Sharing SLurls with postcards
You can send snapshots from Second Life to any email address. These are called postcards. All you need to do is:
- Click Snapshot button on the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
- Select the "postcard" option
- Click Send, type your recipient's email and descriptive text, and click Send again.
Within minutes, they'll get it — with a SLurl!
One popular popular way to use them is emailing them to social sites to show off! See example on Flickr, and notice how the "Visit Tiny" link is a SLurl! This is great, because the picture (said to be worth 1,000 words) gives you an idea what to expect.
However, emailing straight to Flickr doesn't work as expected due to how postcard templates are arranged. To work around this, social sites like Mixoom, Snapzilla, and Koinup have stepped in to provide better crossposting in addition to their own dedicated hosting.
<videoflash type="vimeo">4167186|640|480</videoflash>
For more info on Second Life snapshots and how to make the best of postcard SLurls, see: