Make a movie in SL
Revision as of 08:00, 7 April 2008 by Dildo Spitz (talk | contribs)
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Before you begin you will need the following:
- Windows Media 8.0 and 9.0 codecs (if you don't already have them). You can search these at: [1].
- Video editing software
- Change your screen resolution to as small as possible.
- Right-click on your Windows desktop.
- Choose Properties, then Settings.
- Choose 800 by 600 pixels.
- Click Apply, then OK.
- Log into Second Life
- Turn on the Debug menu.
- Press Ctrl-Alt-D. Debug should appear to the right of Help in the main menu.
- Set your movie resolution.
- From the menu, select Debug/Set 320x240 Windowed.
- IMPORTANT: your Second Life window will be reduced significantly.
- During filming, you must leave the SL window at this size on your screen.
- Hide the User Interface.
- Click Ctrl-Alt-1 to hide the UI so that it won't appear in your movie.
- Start your movie.
- Click Ctrl-Shift-A to start the movie (this command also stops filming).
- Pick a place to save your movie.
- IMPORTANT: select or create a folder NOT on your desktop, for example, any folder on your C drive will work.
- Once you have your folder selected, click Open.
- Click Save.
- Choose video compression.
- Select Full Frames/Uncompressed.
- IMPORTANT: this will generate a large uncompressed video file - about 1 GB per minute, which you will need to compress during or after editing. OR
- Select Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec.
- Click OK. Filming beings.
- Capture your raw footage.
- To stop filming, Click Ctrl-Shift-A.
- Edit your movie using your choice of video editing application.