User:Torley Linden/Office Hours/2008-03-27

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Revision as of 13:15, 7 April 2008 by Torley Linden (talk | contribs) (New page: '''Torley Linden:''' OH GOOD GOSH, Friendly Greetings!<br> '''Torley Linden:''' I think I am horribly ruthed, I shall relog! BRB!<br> floatythingy AO: 3091 bytes free<br> Voice not availab...)
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Torley Linden: OH GOOD GOSH, Friendly Greetings!
Torley Linden: I think I am horribly ruthed, I shall relog! BRB!
floatythingy AO: 3091 bytes free
Voice not available at your current location
XLR8RRICK Hudson: made it Hello everyone
Torley Linden: Hello hello!
Torley Linden: Good to see each and all of you here already! What's new and exciting!
Harleen Gretzky: Hi Torley :)
Torley Linden: I was just editing my Tip of the Week for later today, it's going to be on editing particles.
Torley Linden: Hi Harleen!
Arcana Dagger: Hello Torley!!
dandellion Kimban: hello everybody
GOLAN Eilde: hi
Khashai Steinbeck: Hey Torley, I was bored and needed entertainment, the kind only you can provide.
GOLAN Eilde: hey torley
Torley Linden: HAHAHAH oh i am funneh
Torley Linden: ^_^
Torley Linden: Well you've come to the right place then.
Torley Linden: Hey GOLAN, dandellion, all!
GOLAN Eilde: hi
GOLAN Eilde: as i told u in facebook i need yr help
Torley Linden: Feel free to share what's on your minds, these discussions tend to flow from one topic to another, or multiples at a time, even. o.O
Torley Linden: GOLAN, can you please refresh my memory?
Torley Linden: I don't use 3rd-party sites for work stuff aside from Video Tutorials (mainly).
GOLAN Eilde: i ddint ask it yet
GOLAN Eilde: i need to bring the guy here
GOLAN Eilde: grafic card problem
GOLAN Eilde: i have asked the mentor group
GOLAN Eilde: no answer their
XLR8RRICK Hudson: Golan did you find out what Card it was
GOLAN Eilde: meybe u can answer
Torley Linden: Sorry, I can't generally help with those unless it's a specific bug; I'd recommend contacting Support.
CeeJay Tigerpaw has a quick question ...?
GOLAN Eilde: depend on whos computer
Torley Linden: Sure CeeJay!
CeeJay Tigerpaw: A bunch of regulars who have been hanging out in a corner of Violet (welcome area) forever are contemplating running a proposal past the Lindens to rent part of Violet for our use.
Squirrel Wood chants 'Torley! Torley! Torley! Torley!' ^^
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I suspect this is not the place for a discussion on the politics and details of this issue, but -- which Linden should we ask?
GOLAN Eilde: ok i will ask
GOLAN Eilde: oh
GOLAN Eilde: he is here
GOLAN Eilde: acer
Torley Linden: CeeJay: Let's see who's closest to that... *thinks* I bet IWorld Team or VTeam because both are involved with Resident activities that way... someone like Teeple or Mia. (Gosh, we really need a better way of forwarding specific requests like that.)
GOLAN Eilde: coem here plese
GOLAN Eilde: well acer here got a problem
GOLAN Eilde: on his computer
Torley Linden: Would this be a region rental similar to how... say... we rent the vehicle regions?
Acer Nightfire: hello
Jumpman Lane: er could ya slide to le right a il
GOLAN Eilde: that grafic card
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Teeple Linden, Mia Linden, and/or find a way to contact iWorld Team or VTeam?
Jumpman Lane: i want a pic of the great watermelon
Torley Linden: CeeJay: Teeple heads IWorld and Mia's on VTeam.
Torley Linden: OK sure have a picture, I'm a friendly Nessie. I hope you'll tell me what you're using it for tho. =)
Jumpman Lane: thanx
Torley Linden: GOLAN and Acer, again, I apologize, I can't help with specific troubleshooting issues, the right place for those is Support.
Torley Linden: I would be drowned in them otherwise and I'm not well-equipped to help. :|
Carduccis Sticky Green: puff puff pass... the air is full of weed smoke
CeeJay Tigerpaw: TY Torley, this is an interesting quality-of-experience issue, I will let you know how it works out.
GOLAN Eilde: tho i dont know who to ask tho
Torley Linden: CeeJay: You're welcome, Violet is looking pretty fab, took some nice pictures and am glad to see it done "at last".
GOLAN Eilde: meybe rob ?
Torley Linden: GOLAN, , and send a ticket through there with all the details you know of.
GOLAN Eilde: acer
GOLAN Eilde: that url
Acer Nightfire: yes?
CeeJay Tigerpaw: The regulars in Violet are delighted with Ingrid and Barnesworth's work; unfortunately, in the past, the griefers have been the people speaking loudest about it.
Arcana Dagger: oo multiplying seats! fun!
Torley Linden: It's pointless to complain without constructive action. Muahaha.
Torley Linden: I like these seats a lot.
XLR8RRICK Hudson: always a free seat here
Torley Linden: I've grown so fond of them... thanks to Timeless Prototype for scripting this.
Arawn Spitteler: Haven't seen those, before? I'm working on doing it all, with a single bench
XLR8RRICK Hudson: I have a similar one in the Multi Tools
Torley Linden: Amazing what sorts of gadgets get invented that aren't physically possible, or even nearly so in the next few dozens of years.
Arcana Dagger: hehe i like ejectors
Torley Linden: I know Mystical Cookie also has nice multiplying chairs in her MystiTool.
Torley Linden: Heya Oshikuru, glad you could make it.
Acer Nightfire: ohh i love those chairs
Arawn Spitteler: You'd be surprised what's physically possible, when you start rewriting the physics engine of reality
dandellion Kimban: LOL
Torley Linden: Haha Arawn, I'd love that, sounds like a Philip K. Dick novel.
Torley Linden: I like PKD a LOT, I just finished reading UBIK, very Second Lifey in some ways.
Arawn Spitteler: Didn't he die? I might be able to schedule an appointment
dandellion Kimban: he did
Torley Linden: Oh sadly, PKD has been dead since 1982.
Torley Linden: My respects to such an imaginative, and at times, troubled man.
Arawn Spitteler: Good, he'll be off the teen grid, by now.
Arawn Spitteler hit a weirdness of bug, yesterday.
Torley Linden: What bug be this?
Jumpman Lane: i bet i have a better bug
XLR8RRICK Hudson: ok lets hear them
Arawn Spitteler: A train wreck, where the Fast Hobo Train just lagged away, left me with forward and bacl controls, but not rot-left and rot-right controls. This didn't repair on log in, but only when I rezzed anotyher train
Jumpman Lane: i cant leave
Jumpman Lane: cant see it in groups under contact
Jumpman Lane: and the owner hasnt been on in months
Jumpman Lane: yet it counts as one of my 25
Arawn Spitteler: That would suck such
XLR8RRICK Hudson: ok that sounds weird
Jumpman Lane: it does :p
Torley Linden: Jumpman, I've heard of that bug before... I've seen that on the Issue Tracker.
Torley Linden: Arawn, did you Release Keys?
Jumpman Lane: ive looked
Jumpman Lane: sent in a ticket
Jumpman Lane: i gues it can b fixed
XLR8RRICK Hudson: the only way to leave a group is in your Profile
Jumpman Lane: i dont think so
Torley Linden: You mean via Communicate > Groups tab. :)
Jumpman Lane: in contacts under groups is what the know base says
Arawn Spitteler: I normally have a release keys button, probably from Babbler, so I don't do that often.
Jumpman Lane: or under edit
Jumpman Lane: which is the same thing
Jumpman Lane: yes
Jumpman Lane: the group doesnt show up there
Squirrel Wood: Humm... Torley, do you perchance have any recent usage statistics on voice? There's apparently a couple blog comment trolls who think the majority of the players doesn't want voice....
Torley Linden: In the future we should have a per-gadget Release Keys. (I saw prototype sketches.)
JetZep Zabelin: I had that problem before, couldnt leave a group for days.. finally i could leave it XP
Torley Linden: Squirrel, I've seen some encouraging internal stats on the adoption of voice. Not sure if they're going to be released but those comments are inaccurate. :)
Arawn Spitteler: Even identifying which gadgets the release keys are for, should be an obvious.
Torley Linden: Yeah totally Arawn.
Squirrel Wood: I know they are inaccurate. but they need to be taught that they are wrong ;)
Jumpman Lane: its been a coupla week jet
JetZep Zabelin: guess trolls dont want a voice
Torley Linden: Yeah, even with metrics tho, some people will always say, "Those were doctored! It's a FAAAAKE!"
Squirrel Wood: Mayhaps the majority of the minority wants no voice :p
dandellion Kimban: why bother on stats... as long as you have option t use/not to use... you cannot complain
Torley Linden: I've learned often when people say, "I speak for everyone here", they clearly don't.
JetZep Zabelin: a vocal minority that dont wanna voice
Torley Linden: And like dandellion said, that's precisely why I show how to turn it off, and people who don't want to use voice can get together and have their own fun.
Jumpman Lane: how many people really use it though?
Arawn Spitteler can't use voice, but doesn't find it attractive: Is there a feedback on whether voice is active, on a viewer? I'd like to see the same on the Windlight OPTION
Jumpman Lane: most i know do not
dandellion Kimban: arawn, there is a white spot over the avies head
JetZep Zabelin: i hear ppl using it all the time
XLR8RRICK Hudson: I do rarely
Torley Linden: And you can pretty much turn off WindLight via Graphics Preferences.
Torley Linden: Just move the slider all the way to Low.
Arawn Spitteler: For me, there is no spot.
Torley Linden: Kill the shaders.
Jumpman Lane: people yelling that the won=men around them r men when they dont
dandellion Kimban: hey, if you want to transgender you don't mind ppl talking around
dandellion Kimban: :)
Torley Linden: I prefer not to create new problems when so many already exist. ;)
Arawn Spitteler: The Shaders are off, by default, as my card is unsupported, but I have to kill Imposters myself. Windlight still leaves the world too dark.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: In a social group of well-established residents in Violet, I'd say that at any given time perhaps a third of the people there are using voice; though some just listen.
XLR8RRICK Hudson: what guys with girl avs no way LOL
JetZep Zabelin: I used to turn down all my graphics on quake (1) so I could play online XD
Squirrel Wood: You are all male until proven otherwise :p
Jumpman Lane: hey ima people person i let tards live :P but voice woud get me introuble, arguments and such and skye makes me sleeoy
Torley Linden: Arawn: Too dark at noon and such? Subjectivity accounted for, I've more commonly heard that WL is too bright! :O But in the future, we'll have server-side support where people can use their own custom day cycles... power to 'em.
Jumpman Lane: so i type
Arawn Spitteler: Real Transvestites can use voice, and are very convincing
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I am all ones and zeros, and you'd better believe it!
Torley Linden: They have classes to teach voice acting!
Jumpman Lane: why bother they have electronics 'll do the same thing
Arawn Spitteler could probably do it: I normally set to Sunrise, but that's dark as night, on windlight
Jumpman Lane: and sl is big there acceptance for most lgal stuff soemwhere
Torley Linden: In the future there'll be controversy over holographic imagers that disguise body type.
JetZep Zabelin: WL isn't too bright.. its just ppl dont see enough shadows so they think its too bright
Squirrel Wood: Humm... I wonder.. Right now, open sims are only available to those who already own a full sim.... why is that? I mean, I can't afford a full sim but can an open sim one.... yet I cannot get one because of said limitation...
Torley Linden: Scramble suits too a la A Scanner Darkly.
Torley Linden: Squirrel: I'm not sure. Good question for a Concierge FAQ.
Guan Martinsyde: Hi all
Torley Linden: Hiya Guan!
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Do you suppose there was controversy when typewriters began to disguise handwriting?
dandellion Kimban: I bet there was
Jumpman Lane: i think ive seen the future then my graphix card sux and i've literally seen people turn into trees when i tried windlight
XLR8RRICK Hudson: hey Guan
Guan Martinsyde: Hi
Arawn Spitteler: A problem with the Daniel Linden Interpretation of ToS, is that even getting Ruthed is illegal, somewhere.
Torley Linden: ? There's history here I know about!
JetZep Zabelin: imagine the controversy when they invented clothes
Torley Linden: Haha CeeJay, VERY insightful...
Arawn Spitteler turns off Imposters, so people look like people.
Torley Linden: I do know some elderfolk who told me they don't like fonts on computers because they take away the beauty of cursive.
Torley Linden: But then again, they couldn't tell the difference between some nice OpenType typefaces and actual handwriting... ;)
JetZep Zabelin: hehee
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Yeah, and speech gets away from the stark emotion of grunts and belches.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Speech is *so* Holocene...
Torley Linden: Arawn, BTW, if you don't already know, Avatar Imposters is linked to Avatar Mesh Detail... slide AMD all the way to the right and Imposters happen at further distances.
Torley Linden: HAHA CeeJay, notable quotable.
Arawn Spitteler: Cursive is an art, at which I suck. Should I receive this thing from b.places? I've had bad luck, with that system
Arawn Spitteler: If I ever try Windlight again, I'll probably forget that. I was under the impression, that Imposters were suppoosed to start at 20 meters, rather than 5
JetZep Zabelin: cursive was too difiicult for me
Torley Linden: I've had fun with b.places but... what thing (!)?
dandellion Kimban: torley, I have a JIRA that nobody but me (and probably Lindens) can access.... what is wrong?
Arawn Spitteler: [12:26] You decline 'Lets celebrate!' ( ) from b-places Station.
Arawn Spitteler: I don't know if that belongs on your premises or not.
Torley Linden: dandellion, is it a security issue? What's the #?
dandellion Kimban: yes
dandellion Kimban:
Torley Linden: Yeah, that's why.
Torley Linden: That's expected behavior, so if there's an exploit, someone can't maliciously use it ahead of time.
Arawn Spitteler could probably script a sensor with a filter not to offer to a linden
dandellion Kimban: I am not sure if it was supposed to be sec, it is security improvement for land not client exploit
Oshikuru Kirax: Torley - Are you on voice in here? Can I check level with you?
Torley Linden: dandellion, I can move it out... sorry Oshikuru, not on voice chat right now!
Torley Linden: *looks at the issue*
Oshikuru Kirax: Thanks anyway
Arawn Spitteler: People on Voice would have dots.
Arawn Spitteler: Voice isn't as transcript friendly, as Text, and it doesn't benefit some clients
Yar Trevellion: Hi Torley, last night upon login, a bunch of folders full of items that are not mine appeared in my inventory, and it will not let me touch it. What do I do?
dandellion Kimban: that happened to few other residents today
Torley Linden: Yar, I would contact Support about that.
dandellion Kimban: grid is spitting out stolen items :)
Yar Trevellion: Does it matter if I'm a free member?
Jumpman Lane: happend a few weeks ago to sa lot of people LL fixed it
Arawn Spitteler: Is there still an inventory recovery project?
Acer Nightfire: that happened to me yesterday as well
Jumpman Lane: for them i gueess
Arawn Spitteler: I've heard that Support won't talk to those of us who spend less thatn U$125/mo
Yar Trevellion: How did you all get it remedied?
JetZep Zabelin: i got the other day too but it was Library folders
Torley Linden: Yar, hmm that's a bit tricky because we don't have that kind of Support ticket for Basic accounts YET but... what I can do, keep in mind I'm not Support, is try to run an inventory "transform" fix on you.
Jumpman Lane: it was a problem of library folders in your regular inventory
Torley Linden: Yar, can you please log off, then log back in, in 2 minutes?
Jumpman Lane: when ll became aware of it the fixed it a fter a few hours
Jumpman Lane: i commenten on some blog about it
Yar Trevellion: Ok, thanks
Torley Linden: dandellion, moved to :)
dandellion Kimban: thanks :D
Torley Linden: If anyone has any ideas for Video Tutorials, ESPECIALLY QUICKTIPS that could be done in 2-min. or less, let me know, more are coming up and I like to help with that. :D
Torley Linden: I know I keep asking for it, hehe, it never ends. ^_^
Jumpman Lane: expanding ur cache
Torley Linden: Expanding?
Jumpman Lane: just found it under debugs last night
Jumpman Lane: you done that yet?
Jumpman Lane: fom 1 gig to 3
dandellion Kimban: that can be done?
Jumpman Lane: in client
Torley Linden: No, which specific Debug Setting is that? I'm not sure offhand that would increase performance substantially. Need to check with our engineers.
Jumpman Lane: ill check
Torley Linden: Last time I checked, it made the cache bigger but not work any noticeably better.
JetZep Zabelin: sorry im stuck
Jumpman Lane: i just hate having to clear it so often
Torley Linden: Slowed disk access time was a tradeoff.
Jumpman Lane: really
JetZep Zabelin: cant move
Jumpman Lane: crap i have been slower
JetZep Zabelin: lol
Squirrel Wood: When will we get to see video tutorials on bug triages and office hours? ^^
Jumpman Lane: but i got 125 gigs
Torley Linden: Yikes JetZep, try to sit on a seat?
dandellion Kimban: jet, sit somewhere
Jumpman Lane: only usint like 30
Torley Linden: Squirrel, what did you have in mind specifically?
JetZep Zabelin: =)
Squirrel Wood: how to find out when they are and where and what is expected mayhaps
Torley Linden: I've been thinking (longer-term when/if I have more time) of doing an explorer series of videos where I drop by places like Linden Office Hours and show what's going on. It wouldn't be so much step-by-step instructional as "HEY THIS IS WHAT'S GOING ON!"
Squirrel Wood: and how they are linked to the jira (agendas)
Torley Linden: So I like the idea.
Khashai Steinbeck: Torley, has there been a video turorial on the difference between using world and local ruler modes when building?
Jumpman Lane: drop in world torley
Torley Linden: Khashai, sort of but could use a refresher, what do you think are the most important differences between those?
Jumpman Lane: like real places, office hours are like staged
Torley Linden: I think Reference Ruler needs to be better documented. Some of this stuff, I'd like to help our Knowledge Base peeps supplement it with video.
Khashai Steinbeck: I personally find local most useful when making angular builds myself, but I am certain others have different observations. I have at least one friend who swears by it in doing radial builds.
Jumpman Lane: show what's REALLY going on!
dandellion Kimban: it would be of great use to have keyboard shortcut for switching from local to world and back
Squirrel Wood: Torley, you so should come check out the Iron Builder contest sometime :)
Torley Linden: That sounds fun, I am a fan of Iron Chef... haha... I like the competitive angles, I admit.
JetZep Zabelin: i still dont know how "reference" setting for rulers work
Squirrel Wood: 2 hours to build an easter basket out of boxes...
Khashai Steinbeck: Indeed it would, honestly though Torley, to be more specific, the simple fact that in local ruler mode it changes the x,y,and z sliders in relation to the prim itself is the most useful aspect of it to me. I belive most users never fiddle with the setting, and they stick with world mode, which is so much more difficult for working on any sort of build at a strange angle.
Torley Linden: Wellsaid Khashai! OK, thanks. Yeah, I should do one on ruler modes specifically.
Arawn Spitteler: Would local help in building? I might never have tried it.
JetZep Zabelin: Do you have a quick vid on using attachments?
Torley Linden: JetZep, yes.
Arawn Spitteler: "How to wear your slice of Watermelon."
JetZep Zabelin: ah ok good :)
Torley Linden: Hahaha. OMG particles, these are nice rays of light!
Jumpman Lane: how about abuse reprots
Jumpman Lane: none of mine ever stick
Torley Linden: I've been hoping to do abuse one with the GTeam... so that's still in the pipeline.
Jumpman Lane: is ther a tutorial on that
Jumpman Lane: good
XTimothyX Aeon: Hello Mr. Torley
Jumpman Lane: u should do one on the cornfield
Squirrel Wood: a tutorial on each specific prim type and how you can modify it ?
Jumpman Lane: does that even really exist
Jumpman Lane: like a tour
Arawn Spitteler doesn't know what a cornfield is, unless a fox is waiting there
Torley Linden: Squirrel, hmmm... that could be pretty extensive.
Squirrel Wood: building basics - how to find yourself a nice, quiet, griefer free sandbox :)
Torley Linden: The Cornfield isn't used anymore.
Jumpman Lane: really
JetZep Zabelin: i saw a cornfield just past help island pub
Torley Linden: What are your fave sandboxes, Squirrel?
Torley Linden: I did a "What is a sandbox?" one but I see some followup would be in order. =o)
XTimothyX Aeon: Hello Mr. Torley
Squirrel Wood: the furnation ones and I have a couple other ones I sometimes build in
dandellion Kimban: ferox is nice
Torley Linden: SLURLs/landmarks always appreciated.
Squirrel Wood: A list of sandbox landmarks in the library mayhaps ?
Torley Linden: Yar, did that help any? Sorry if I missed something earlier!
Yar Trevellion: No, it's exactly the same
Squirrel Wood: not many landmarks in the library folder
JetZep Zabelin: i just discovered ferox the other day
Torley Linden: Darn, sorry Yar. :\
Yar Trevellion: Thanks anyway, I appreciate it
Torley Linden: :)
Jumpman Lane: discordia is good, high prim they let ya build anysize ting and only clean it when the whim strikes them
Arawn Spitteler: Welcome back, XTimothyX
JetZep Zabelin: I like SHermerville :)
Torley Linden: I wish someone would do a comparative review of sandboxes, at least ones that've been around a few months or more because some are nice but shortlived.
XTimothyX Aeon: thx
Jumpman Lane: lotsa griefers in discordia though but only tards with guns
dandellion Kimban gave you Ferox Tropical Island Sandbox - , Ferox (82, 207, 22).
XTimothyX Aeon: Hello Mr. Torley.
Torley Linden: w00t *catches landmarks*
dandellion Kimban: is there any chance to bug somebody about setting new stuff in frebie stores on HI's?
Torley Linden: Hey XTimothyX!
Torley Linden: dandellion, not sure who's doing updating for that right now... talking to someone on Volunteer Team would prolly be closest.
Arawn Spitteler: The ultimate griefer is the guy with no sense of humor.
Squirrel Wood: ^^
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley Linden is by far the best Linden.
XTimothyX Aeon: Remember that?!
Torley Linden: That's nice but I can't say that's true! If I'm good it's because I helped others be better.
Torley Linden: :-)
XTimothyX Aeon: Agreed Arawn
Torley Linden: Wow, hard drives sure are falling in price. US$100 for 500GB.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: A possibly useful general feature came up in discussion in Violet the other day: How about giving all residents a high-end movelock device -- the main intent being to protect newbies from pushing and kicking.
Arawn Spitteler: I sometimes wonder why Sim Prices are so stable
Jumpman Lane: we need grpahix cards lol
XTimothyX Aeon: You know those nuclear missiles that you rez, and about 8 of them come up, and you shoot them into the sky?
dandellion Kimban: movelocks are laggy
GOLAN Eilde: dont buy the 9800gx2
JetZep Zabelin: i want my cpu on my wrist.. pluginto any station :)
Torley Linden: CeeJay: It'd be great to have such devices more accessible, and include the ability to bypass the fly hover height limit too.
XTimothyX Aeon: I just got a day suspension because someone complained that those were "weapons"
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Some of us have been debating getting a transferable one and offering it to all the newbies we see.
Jumpman Lane: i got an hour suspension yest cause those weps look like ol grierfer sim crashers
Torley Linden: We're evolving in Second Life to recognize that since different customs/mores/cultures can be so varied in how they perceive griefing and all that, estate-level abuse resolution has been useful.
Jumpman Lane: AN HOUR!
Jumpman Lane: and quick too
XTimothyX Aeon: I don't understand what you mean JUMPMAN
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Something like Mysti tools's movelock in the Library, or even as a menu option that was defaulted to "on", would fix a lot of the newbie-griefing problems right now.
Jumpman Lane: which part
Squirrel Wood: the fn sandboxes usually are well covered... griefer attacks are usually cleared within seconds :)
Jumpman Lane: i was forced out by some linden yest
Squirrel Wood: epic fail for griefers ^^
Jumpman Lane: couldnt logg for an hour
XTimothyX Aeon: "ol greifer sim crashers"
Jumpman Lane: was warned
Jumpman Lane: but i wanst griefing
Torley Linden: Part of the prob with the current Library is it's not intuitive to update (for Lindens) and not easily discoverable by new Residents unless you tell them. We need a better way. I love clipart. I'd love to see easy kits of stuff given off the bat. IWorld has had some ideas in that area.
Torley Linden: Ha, "epic fail", I like that one and "full of win".
Jumpman Lane: like a year ago they used to use mario
Jumpman Lane: or jello crap to crash sims
Jumpman Lane: now the same or simialr particles show up in wpn huds
Squirrel Wood: havok 4 sims they have yet to find a way to crash
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Or poofing advertisements for enhancements to organs they do not possess...
Squirrel Wood: so they are back to replicators, particles and sound spam
Jumpman Lane: yup
JetZep Zabelin: theres a lot you can do in SL, its all what you put your mind and efforts into
Squirrel Wood: all of which are cleared within seconds
Jumpman Lane: lost of hud use them particles and they look like the ol glodal assault
Torley Linden: Amazing what the power of a lively mind can do...
JetZep Zabelin: greifer content never lasts :)
Jumpman Lane: def on the decline
XTimothyX Aeon: Speaking of particles, can regular particles like bubbles, or whatever, be considered greifing? Can't peopleclikc on you and shut them off?
JetZep Zabelin: full of fail XD
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Perhaps some areas are well-covered against griefing, but I can name a few that aren't.
Jumpman Lane: but do you lindens really view it all as sort of entertainment?
Torley Linden: You can mute an avatar's (or object's) particles, yes. In moderation it's fine, I wouldn't worry about particles.
Torley Linden: Making the tools easier-to-use is very important. Otherwise, how the heck does someone know to mute?
Jumpman Lane: u can tur down how any particles u see i preferences too
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I saw an interesting loophole in griefing protection the other week: In a sim with lots of rental properties, the owners were off-line for months due to personal problems. No one had permissions to remove griefer objects.
JetZep Zabelin: someone tried to greif me by wearing a BRIGHT light attachment
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Got it fixed by a Linden on an ad-hoc basis, but there ought to be a routine mechanism for such problems.
Arawn Spitteler has been known to shut off the rendering of trees: Is it possible, to limit the input for each texture? Spirit City probably isn't the only island, where Creativity goes to a crippling extreme.
dandellion Kimban: ceejay... that is no way to go... one must leave somebody with permissions behind
Torley Linden: Arawn, you can turn down tree detail, there is a Debug Setting for that.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Not the owners' fault -- major surgery in RL, I believe.
Torley Linden: Would be useful to let the billed owner of an estate designate someone to speak for him/her next, but in part that's what the Estate Managers are for.
XTimothyX Aeon: Well.... I am definitely not in favor of greifers, but 2 out of 3 times it seems like someone AR's a person simply because they "don't like" what the person is doing, without stopping to examine whether the person is actually interfering with them, and file an AR. Then it seems "the authorities" just listen to the complainer, and also do'nt stop to think. I've seen people get AR'd for stuff that is clearly not greifing.
Jumpman Lane: the lindedns read the server logs or so they say
Jumpman Lane: that should vindicate ya
Torley Linden: Our GTeam usually emphasizes abuse reports from multiple eyewitnesses, so... one person who's causing trouble that a lot of people don't like which is also against the Community Standards. (GTeam has office hours if you want to discuss with them!)
Jumpman Lane: not e but u maybe :p
Arawn Spitteler: G-Team might be over eager, on occassion, which is what their office hours are for.
XTimothyX Aeon: ok thanks
XLR8RRICK Hudson: Well its been a slice guys be well and have fun its a rule
Torley Linden: Have a good one XLR8RRICK!
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
XLR8RRICK Hudson: bye
Torley Linden: Hmmm *observes as the sky suddenly gets a lot brighter* that WindLight day cycle crossover weirdness gotta be fixed.
XTimothyX Aeon: yeah it';s been like a slice of WATERMELLON!!!
Torley Linden: Mmmmm melons.
Torley Linden: Oooh Adobe Photoshop Express is out.
XTimothyX Aeon: Greifing you with a "bright light?": What are you talking about?
Khashai Steinbeck: I was wondering if anyone has tried it yet?
JetZep Zabelin: hehe
Torley Linden: Tried Photoshop Express, Khashai?
Khashai Steinbeck: yeah
Torley Linden: I haven't, signed up tho...
Torley Linden: will try after work.
Torley Linden: I like Picnik which Flickr is partnered with, they're pretty fun.
Khashai Steinbeck: I've got CS3, so it's not like I really need it, but I should at least try it to see what exactly it can do.
GOLAN Eilde: ok who ask for my tag ?
dandellion Kimban: I did, golan :)
Torley Linden: Khashai, I reckon it prolly saves time on the upload/download process for those moments where you need a quick adjustment but don't want to stall too long.
Deborah Goldblatt: sorry and hi to all
Arawn Spitteler: Hi, Deb
XTimothyX Aeon: Torley we like you!
Deborah Goldblatt: hi my friend Arawn
Torley Linden: Hi Deborah!
Deborah Goldblatt: Hi Torley
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Arawn Spitteler wonders if concentric chairs would be possible
Torley Linden: *tries to visualize*
Deborah Goldblatt: hmmm why not
XTimothyX Aeon: This meeting is cool
dandellion Kimban: torley, there is a rumor, that getting rid of asset servers will make things slower. It sounds opposite to me, though... can you give some details?
Torley Linden: I don't know about that yet dandellion, I need to learn more myself. There was a useful diagram I saw the other day tho...
Deborah Goldblatt: Deborah Goldblatt: yes, with a special point to hold them on the floor like an e=m²
XTimothyX Aeon: Which just goes to show what I have been saying all along: that Torley Linden is BY FAR the best Linden!
Arawn Spitteler thinks that shounds like a reconfiguration of Asset Service, which presently serves Aset, onthe weekends
XTimothyX Aeon: Do you remember saying that a couple weeks ago here Torley?
Torley Linden: I do. :) But I'm not, really!
XTimothyX Aeon: "me saying that"
Khashai Steinbeck has to be logging off for some sleep... Torley, good to see you again, and awesome avatar =)
XTimothyX Aeon: well, I have not met a better Linden, so I can only ASSUME!
Torley Linden: LOL, dandellion, I was reading a related blog post to that, and saw:
Raul Crimson waves to all the ppl here that can't see for the moment
Torley Linden: XTimothyX: Meet some more and make a better-rounded opinion. Hahaha.
Torley Linden: Hey Raul!
Torley Linden: Thanks and have a good one Khashai!
Torley Linden: Zzzz.
dandellion Kimban: LOL... I know that one
XTimothyX Aeon: YEs but I don't WANT to change my opinion!
dandellion Kimban: I needed something more
Torley Linden: Yeah, I'm sure our Lindens working on it will announce more as there are further details.
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Torley Linden: Did you also see , dandellion?
dandellion Kimban: ok :)
dandellion Kimban: yes.... it turned to pure SL drama :)
Torley Linden: Hate when that happens.
Torley Linden: Jopsy makes fun models... I really like his PLab.
XTimothyX Aeon: A few days ago I asked a random stranger (in SL) if they knew about Torley Linden, and they said they "knew about watermellons." It was a really funny moment.
Torley Linden: Hahahaha.
Torley Linden: Well, I do love watermelons. :-)
Arawn Spitteler doesn't know what Drama is, that's so often banned, but would like to see such shows.
Squirrel Wood: Yum!
dandellion Kimban: arawn, you don't want to see it
GOLAN Eilde: who doesn't torley ?
XTimothyX Aeon: YES
XTimothyX Aeon: !!!
Jumpman Lane: ilke ur other textures best but i do have a watermelon cuddle rug
Torley Linden: Thanks each and all for visiting me during my Office Hour, I've got to go for now... have a good remainder of the week leading into the weekend! =)
Walden Mannonen: Hello Torley! I'm relieved I didn't miss... oh. :(
Arawn Spitteler: There's a tutorial idea, How to be Dramatic?
Raul Crimson: aww, i was late :(
dandellion Kimban: LOL
dandellion Kimban: bye torley
Squirrel Wood: Have a nice weekend Torley :)
XTimothyX Aeon: Ok good bye Torley!
dandellion Kimban: have fun
Raul Crimson: bai!
Jumpman Lane: later
Walden Mannonen: Bye Torley :)
Deborah Goldblatt: you, too Torley
XTimothyX Aeon: What are you guys talking about, the drama?
Walden Mannonen: bye bye Watermelon King :)
Torley Linden: Pardon Raul yeah it started at 12 PM (noon) Pacific.
Deborah Goldblatt: we do not need such a tutorial be open for DRAMATICS
Torley Linden: Bye bye for now! T'care!
GOLAN Eilde: thanks to all tha thelped
GOLAN Eilde: and thnk u torley