LSL Function Style

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Revision as of 14:32, 25 January 2007 by Thraxis Epsilon (talk | contribs) (Removed extra <div> line)
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The correct title of this article is llFunction. The initial letter is shown capitalized due to technical restrictions.


(This style and layout is presumed to be not finalized yet - this needs to be rather finalized first.)

This function consumes widgets while it simultaneously animates a person whacking bad formatters. The widgets are destroyed. This is the lede. (short high-level description of function, a few sentences to a paragraph)

string llFunction( key avatar, integer widgets , float stickLength );

0 Function ID
0.0 Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a string

• key avatar – This is a key parameter which expects to be passed a valid avatar key.
• integer widgets – This is an integer parameter which indicates the number of widgets to process.
• float stickLength – This is a float parameter used to describe the length of the stick used to whack bad formatters.


This function performs this specific set of actions under these circumstances. If the key passed to it is NULL_KEY, then it will shout "Nobody's whacking!" on channel 0.


  • Don't use this function to test whether a key is null.
  • (if you know of none, try using:) None known


<lsl> default {

       llSay(0,"The absolute value of -4 is: "+(string)llAbs(-4) );

} </lsl>

Helper Functions

<lsl> </lsl>

See Also

(similar functions, related examples and pages, etc.)


(footnotes, if necessary - caveats should go in caveats section)