover track, mute original (non-processed) voiceover.
  • Add MP3 music (often one of my own compositions so I don't have to worry about licensing) to the -21 dB (I found this provides a good balance, audible without being too intrusive) audio track.
  • Fade and trim ends as appropriate.
  • Add some extra gloss (transition effects) — I like to experiment, sometimes obviously, sometimes more subtle, with different techniques in each vid.
  • Re-watch vid a couple of times to make sure everything's in its right place. Polish anything else stray I find.


  • Render vid to "QuickTime 7" with these settings:
    • Project tab:
      • Video rendering quality: Best
    • Video tab:
      • Frame size: 640x480 (square pixel, meant to be played back on computer screens)
      • Frame rate: 24
      • Field order: None (progressive scan)
      • Pixel aspect ratio: 1.000
      • Video format: Photo - JPEG
      • Compressed depth: 24 bpp color
      • Quality: 100% (near lossless)
    • Audio tab:
      • "Include audio" checked
      • Audio format: Uncompressed
      • Sample rate (Hz): 44,100
      • Bit depth: 16
      • Channels: Stereo
    • Streaming:
      • "Prepare for streaming" checked
      • Optimization: Fast Start
  • When the render's done, open in QuickTime Player and export with these settings (NOTE: I switched from "Main" to "Baseline" profile because the latter works on iPods):


Upload to YouTube

Free streaming, cheap 'n' cheerful. I may soon be transitioning to TubeMogul.

  • Fill out Video Upload form thusly:
    • Title = "Second Life TuTORial - " or "SL TuTORial - " (if tip title is too long), followed by tip title.
    • Description = Some minimalist variant pointing to
    • Video Category = Education
    • Tags = second life secondlife tips tricks school tutorial knowledge base learn education teach online world tech community love (in the future, I may want to vary these further).
  • Click "Upload a video", select the MP4, and upload it. Video usually goes live several minutes later.
  • Update the "Torley's Second Life Video Tutorials" playlist, reprioritizing the new addition as "1" so it shows up on top.

Upload to Amazon S3

These are the high-quality downloadable versions.

  • Use S3Fox and drag-and-drop the MP4 into the uploader.
  • Right-click the "vidtuts" folder, select "Edit ACL", enable Read for all (green checkmarks), check "Apply to subfolders" (useful for multiple vidtut uploads), then click "OK".

Update the Second Life Podcast

Blog about it

  • Open up template, craft blog post in Windows Live Writer, and set it to publish in the future on Thursday (when Tip of the Weeks tend to show up).
  • Include supplemental pictures, word explanations, and other relevant content addendum that didn't make it into the video. Related resources links always a plus.
  • Test pre-published link to assure quality.

Showcase it

  • Log into blog-like tool.
  • Copy-and-paste earlier blog posting into WLW (to strip font irregularies), then into this, and publish it. NOTE: This tool can't publish in advance yet, so this is done nearer to the time or shortly after the aforementioned blog post appears.
  • Check for any significant content inconsistencies, most notably that embedded videos don't work, so I'll need to replace them with links like this:
Getvidtut.png WATCH THE VIDEO
<img height="16" src="" width="16" align="absMiddle" border="0"></a><strong><a href="****">WATCH VIDEO</a></strong>

Wikify it

  • Update Video Tutorials with the newest, most likely a new "#" under all the previous TotWs.

Add it to inworld movie player



  • While uploading's happening, work on accompanying blog post or fill in other info that could usefully be multitasked.
  • Shortly after uploading's done, I sometimes watch the vid to make sure things turned out alright, then I post to the blog or otherwise further communicate about my new vidtut.

The above is subject to iteration, but hopefully provides a wealth of insights into how I do what I do. :)