User:Menolly Riederer

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Revision as of 16:30, 18 March 2008 by Menolly Riederer (talk | contribs) (New page: == About Me == Hi everybody, I'm Menolly and I'm an SL and Mentor Addict. Originally from New Zealand, I live in Melbourne Australia and spend my first life keeping a small tribe in line...)
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About Me

Hi everybody, I'm Menolly and I'm an SL and Mentor Addict.

Originally from New Zealand, I live in Melbourne Australia and spend my first life keeping a small tribe in line at home and a large one in line at work. A friend told me about SL about in January 2007 and my addiction began. Like just about everyone I have explored and sat in awe at the achievements of the many talented people who have created this fabulous place we all love to spend time in and love to share it with as many as possible.

In SL I am the manager of two fabulous country sims; Country Charm and Western Charm. I love to build with some of my creations including a wild-west township, my own store in Waitangi, and the stock for two businesses (shoes and rugs of all things). When I'm not building you can find me mentoring on OIs and HI, exploring all the new places constantly popping up in SL, attending classes (you can never know enough) or hanging out with some of the best friends anyone could ask for.

I became a Mentor when I realised I was applauding people at help island who had learned to drop a box instead of wearing it. What can I say, being able to pass on the tips and tricks that I learned from others is a great feeling when you know that someone is going to enjoy this fabulous place that little bit more because it suddenly became easier to do something. So if you ever see my about the place and you have a question about SL feel free to ask, if I dont know it I will find out for you - that way we both learn - yippee!!!

My SL Haunts

Country Charm🖈

Impressions at Western Charm🖈

Impressions - Unique Floor and Wallhangings🖈

Favourites Places

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