User:Torley Linden/Office Hours/2008-03-06

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Revision as of 14:02, 10 March 2008 by Torley Linden (talk | contribs) (New page: '''Torley Linden:''' I'm so sorry I'm late!<br> XTimothyX Aeon: I got out of bed just fo rhtis<br> JetZep Zabelin: hehe<br> XTimothyX Aeon: for this<br> norritt Xi: Wb Torley!<br> JetZep Z...)
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Torley Linden: I'm so sorry I'm late!
XTimothyX Aeon: I got out of bed just fo rhtis
JetZep Zabelin: hehe
XTimothyX Aeon: for this
norritt Xi: Wb Torley!
JetZep Zabelin: Aloha Torley
Torley Linden: I was with our IWorld Team taking team photo, and discussing the growth of IWorld island where video tutorials will be!
XTimothyX Aeon: Hi Torley!
XTimothyX Aeon: I'll sit right here, next to the master
Torley Linden: Awwwe.
JetZep Zabelin: How are ya? I saw your flicr photos one you said "guess what happened moments b4" ... wondering! LOL
Torley Linden: How's everyone doing today?
Torley Linden: Hahahah JetZep, yeah, that was a FUN one to do!
Torley Linden: I like taking candid pictures in life and Second Life.
Scope Cleaver: Hi Torley I am good how ar eyou?
XTimothyX Aeon: Good.. I got out of bed just for this
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Hi Torley
XTimothyX Aeon: set my alarm clock
Torley Linden: Rockin' on, Scope!
Torley Linden: Aww kewl XTimothyX!
Torley Linden: I'm glad to hear it but I DO hope you had enough sleep.
norritt Xi: Ahh pretty fine, well little dizzy from all the stuff I'm hammering in my head right now but at least its interesting.
norritt Xi: How are you Torley?
XTimothyX Aeon: I did
Kettu Keiko: gah blasted router...
Scope Cleaver: Torley do you have a very rough estimate of when windlight will make it in the official viewer?
Scope Cleaver: Is it realistic to expect it before end of April?
norritt Xi: Yes
Torley Linden: OK so the cool thing Scope, is the NEXT Release Candidate will have WindLight inside.
XTimothyX Aeon: who cares about that.... let's talk about -- watermellons!!
Torley Linden: And yes, I'd say that's realistic.
Scope Cleaver: I mean official viewer
Torley Linden: And the NEXT Release Candidate is coming like, today, barring any problems.
Torley Linden: RCs usually take a few weeks.
Scope Cleaver: Ah okay
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Watermelons are realistic? They always looked surreal to me.
norritt Xi: Wow thats great
Torley Linden: It depends what bugs we find on the RC that we need to fix.
Torley Linden: Hahaha mmmm melons.
Torley Linden: WindLight sure is nice.
Torley Linden: Then again, I'm totally biased.
Scope Cleaver: So from RC to official viewer is what? a couple weeks?
norritt Xi: Speaking of WL Torley, did you get my E-Mail because of the more or less famous GTX bug?
Torley Linden: norritt, I don't recall it offhand?
XTimothyX Aeon: He gets a ton of email
Torley Linden: Scope: Likely longer than that, can't be exactly sure.
Torley Linden: Unless it's unusually smooth... see past RCs for their timeline.
Torley Linden: I got an info-page with records here...
norritt Xi: Ah well I had a little chat with Zen during one of the last WL office hours also concerning a bug freezing my system
Kettu Keiko: hey, i saw the vidtut on the Zooming key commands, and i found out something interesting
Torley Linden: norritt, hmmm yeah Zen has been helping me with that.
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley why do you like watermellons so much?
Torley Linden: Oh yeah Kettu, what's that?
norritt Xi: It tourned out that this was internally and inofficially called "The Torley Freeze"
Torley Linden: Watermelons look, smell, taste, feel, sound good.
XTimothyX Aeon: ok
Scope Cleaver: Also, are you aware if there are any plans to accomodate more than 512MB on graphic cards?
Kettu Keiko: Ctrl-8 like 3 or 4 times then Mousewheel back in and the whole world looks like you are looking through a tiny lens
Torley Linden: norritt, oh, the "freeze on teleport" problem?
JetZep Zabelin: Torley ur av reminds me I got to give you a wl photo i took of you a couple months back
Torley Linden: Scope, AFAIK we already do, I've seen more than that recognized.
Torley Linden: My graphic card is 640 MB.
Torley Linden: <-- more info!
norritt Xi: No more a general freeze that could have to do with the GTX card
norritt Xi:
Scope Cleaver: thanks
XTimothyX Aeon: I just did that Cntl-8 thing... how do I get back to normal?
norritt Xi: I wrote the mail on 29. Feb.
Torley Linden: Hmm... I'm on a 8800 GTS which is mostly but not totally similar... I'm not sure if that's the same, norritt. Did Zen recommend you turn off occlusion and AA to see what would happen?
JetZep Zabelin: lol!
Kettu Keiko: Ctrl-9 will restore proportions
Torley Linden: XTimothyX, oh Ctrl-9, like it says in the video too.
XTimothyX Aeon: Ah, thanks
Torley Linden: Kettu, yeah, you can totally come up with some very neat vantage points.
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley everyone loves your textures. IT'
JetZep Zabelin gave you Torley Bat 01.
Torley Linden: It's a great way to have lovely photography...
XTimothyX Aeon: It's awesome that you give them away free
Torley Linden: oh thank you so much XTimothyX! I plan to make more someday, but I'm glad to hear that. And yup, no usage restrictions, I just like to be told when someone cool gets made with 'em!
Scope Cleaver: Does SL already take advantage of SLI?
norritt Xi: Hmm Zen thought you was on a GTX, we just decided to try and figure it out by changing settings. One theory was since both you and me have the freeze and we're both using nView it could have to do with that though meanwhile I'm alsmost sure its a tempreature issue.
norritt Xi: Scope: No it doesnt
Torley Linden: Scope, not yet. But... I know Runitai Linden mentioned being interested in adding that in the longer-term.
Kettu Keiko: kinda like looking through those little peepholes in apartment doors
norritt Xi: Normally you don't have an advatage by using SLI at all
Scope Cleaver: See my next upgrade has SL as the center of it's specs considerations
Torley Linden: Good good idea Scope.
Torley Linden: norritt, hmmm... well the problem I have is...
norritt Xi: You better invest into a faster graphics card than into two slower onces
norritt Xi: ones
JetZep Zabelin: I noticed they fixed that camera target bug with linkage
Scope Cleaver: Well the newer 9800 is actually 2 cards in one
Torley Linden: Price/performance wise, GeForce 8800GT rox. You can get something higher if you're really extreme, and there's that new 9xxx series too.
Scope Cleaver: Yeah
Torley Linden: Good exercise to ask our graphics devs what they like!
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley you know that big watermellon slice you have out front? I've been walking around sometimes with a COPY of that attached to my head.
Kettu Keiko: hehe almost like a foreign langauge to me.. (ATI Radeon X1950 AGP here)
Scope Cleaver: The question is will every gain in performance really be reflected or is there a point at which it doesn't really matter.. is what I am assuming
XTimothyX Aeon: It's really funny.
norritt Xi: Well I have the GTX but if you want my opinion buy the NEW 8800GTS
norritt Xi: With the G92 chip
Scope Cleaver: I mean not in a way in which it would make a difference in let's say Crysis.
JetZep Zabelin: I got a GeForce 7300 its not bad
norritt Xi: You can even overclock that to be as fast as the GTX and yet not getting as warm as the GTX does with factory settings
Kettu Keiko: really, the best thing you can do is make sure you have at least 2GB of minimum PC3200 RAM
norritt Xi: Plus the price is lower
Scope Cleaver: What about multiple cores?
JetZep Zabelin: does the Geforce 8800 fan make a loud high pitched sounds like my 7300?
Torley Linden: Hahaha XTimothyX, I used to do that too!
Torley Linden: That slice is vintage... dates back to 2003 I think.
Scope Cleaver: Do you see much improvements other than being able to run Photoshop filtering in the background at the same time?
Torley Linden: And I got it from Evie Fairchild, and have been carrying it ever since.
norritt Xi: No you hear it but its not as annoying as the ATI coolers IMO
Torley Linden: I am personally fond a LOT of having multicore... I'm on Q6600. Good budget quad-core.
Scope Cleaver: Does it help your SL the other 3 cores Torley?
norritt Xi: Yes but is only really useful if youre into extreme multitasking
Torley Linden: Scope, the multitasking's a big win for me, but SL itself doesn't do much multithreading outside of texture decodes *I think* but I know we don't fully support it.
Patchouli Woollahra: then here's a game to tax your computer! :D
Patchouli Woollahra:
Scope Cleaver: I'd dedicate a CPU to my edit window lol
Torley Linden: So no, Scope, SL doesn't give me a huge boost on multi-core.
Torley Linden: I wish, want it to in the future.
norritt Xi: Its really great for me running windlight, while compiling my patched version and working in Photoshop on textures
Scope Cleaver: Yes
Torley Linden: You can run multiple viewers at the same time tho, resources (like RAM) pending of course.
norritt Xi: Multiple cores won't accelerate the viewer itself though
Scope Cleaver: Yes yes
Scope Cleaver: I undestand
Patchouli Woollahra: The best way to use multicore at the moment seems to be using multiple programs at the same time.
Kettu Keiko: it should.. each core running a distinct viewer
Torley Linden: Patch, and that's a big part of what I do... so it helps...
XTimothyX Aeon: All this goes to show what I've been saying all along:
Scope Cleaver: I guess what I am saying is that I wish the realism of this world was bound by how much hardware I have.
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley Linden is by far the best Linden
Torley Linden: I am very fond of Filter Forge on Photoshop, and that's multicore-optimized... and if anyone hasn't checked that out yet and uses Photoshop, I ENCOURAGE YOU!
Scope Cleaver: I'd buy extra core to generate dynamic shadows....
Aimee Trescothick: multi-threaded openGL on Mac in dev
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I have a Mac Pro with 8 cores, and have been trying to do real parallel programming on it, using all the cores.
Torley Linden: XTimothyX, that's nice of you to say but I can't claim that. I'm just part of a team, really!
norritt Xi: Thanks for the hint Torley
CeeJay Tigerpaw: It is difficult ...
Torley Linden: I like to help and support Resis and Lindens where I can. ^_^
Kettu Keiko: i can run two viewers at fairly at once with this AMD64 4000+ single core.. though the FPS is cut in half at least with the viewer not in focus
JetZep Zabelin: my dolphin tries to nibble on Pachouli's ribbons
Torley Linden: It's like this Swiss Army Knife + more for filters.
Patchouli Woollahra: ehehe.
Torley Linden: So easy to use, customize, hack presets up, and make all sorts of wild textures for use with Second Life.
JetZep Zabelin: =)
Torley Linden: AND MOAR.
Scope Cleaver: Yes, they have an RSS feed for their filter release too Torley
Patchouli Woollahra: btw Torley, have you heard of Audio-surf before?
Torley Linden: I dig that Scope, I'm on it!
Scope Cleaver: they release about 1-2 a day roughly
Torley Linden: Patch, yes, haven't played it, saw videos, laughed my ass off. Good stuff!
XTimothyX Aeon: I'm also looking up audio-surf in another window
Patchouli Woollahra: it's been a major indie hit on steam.
Patchouli Woollahra: I'm sure that it has nothing to do with the Orange Box soundtrack that comes with it.
Torley Linden: Oh really, I didn't know it was distroed on there...
Torley Linden: LOL!
Torley Linden: "Still Alive" is such a classic now.
Torley Linden: That Jonathan Coulton, that was an ultimate geek pairing.
Patchouli Woollahra: US$9.95 and several hours of your life.
Torley Linden: To have the popularity of Valve's Portal + his tech-appealing singing!
Patchouli Woollahra: I barely managed to ace Still Alive with a Mono.
Torley Linden: "This was a triumph..."
XTimothyX Aeon: Sometimes I go through Help Island Public and I announce to everyone, "Torley Linden is by far the best Linden." And then they wonder why I say that. It's funny.
Torley Linden: I want to hear a house remix of "Still Alive", haven't yet.
Patchouli Woollahra: you'd think a simple digital guitar and GlaDos would be easy to fly through.
norritt Xi: LOL yeah Portal was great
Torley Linden: XTimothyX: Oh you are making me blush, but I am already pink (partially)... tricky!
Torley Linden: I wonder if there's an easy audio plugin to recreate GlaDOS' voice.
Patchouli Woollahra: but noooo, it turns out there's a lot of subtle sound that actually creates obstacles all over the place. I blame GlaDos.
Torley Linden: Sounds like some nasty pitchshifting/correction artifacting in there.
Patchouli Woollahra: try Screaming Bee's Morphvox
Torley Linden: I wonder how AudioSurf works with drill 'n' bass.
JetZep Zabelin: Morphvox is neat
Patchouli Woollahra: it is scary, Torley.
XTimothyX Aeon: lol
Torley Linden: Morphvox made me sound like a... Screaming Bee. Wish it was more natural for the times I desired it.
norritt Xi: BTW has anyone realized that hell must have frozen yesterday?
Torley Linden: =)
norritt Xi: MS released an open source operating system
Patchouli Woollahra: Torley: you need to book an appointment with the inworld SB techs.
Kettu Keiko: wha?
norritt Xi: Yes
Patchouli Woollahra: you get one voice creation session with them with every purchase, and they have reasonable rates for tuning extras.
Torley Linden: I want to sound like a valley girl.
Torley Linden: And then say "like" a lot.
Patchouli Woollahra: Like, Totally.
Kettu Keiko: what's Windows 1.0?
Torley Linden: I've heard good things about that, Patch...
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
JetZep Zabelin: i remember an article a couple weeks ago mentioning that ms was going to do it
norritt Xi: No it is called Singularityy
Patchouli Woollahra: Kettu: 5'1/4" of pure stupidity.
norritt Xi: -y
CeeJay Tigerpaw: You like, like "like", like?
norritt Xi: It was build as proof of concept for a secure Environment
Torley Linden: Hmmm... I gotta learn more about that, norritt.
Patchouli Woollahra: In other news, a lot of people are saying that Sky News has become persona non grata in SL.
Torley Linden: Sounds like Microsoft's been keen to be standards-friendly with IE8... isn't that out, like, yesterday?
XTimothyX Aeon: No, he "likes" watermellons. :)
Torley Linden: What does "persona non grata", like, mean?
norritt Xi: The architecture prevents buffer overflows and that way is pretty safe against a lot of exploits
Patchouli Woollahra: you're not welcome.
JetZep Zabelin: unwelcome person basically
Torley Linden: Oh I srsly didn't know that.
Torley Linden: What did Sky News do?!
norritt Xi: Torley: Take a look here:
Patchouli Woollahra: they reported on a new sexual ageplay scandal.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: The literal latin is "person not pleasing".
Torley Linden: *checks out the URL*
Torley Linden: <.<
Patchouli Woollahra: a ten-second long rainstorm just hit my home a few minutes ago.
Torley Linden: Sucks to hear that.
XTimothyX Aeon: I thought the literal Latin was "person not welcome."
Patchouli Woollahra: No, I checked, there was nothing passing overhead.
Torley Linden: It's a classy way of saying, "Get the f!@# outta here, ya jerkass!"
Patchouli Woollahra: Torley: the kicker is that the resident responsible for creating the content that offended broadly is the same one who did Wonderland, according to him.
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley look, it;s a blue female version of your avaqtar
Patchouli Woollahra: they had a stage-managed circus of a briefing in Sky News yesterday.
Torley Linden: *looks*
Torley Linden: I read a study, um well maybe it wasn't a study, but apparently 70% of Americans don't feel good about traditional news media.
Patchouli Woollahra: half-crammed with W-Hat tards in child avatars, poorly worded votes in a environment that discouraged a certain answer.
Torley Linden:
Torley Linden: Correction, it was a poll.
Patchouli Woollahra: I mean, if you have a police officer who was interested in the contents of sexual ageplayers' hard drives witnessing a poll, would you say that you were against illegalising sexual ageplay?
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley what city do you work in?
Torley Linden: XTimothyX: I am a Washingtonian!
Patchouli Woollahra: oh yeah, there's another kicker - LL made sexual ageplay illegal period ages ago.
Torley Linden: I used to be a BCferian. :)
JetZep Zabelin: That's good know about he 70% =P
Patchouli Woollahra: Torley: you live in seattle, yes?
Torley Linden: Close by yes. :)
norritt Xi: Yay I heard they have white houses there
Patchouli Woollahra: norrit: random fact- they painted it white to hide the burn marks.
Kettu Keiko: on on Pennsylvania Avenue?
XTimothyX Aeon: DC, or Washington state?
Torley Linden: state
Patchouli Woollahra: damned British - you can't seem to visit america without setting something on fire, can you?
Torley Linden: Reprazent! LL has nearly a dozen Seattelites I think.
Patchouli Woollahra: i suspect that Jimi Hendrix was british.
Torley Linden: Seattlelites.
Torley Linden: Hahah who was that rock star who trashed hotels a lot and made it trendy (sadly)... Pete Townsend?
Patchouli Woollahra: I can see the joke next time the grid goes borky.
Patchouli Woollahra: I blame you Sleeping Seatllelite.
norritt Xi: Yes and LL is the only company I know occupying marsupials XD
Torley Linden: Sleepless in Seattle! Our DNOC (distributed network operations) team is expanding worldwide to cover 24/7...
Torley Linden: Hahah norritt, I did like that blog post a lot.
norritt Xi: Yes was great I contacted Storrs on that right away
Patchouli Woollahra: I'm still holding out for LL holding a liaison appreciation dinner for European Lindens even after two years.
Torley Linden: I remember a time when there was nary a Linden on at night (PST).
Patchouli Woollahra: "TONIGHT, WE DINE WITH ELLE!"
Torley Linden: Hmmm Patch, I know there's been European Linden meetups, like in Brighton...
Torley Linden: LOL.
Torley Linden: HA HA HA.
Torley Linden: ;)
Torley Linden: I was chatting with her moments ago... at IWorld meeting!
Patchouli Woollahra: Torley: I understand Cory was one of those Lindens who couldn't get to sleep in LL regularly.
Torley Linden: She took a team photo.
Patchouli Woollahra: if he wasn't coding LSL in a single day, he was building... stuff.
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley what is LL's opinion of these "Second Life Police Force" - type groups running around trying to force their will on people?
Patchouli Woollahra: and then telling Hamlet that it wasn't that important how cool his own stuff was.
Aimee Trescothick: there was an "Open Beer" event in Brighton in January
Torley Linden: Philip and Cory once mused to me about how quick they thought they built things, and how Resis kept developing their skills... and wow.
Aimee Trescothick: but unfortunately I only heard about it yesterday lol
Patchouli Woollahra: Timothy: LL does not endorse punitive or prosecutive actions by any form of SL Police group.
Torley Linden: XTimothyX: I'm not in Governance so I can't give you ALL the long and short. But like Patch said, only LL can give official disciplinary action...
Marianne McCann: Hiya
Torley Linden: and police groups that harass and attack others... get in trouble.
XTimothyX Aeon: oh ok
Patchouli Woollahra: but as we've seen on several occasions such as in the way LindeX policy is made, cooperation with RL police seems to be par for the course.
Kettu Keiko: hiay
Kettu Keiko: *hiya
Patchouli Woollahra: in fact, it makes sense, really.
Torley Linden: Yeah, when it comes to "RL" laws being broken, we need to comply with that.
Marianne McCann: The Governance mettings are really good too, XTim. I recommend 'em
Torley Linden: Rules & regulations.
Torley Linden: Hiya Mari!
Patchouli Woollahra: unfortunately.
JetZep Zabelin: the only policing action residents should take is an AR, or ban from their place
XTimothyX Aeon: where do you find G meetings?
Torley Linden:
Patchouli Woollahra: And this is why I suspect nobody in Governance likes Hip Hop.\
XTimothyX Aeon: ok
Patchouli Woollahra: Nobody calls them G-Unit.
Torley Linden: Also,
Torley Linden: LOL Patch!
Marianne McCann: XTim - their schedule is posted on the island in Kremer, too. 10-11 on Wednesday, an some time on Saturday
Kettu Keiko: G-Force?
Torley Linden: I am big into hip-hop, both old skool and new skool and any sort of unskooled, badass breakbeats with da dope rhymes.
Torley Linden: THANK YOU MARI!
XTimothyX Aeon: thanks
Torley Linden: One of my fave rap groups is Wu-Tang Clan, I keep hoping they'll come to SL.
Torley Linden: I mean, Chamillionaire did, so I can be realistic.
Patchouli Woollahra: Old Dirty Bastard is dead.
Torley Linden: RIP.
Kanot Dudek: disculpen alguien habla español para q me diga donde me visto
Patchouli Woollahra: erm, wha?
Torley Linden: I'm sorry Kanot, I don't speak Spanish. Wish I was a better polyglot.
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley what is your favorite kind of music?
Kanot Dudek: ok thanks bye
Torley Linden: I like a lot of music. I have a big background in technoelectronicdance stuff.
Torley Linden: I began playing classical piano.
XTimothyX Aeon: ok
Torley Linden: But I'm always up for catchy tunes + experimental production.
Marianne McCann: ooh... cammed around an ended up inside someone's head there f;'r a sec. Skery
Torley Linden: So like, one of my fave SL music groups right now, is Chouchou.
JetZep Zabelin: DO you ever go to drum circles?
XTimothyX Aeon: \o/
XTimothyX Aeon: Yaaaaaaaay.
XTimothyX Aeon: Yaaaaaaaay.
XTimothyX Aeon: Yaaaaaaaay.
JetZep Zabelin: lol
Torley Linden: I haven't been to a drum circle since 2005, but last one I did, I enjoyed greatly.
Chase Marellan loves drum circles but hasn't been to one in ages.
XTimothyX Aeon: \o/
Kettu Keiko: i once had interesting conversatins with someone in Portuguese by constant cut&pastes between the chat box and a wensite translator... hehe
Torley Linden: <-- what Wu-Tang Clan's island would look like in SL.
JetZep Zabelin: Yeah their a lot of fun
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley I never thought I would disagree with you on anything, but Wu Tang Clan crashed the stage at the Grammies years ago, looking all stupid, and made asses of themselves.
Torley Linden: It's tremendous how so many people around the world can discover each other + their creations in SL.
Marianne McCann gave you AM Radio's 'The Refuge and The Prospect'.
Patchouli Woollahra: Everyone makes asses of themselves at the Grammies if they do music... eventually.
Torley Linden: XTimothyX: Well, I certainly don't approve of being an ass! Ummm which Grammy year was that? I don't recall.
Torley Linden: I think it was just ODB...
Patchouli Woollahra: Case in point: britney spears.
Torley Linden: unless I'm mistaken.
XTimothyX Aeon: It was more than five years ago, I know that
Kettu Keiko: we became friends for a short while but i'mno linguist and the constant back and forth between the translator site and here was kind of a pain after a while
Torley Linden: I don't think it was the full Clan, or even part of them... seems like it was just ODB interrupting Shawn Colvin.
XTimothyX Aeon: I still remember what he said
JetZep Zabelin: Kettu: I hear u.. I tried that once with a german speaking person
Torley Linden: " he hijacked Shawn Colvin's Grammy acceptance speech to proclaim that "Wu is for the kids." "
Squirrel Wood: Boo!
Torley Linden: @_@
Patchouli Woollahra: ODB was a moron outside of the busic.
Patchouli Woollahra: music*
XTimothyX Aeon: He said, "I spent a lot of money for these clothes tonight, ya know, ya dig" He was all mad that they didn't give him a Grammy.
Torley Linden: ODB had a lot of personal problems. :(
Al Sonic: Heh, should do it in SL with a babbler then? :)
Patchouli Woollahra: That was the old "Dubya doesn't care about black americans"
Torley Linden: LOL, sounds like Kanye West.
Squirrel Wood gave you bug_texture_clothes.
JetZep Zabelin: lol they coudnt wear the babbler so I had to manually translate what they said for myself
Marianne McCann: I've done well with Babbler in the past, as well as my own limited language skills
Torley Linden: I like Timbaland's production but thought it was disgraceful when he ripped off demoscene music.
Torley Linden: I haven't been to "The Refuge and The Prospect" from AM Radio yet... am curious!
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley how did you remember so many details about that Grammy incident?
Jurin Juran: oh, might be last day torley~!
Torley Linden: No XTimothyX!
Torley Linden: Oh why the last day Jurin?
Kettu Keiko: i think he had some sort of attachment translator device, but he couldn't get it to translate to English..
Marianne McCann: Torley - it;'s impressive. The Far Away taken to a larger level
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Jurin Juran: there's another build starts saturday there
Torley Linden: Patch, your Pocky overdose picture still has me laffin'.
Marianne McCann: Great "Depth of field" to it, too
Torley Linden: Oh... hmmm... I should check it out then!
Al Sonic: There's the babbler and then there's the de-babbler so either one could solve the problem by wearing them.
Kettu Keiko: he was quite amused to find out what i was doing to talk to him hehe
Torley Linden: AM Radio did a great work with his field of wheat + more.
Jurin Juran: yes indeed
Marianne McCann: It looks especially wonderful in his "JNostalgia" preset
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley how did you remember all those details?
Torley Linden: Yes, I admire how he crafted a custom WindLight preset for that purpose...
Marianne McCann loves the Pocky sim, but wishes there was more "there" there
Torley Linden: XTimothyX: I think I have a good memory.
Marianne McCann: The "Nostalgia" Windlight preset, I mean
XTimothyX Aeon: ah ok
Aimee Trescothick: the Wheatfield has to be one of the most photographed places in SL
Torley Linden: I haven't been to the Pocky region yet.
Patchouli Woollahra: Autism isn't a disease so much as looking differently at the world.
Torley Linden: Aimee, aye... what are some other often-photographed places you can think of?
Patchouli Woollahra: Svarga.
Aimee Trescothick: hmmm, good question
XTimothyX Aeon: where is the wheatfield?
Marianne McCann gave you pocky, Pocky (108, 130, 32).
Aimee Trescothick: yeah, Svarga would be another
Slayer Morrisey: 1
Torley Linden: Thx for landmarks! Load me up... mmmm!
Marianne McCann: Svarga, Greenies....
XTimothyX Aeon: autism is a disorder
Torley Linden: Greenies Home Rezzable is definitely a fave for shutterbugs too.
Marianne McCann: Nakama
Aimee Trescothick: oh yeah :)
Patchouli Woollahra: I resent that remark, Timothy.
Patchouli Woollahra: Just because someone has issues understanding your view of the world doesn't necessarily invalidate it.
Marianne McCann: I personally shoot a lot on Livingtree, but I'm biased
Patchouli Woollahra: their own view of reality I mean.
JetZep Zabelin: a disorder with no scientific proof of "disorder"
XTimothyX Aeon: why? it's a medical or psychological fact.
Torley Linden: Like Second Life being called a "game", I don't personally much about labels. I know how it strikes psychological roots in some people's minds, but I'm more in favor of subverting existing words than coming up with clunky new terminology to explain things away... which doesn't catches on.
Marianne McCann: Black Swan, too
Patchouli Woollahra: anyone can call something a disorder.
Patchouli Woollahra: a lot of people are addicted to life for instance. is that a disorder?
JetZep Zabelin: check out the DSM.. they vote on what they should make into disorders
Aimee Trescothick: 1001 Nights
Patchouli Woollahra: Even though we've seen the bloody death rate from Life.
Kettu Keiko: there's been talk on the radio there is a possible but yet undetermined link between autism and immunization shots..
Patchouli Woollahra: 95% is nothing to sneeze at.
Squirrel Wood: Second Life is an experience more than it is a game ^^
Torley Linden: Sometimes Asperger Syndrome is called a Disorder... it's in the DSM-IV as one. But I'm not one to fight over words.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Being addicted to life is perhaps only a disorder if it is fatal ...
Torley Linden: Squirrel: I like that!
Al Sonic: In such cases, different-perspective-on-world = brain 'rewiring'
Torley Linden: Kettu, I heard that before re: mercury, but I thought that link was found to be false.
Patchouli Woollahra: Unfortunately, nobody can be told what Agni is. you have to see it for yourself.
Marianne McCann: The DSM is not a hard and fast document
Torley Linden: Glad + Addiction = Gladdiction.
Kettu Keiko: no, just not really looked into.. not proven but not disproven either
Aimee Trescothick: Straylight
XTimothyX Aeon: A condition that prevents optimal functioning , and inhibits effective action, is a disorder.
Squirrel's Fortune Cookie: Here's some wisdom for you:
Squirrel's Fortune Cookie: Know her mind and you can have her body, know her heart and you have her soul. -- Anonymous
Marianne McCann: AImee - oh, ya!
Torley Linden: There's a lot of medical treatments which are quackery today but years ago, were regarded as useful.
Aimee Trescothick 's brain ticks slowy
JetZep Zabelin: lol, but medicine is a science.. they must be proven.. the DSM isnt
Torley Linden: Things do change, I'm open to being receptive and learning...
Marianne McCann tends to think around corners
Aimee Trescothick: The Abyss
Kettu Keiko: but, it kinsa makes sense.. it hits them at that age when the first shots are administered, and immunzation has only been so commonplace then mandatory in the last what 50 years wehn autism rates flew thru the roof..
Torley Linden: The Abyss is lovely too, o I like their faux glow effect.
Al Sonic: Then again, any drastically different perspective on the world does become a bit of a brain rewiring itself.
XTimothyX Aeon: It's not just "a different way of looking at the world." Autism prevents people from functioning well.
Kettu Keiko: *kinda
Patchouli Woollahra: Torley: I resent that remark. let me get a phrenological analysis done right nwo.
Torley Linden: Kettu: But there's also been more awareness/knowledge of autism in recent years too.
Aimee Trescothick: yeah, very clever, glow before glow :)
Torley Linden: Trepan yourself! @_@
Torley Linden: Haha Aimee totally.
Patchouli Woollahra: Timothy: only because of how other people respond to those differences.
Kettu Keiko: yesw
Aimee Trescothick: heh, I made swirly glowing fog for outside our gallery :)
Kettu Keiko: that's what makes it so hard to figure out :)
Aimee Trescothick: bit of a glow addict
Torley Linden: I wish American society celebrated eccentrics more. I generalize, but I mean, look at how the English treat Monty Python. :)
Marianne McCann: Aimee - me too,. I LOVE glow
Patchouli Woollahra slaps Torley with a pair of tiny herrings repeatedly.
JetZep Zabelin: ooh yes torley.. eccentric is great!
Torley Linden: Niice Aimee, I LOVE glow too.
Kettu Keiko: glow is awesome
Patchouli Woollahra: Need Scripted Glow please.
Kettu Keiko: yes
Torley Linden: OH speaking of GLOW, who here hasn't seen the Justice "DVNO" video yet? It's one of my fave music vids!
Aimee Trescothick: definitely
Aimee Trescothick:
Kettu Keiko: and formally introduce Dynamic Reflection but as Prim Properties and not Global Flag
XTimothyX Aeon: It's not just other people's response to an autistic person. Put an normal 14-yr old in a wilderness survival situation, and separately, an autistic 14-yr old, and watch the results.
norritt Xi: Yes though I really hope ppl will use glow wisely otherwise we'll soon have to talk Ray-Ban to join SL
Marianne McCann: Meh... the DSM developed out of the census brueau. It's a taxonomy, but not a bible, IMO
Patchouli Woollahra: while Windlight development should not be driving too much of SL's main development atm, I feel that is one of those things that HAS to be met.
Aimee Trescothick: the fog's lovely at night, but a bit bright in the day, scripting it could easily solve that
Torley Linden: Nice, Aimee.
Patchouli Woollahra: DSM? Deep Space Marine?
Aimee Trescothick: :)
norritt Xi: The effect has become really nice though, missed it on several occasions in the past
Rhaorth Antonelli knocks on the door (well I would if there were a door to knock on)
Patchouli Woollahra: Donkeys Slay Monkeys?
Torley Linden: I once locked myself and my brother in a boat compartment (where the lifejackets go).
Patchouli Woollahra: Torley's parlor needs a door.
Aimee Trescothick: it rotates round the sculpture in the centre
Marianne McCann: Diagnostic and Stasistical Manual of mental Disorders
Torley Linden: This is an awesome music video if you like glow, logos, 70/80s design, etc.!
JetZep Zabelin: lol, how did you get out!?!
Torley Linden: If it doesn't blow your mind, it will blow something else.
Torley Linden: JetZep: Thankfully my parents saved me!
Marianne McCann cut her teeth on 80s design
XTimothyX Aeon: lol
Patchouli Woollahra: Torley: remember the overpowering glow pic I once sent you?
JetZep Zabelin: whew! lol
Torley Linden: Patch, I think sooo...
Rhaorth Antonelli: excuse me Torley, mind if I ask a quick question then I will be on my way.
Torley Linden: Sure Rhaorth!
Marianne McCann: Gotta run. Have fun, everybuggy!
norritt Xi: patchouli, theres also a workaround how you can script glow already
Torley Linden: "DVNO... FOUR CAPITAL LETTERS..."
Torley Linden: Take care Mari!
Kettu Keiko: is Dynamic Reflection going to come through soon?
Rhaorth Antonelli: I was wondering about traffic, and the way it is calculated, do they still use the same formula that is posted in the wiki from 2004? (the one about points)
Torley Linden: Kettu, not likely. It's more likely to be included as part of a "materials" package.
Aimee Trescothick: proper shadows are top of my list
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley your hour is almost up!
Torley Linden: Rhaorth, I believe so, but it's old and buggy from time to time. We're hoping to deprecate it eventually...
norritt Xi: marianne, yes there is one moment...
Patchouli Woollahra: and this is the case photo for "Windlight needs a separate glow parameter"
Kettu Keiko: it would be nice to have that as a Prim Property rather than a global flag..
Torley Linden: Traffic is an old appendage which often doesn't make in today's environment.
JetZep Zabelin: oh.. btw, DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, in case anyone got confused there
Aimee Trescothick: but right now, vote :) as my pet issue if you want a 5 decrease in CPU usage :)
Patchouli Woollahra: ph33r the glow!
Torley Linden: Kettu, yup, I agree. Make some things reflect, but not others... different intensities, etc.
Torley Linden: *goes to check out that issue*
Patchouli Woollahra: So shiny- I had to wear goggles!
Patchouli Woollahra: only in Second Life.
Rhaorth Antonelli: would it be possile to either put a small blog post/info to explain that it is still the same formula but up for changes? (or go to the fourms and post there) there was/is a bit of disagreement about it, folks do not believe that it is correct
Torley Linden: Our immediate priorities for viewer performance + stability include reducing the crash rate.
Torley Linden: Rhaorth, sounds like that'd be something for our Documentation Team... I'll ping them about it!
Kettu Keiko: how about improved region crossing?
Patchouli Woollahra: crashes will invariably happen.
Torley Linden: You can aslo let Jon + Jeremy + Kate Linden know personally at their office hours.
Torley Linden: *also
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley what is your primary job function?
Torley Linden: Oh, that wind noise, my gosh!
Rhaorth Antonelli: cool ty Torley, would be nice to see that info even if same info, with a more upto date date...
Patchouli Woollahra: here's a sad fact: 95% of PCs don't have multiple redundancy across the board or tightly written code.
Torley Linden: XTimothyX: Right now, Resident-facing education. Did you already see my page? :)
JetZep Zabelin: sounds like we're in a rainstorm
Torley Linden: Rhaorth, I agree. It's so old.
Object: Hello, Avatar!
Torley Linden: sooold.
Torley Linden: ;)
Rhaorth Antonelli: I will have to see what their office hours are... but could you please pass the request on at the same time
XTimothyX Aeon: yes but I don't understand what that means.
Torley Linden: Yes I will, Rhaorth.
norritt Xi: Damn assetserver is not responding *grrr*
Torley Linden: XTimothyX: Helping people learn about Second Life.
Chase Marellan: It means Torley's in charge of making sure people get inforamtion that let's them use SL better
XTimothyX Aeon: ok
Rhaorth Antonelli: oh and um my jira about friends list having the ability to put into folders anything new on that (it is about a year old now LOL)
Patchouli Woollahra: Can't, been too busy running Torley music through the Audio-surf.
Torley Linden: But it includes a lot of things... thanks Chase. :o)
Chase Marellan: :)
Torley Linden: I do a lot of things tho, apparently.
Torley Linden: Rhaorth, yeah, I'd like to see calling cards axed in favor of a better Friends list.
JetZep Zabelin: well I think you do a great job at it, your vids is what kept me from being a permanoob
XTimothyX Aeon: If Torley Linden had groupies I would be one!
Kettu Keiko: will they try to improve Region Crossing?
Torley Linden: That's very nice of you!
Kettu Keiko: that's still.. ugh
Rhaorth Antonelli: so would I....nudge whoever does it.,.. HARD hehe
Torley Linden: Thanks JetZep... the video tutorials were like, a side-thing I did... and over time, they grew in response to Resident demand.
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley your meeting time is almost up...
Patchouli Woollahra: Answer to : you wuz attacked by Chewbacca?
Torley Linden: Kettu, yes, still gonna work on that.
Torley Linden: Oh it's okay, I'm usually not too tight on time.
Patchouli Woollahra: Timothy: stop looking at the damned clock.
Torley Linden: HAHAH Patch.
XTimothyX Aeon: All this just goes to show what I've been saying all along:
Patchouli Woollahra: he'll go when he needs to go.
Kettu Keiko: i don't mean the crash bug, that's fairly recent..
Torley Linden: There *is* that Watermelon Nation group. =)
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley Linden is by far the best Linden!
Torley Linden: OK OK blushing too much, I don't think of myself as the best.
Rhaorth Antonelli: LOL
Al Sonic: Hahaha, he gets too much of that.
Aimee Trescothick: heheh
Kettu Keiko: i've never really crashed on a Region Cross.. i have gotten "lost" though..
JetZep Zabelin: hair was whipped in your face?
Patchouli Woollahra: How to Eat Your Watermelon in odd company (and Enjoy It)
Torley Linden: Can't have head explode and get too big, that'd mean I'm not a good team player, counter to my goals... I prefer helping others succeed. I'm not a king, but I like to guide people in feeling like they can rock their world. :)
Aimee Trescothick: his head will be swelling to watermelonian proportions
Object: Hello, Avatar!
Torley Linden: JetZep: Haha, yes, it was *something* like that.
XTimothyX Aeon: No, but *WE* think of you as the best Linden!
Kettu Keiko: crossing from Lapara into Astarte and never making it, seeing i'm in Lapara x.-300.x before i hve to relog..
Torley Linden: ^_^
Rhaorth Antonelli: anywho, thank you for your time Torley, and ty for passing on the request, I will also try to get in touch with them if possible. It would be nice to see a offical current info about traffic
Torley Linden: If I'm good, it's because I helped other people be better.
Torley Linden: You're welcome Rhaorth, and I agree.
JetZep Zabelin: lol, my wife once did that to me while i was on the comp
Rhaorth Antonelli: and keep nudging about the friends list hehe
Torley Linden: Over time we'll shift more focus to New Search...
Torley Linden: WOW surreal moving... thing...
Patchouli Woollahra: Traffic is a joke.
Torley Linden: *eyes goggle*
Rhaorth Antonelli: got like 48 or so votes for it on the jira
Aimee Trescothick: :D
Smith Fanshaw: Hello :)
Patchouli Woollahra: If it died tomorrow I wouldn't mourn too much for it.
Torley Linden: Rhaorth, yeah, I think after we can fix some group/social bugs we'd want to have another project to improve features.
XTimothyX Aeon: why is traffic a joke?
Patchouli Woollahra: I mean, look what it brought us: camping chairs.
Rhaorth Antonelli: ah the camping chairs were born with dwell
Al Sonic: Patch is referring to the same issue Torley did when he snapshotted the 'gray' avatars...
Rhaorth Antonelli: and just stuck around when dwell was removed
Patchouli Woollahra: which was about the Traffic.
XTimothyX Aeon: That's a funny idea... Torley's head expanding to watermellon-sized proportions.
Rhaorth Antonelli: ppl did camping to earn the money from dwell, no I am clueless why they do i LOL
Al Sonic: YEP! THAT one! XD
Torley Linden:
JetZep Zabelin: nah i see Torley as a humble and friendly person
Kettu Keiko: heh L$3 per 10 mins.. yeah, that's quick money o.O
Torley Linden: It's a tough thing to be thought of as the best, it's a superlative and a dangerous place... I'm always often to growing and learning more.
Rhaorth Antonelli: not the ppl in the chairs
Chase Marellan: 'Cause traffic still kind of matters
Patchouli Woollahra: Rhaorth: it was a bad thing to happen in SL - I wasn't there when it happened, but I thought it was the worst possible thing to happen to SL.
Chase Marellan: it matters to search
Patchouli Woollahra: Chase: all those dots? yeah, some people think so.
JetZep Zabelin: maybe the traffic just needs a different approach to how its counted
Rhaorth Antonelli: the folks who owned the land, would earn money for folks being on their land (much nmore than 3L per 15 minutes LOL)
Chase Marellan: and it matters when renters are looking for a place to rent
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Torley, I have been IMing a few regulars at your office hours who are not here, and who haven't gotten the word that office hours have changed. Would a sign here be useful, in case folks show up tomorrow by mistake?
Rhaorth Antonelli: dwell paid pretty good to high traffic areas
Chase Marellan: just had a potential renter ask me about it this morning
Patchouli Woollahra: but you know what? I don't think a mortuary full of dead people counts.
AlexanderThe Benelli: Hi comes the one who cant convert from PST to CET ;-)
Torley Linden: Oh oh true... for those who don't click the sign... I should communicate better.
Torley Linden: Thanks for the heads-up, CeeJay.
Torley Linden: I'll put up a new sign... shortly!
CeeJay Tigerpaw: NP.
Patchouli Woollahra: oh gawd, can we haz UTC now?
Chase Marellan: Patch: I agree; but people still ask
Patchouli Woollahra: I'm not prepared to compromise.
AlexanderThe Benelli: @torley:cool av
JetZep Zabelin: I'm still waiting for that hCalendar thing, but I dont mind updating my Gcal since changes arent very often
Patchouli Woollahra: you've seen my shop before, Chase. it's not very high traffic. but the people who have looked in DO remember and talk about it.
Rhaorth Antonelli: LOL Torley hon, you coudl st here all day and here would be people here with you.... did you ever suspect you would become so popular
Torley Linden: This Twisty Glow is awesomesauce.
Aimee Trescothick: :D
Patchouli Woollahra: A lot of autistics discover the hard way that they can't stop becoming popular.
Chase Marellan: Patch: oh, sure, but you have great stuff and people come to see you becuase of it
Patchouli Woollahra: in SL at least.
Chase Marellan: SL is a great place for autistics.
Al Sonic: I wonder if someone keeps a list of do-not-bother-with-this-place locations with bot traffic.
JetZep Zabelin: Can I visit your shot Patchouli?
JetZep Zabelin: shop*
Rhaorth Antonelli: anywho, bye for now and thank you again torley
Patchouli Woollahra: check my profile picks for ChibiMeka.
Torley Linden: On a serious note I really do believe, through my experience and those of others... that SL helps empower the disabled/handicapped/those who find themselves at a disadvantage being person-to-person.
XTimothyX Aeon: who is autistic?
Torley Linden: You're welcome Rhaorth!
JetZep Zabelin: OK! =)
Patchouli Woollahra: Torley is, so is Tateru Nino.
AlexanderThe Benelli: does anyone know if i can swith off "ctrl drag" object movement?
Chase Marellan: And me.
Torley Linden: Thanx Alexander! Glad you could make it!
Patchouli Woollahra: me too.
Torley Linden: Tat is well-known for that!
AlexanderThe Benelli: will need to read history from some1
Patchouli Woollahra: mind, mine isn't as serious, but I don't get as many of the gifts involved.
Al Sonic: I think I saw a JIRA about that one, Alex.
Chase Marellan: ditto for me, Patch
AlexanderThe Benelli: @torley; U know...vidtut translation and so.... *g*
Patchouli Woollahra: Tat also has office hours.
Torley Linden: Pardon Alexander? :)
Kettu Keiko: oh Torley, i never looked this up in JIRA nor posted this, i just thought of it..
JetZep Zabelin: Torley I think you're right, it defintely helped me with my "handicap"
Patchouli Woollahra: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 10pm PST.
AlexanderThe Benelli: u dont forget it, do u? :P
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Cheerio, time to go.
norritt Xi: Oh my stuf is really running slow today
Patchouli Woollahra: you can talk to her about stuff while she puts together the daily wrap on what went on in SL.
Chase Marellan: bye ceejay
Patchouli Woollahra: major events I mean.,
Kettu Keiko: the Windlight clients, on a fresh install the "Skip All Popups" always reset all configurations to fresh-install-defaults
Al Sonic: Ability to switch the 'ctrl-drag' off as a preventative measure against moving prims.
AlexanderThe Benelli: @torley; residents translationg your GREAT video tuts into other languages
Torley Linden: Kettu, sounds like a known bug.
Torley Linden: Alexander, oh I'm totally open to that.
Chase Marellan: Al: you can lock the prim
AlexanderThe Benelli: You said that would have to be disscussed with international team
Patchouli Woollahra: I wouldn't necessarily call it a bug, Torley.
Patchouli Woollahra: it might be there are brand new popups.
Torley Linden: Patch, it resets all the Preferences.
JetZep Zabelin: is there a jira on how opening notecards resets the view does anyone know?
Torley Linden: Not just the popups. @_@
Al Sonic: Ah yes at least there's that.
Torley Linden: JetZep, I remember one internally LONG ago.
AlexanderThe Benelli: so im just dropping it into chat to keep the thought alive *g*
JetZep Zabelin: OK
Patchouli Woollahra: erm, geez, that is bad.
Chaos Mohr: Torley, any progress on With the forced update next week, not too happy that is still there
Chase Marellan: OK, I'd better go. So much scripting, so little time!
Chase Marellan: Later, all!
Al Sonic: Which might be enough.
Kettu Keiko: no, when you do a clean install, the viewer has it's defaults and all the tips and first-run popup dialogs come up with everything you do(like editing and object for the first time)
Al Sonic wavewaves
Object: Script run-time error
Object: Math Error
JetZep Zabelin: I finally got some SL designwork after month in the doldrums
Kettu Keiko: usually, you can go to the preferences and click Skip all Popups..
XTimothyX Aeon: Yes I'm heading out too. Nice to finally meet you Torley!
Kettu Keiko: but the WIndlight clients will lose all Preferences when you do that, like you did a new clean install all over again
Patchouli Woollahra: omg, it's a newbie with a difference!
Torley Linden: OK! Nice to meet you too XTimothyX! Take care!
JetZep Zabelin: lol
Torley Linden: Later Chase, have a good one!
Patchouli Woollahra: that's not a plywood cube!
Patchouli Woollahra: it's a plywood tube!
XTimothyX Aeon: Bye
Chase Marellan: Thanks, Torley!
JetZep Zabelin: tapered even
Torley Linden: Ug, is down, so's my personal site!
XTimothyX Aeon: Watermellon OUT!
Patchouli Woollahra: later, Chase :D
Chase Marellan: Am I the only one having trouble TPing out of here?
AlexanderThe Benelli: must be a "super shield" *g*
Patchouli Woollahra: EEP!
Torley Linden: I didn't put any blockers! Honest! ;)
Chase Marellan: bye, patch!
Al Sonic: It's a plywood RING really.
AlexanderThe Benelli: Who would like to tp "out" of here? :P
Aimee Trescothick: heheh, I see lights in the sky =)
XTimothyX Aeon: watermellon out!@
norritt Xi: Ahh at least attaching works
Patchouli Woollahra: nuuuu... my Chibimeka website was under construction there!
AlexanderThe Benelli: Can someone perhaps send me the chat history?
norritt Xi: There we go scripted glow
JetZep Zabelin: Who else's house looks like a salvador dali sculpture?
Aimee Trescothick: prettier at night though
Torley Linden: Hahah JetZep, I'd dig that bigtime.
Torley Linden: :D
Torley Linden: I like surrealist work lots!
Kettu Keiko: i added a soft glow to rocks behind a waterfall by my land :)
norritt Xi: If you link that cube to another white box it looks like that box was glowing
Al Sonic: Well I don't see myself attending future meetings with Torley anytime soon; college classes are all interfering with that, and this day just happens to be an exception.
JetZep Zabelin: maybe I'll design one, but I gotta make sure I dont copy any design components from anyone
norritt Xi: So actually its a transparency based glow hack
Torley Linden: Thanks Al, I'm glad you could come.
Al Sonic: Ah well.
Torley Linden: All the best with your classes.
Al Sonic: ^_^
AlexanderThe Benelli: Mhh...had that last week(s), couldnt come here :-(
Aimee Trescothick: ah right, yeah, most of my glowly stuff uses alpha
Patchouli Woollahra: that's only a short-term hack, I would assume.
Aimee Trescothick: force sun midnight, and look above us
norritt Xi: Its not nice especially since u need 1 prim more
Patchouli Woollahra: see? hack.
norritt Xi: but while glow insnt implemented into LSL it is better than nothing
Patchouli Woollahra: and not one I intend on allowing.
Kettu Keiko: Torely, how often to New Feature requests in the JIRA get looked through?
Torley Linden: Scriptable glow's coming soon enough.
Patchouli Woollahra: norritt: well, you go ahead if you want - I'm staying firm on getting scripted glow.
Free Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
norritt Xi: And if you build avatar attachments primcount is not that critical
Patchouli Woollahra: the heck it is not.
Torley Linden: Kettu, depends which ones... not as much as bugs but we have commented on various ones. I've commented on a lot.
Aimee Trescothick: Torley now has his own galaxy above his home :D
Patchouli Woollahra: every prim that goes into an avatar, is one less spare reserved prim in the region for other things.
JetZep Zabelin: Is there going to be more than 6 local lighting anytime soon do you know?
norritt Xi: As I said Pachouli, I'm also waiting for it but till then this is a way to have it before it is actually there
JetZep Zabelin: really Patch? I didnt know that o.O
AlexanderThe Benelli: Did you talk about "windlight water on a prim"?
Aimee Trescothick: the number of local lights is a hard limit from OpenGL
Torley Linden: JetZep: I believe that's an OpenGL limit... and I don't know what's planned past that time, but WindLight Office Hours are happening RIGHT NOW in Brampton if you wanna ask the WL devs.
Patchouli Woollahra: it cannot be possible a coincidence that idiots in overdetailed Space Marine armor are capable of crashing regions merely through their presence.
Torley Linden: What Aimee said!
Torley Linden: @_@
Torley Linden: I want a better Master Chief av.
Aimee Trescothick: :D
Torley Linden: I tried to get one called the Melon Chief... but it was kinda shoddily built.
Patchouli Woollahra: JetZep; 6 local lighting in hardware is a OpenGL limit, yes.
Al Sonic: water on a prim... likely to become part of the 'materials' mentioned earlier.
Torley Linden: SO I was like, blah.
Kettu Keiko: i requested to have Texture Repeats per Meter aspect ratio seperated like Rpeats per Face is months ago.. was just wondering..
Patchouli Woollahra: any environment that claims to be able to get over it is probably going to be cheating with lightmapping.
JetZep Zabelin: oh you're right, WL meeting is happening right now
Torley Linden: :)
Patchouli Woollahra: which is not something most resis have access to.
norritt Xi: Patchouli: You won't crash a sim with avatar attachments
AlexanderThe Benelli: depends...
AlexanderThe Benelli: *g*
norritt Xi: At least not if its only the prim count
Torley Linden: I'm not going to be at today's WL office hour but when WL is in RC, then we're planning to combine those with Release Candidate bug triages.
norritt Xi: Maybe there is a way adding nasty scripting to many prims then it might cause trouble
Aimee Trescothick: that's "any time now" right?
AlexanderThe Benelli: can some1 just drop me the LM to the WL office hr?
Aimee Trescothick is running 1.19.1 already :)
norritt Xi: But the SIMs can really take a lot of load especially the calss 5
norritt Xi: class
Al Sonic: Ahg... stuff not rezzing now.
JetZep Zabelin: You know I heard about SL about 2 years before I even tried it.. I'd have come sooner if I would have known that it is THIS! lol
AlexanderThe Benelli: "now" ist somewhat like the last 5h for me :P
Al Sonic: Ahh.
Aimee Trescothick: ah, nonrezzyness might be my fault depending where your trying
Al Sonic: I can't attach it or anything.
Aimee Trescothick: I'll move the twisty glow
Patchouli Woollahra: norritt: yes, but just because a bridge is rated for five tons does NOT mean you should load it with five tons.
Aimee Trescothick: oh
Aimee Trescothick: not me then
JetZep Zabelin:
Patchouli Woollahra: There's this bizzare concept that gets in the way called "Give Or Take a couple"
norritt Xi: Yes but if you have 5 tons to carry over there is no good reason not to do it
Patchouli Woollahra: do you really need EVERY single prim?
Torley Linden: Hahaha.
Kettu Keiko: just hope you don't have oncoming traffic to add to the load
JetZep Zabelin: Patch, i know but I have a bad habit of pushing the envelope in everything i do
Patchouli Woollahra: one of the things that gets some members of the andriod community in SL behind me is that I don't overdose on prims.
Torley Linden: Whelp, it's been a charm! I need to go to further work now... but thanx to each and everyone for coming to my office hour!
Patchouli Woollahra: I use scilptmaps, but I don't od on them either.
JetZep Zabelin: take care Torley
Patchouli Woollahra: take care Torley.
Torley Linden: Next week shall be at the same day/time, Thursdays @ 12 PM PST.
norritt Xi: Neither do I Patchouli
Aimee Trescothick: heh, the twisty glow's now on the water
Patchouli Woollahra: only one session?
Torley Linden: T'care my fellow avatars!
Al Sonic: I was just about to show I could do some fun cloud coloration with the right settings... but anyhow...
Aimee Trescothick: take care :)
Torley Linden: I wish you all wells in your travels, and many memorable moments you can smile back on. :D