User talk:Rolig Loon/Float Box Contents
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Revision as of 07:38, 6 November 2009 by Rolig Loon (talk | contribs) (Created page with '// FLOAT BOX CONTENTS -- Rolig Loon -- November 2009 // Lists object contents in hover text, labelled by type // // Free to copy, modify, or distribute. Please leave these head...')
// FLOAT BOX CONTENTS -- Rolig Loon -- November 2009 // Lists object contents in hover text, labelled by type // // Free to copy, modify, or distribute. Please leave these header lines intact // Please do not sell this script. Be nice. // // Hover text has a 254 character limit, so this script rotates the contents list into hover text eight at a time, marquee style
list contents = []; default {
state_entry() { // this is a list of all the possible inventory types, as constants. list list_types = [INVENTORY_NONE, INVENTORY_TEXTURE, INVENTORY_SOUND, INVENTORY_LANDMARK, INVENTORY_CLOTHING, INVENTORY_OBJECT, INVENTORY_NOTECARD, INVENTORY_SCRIPT, INVENTORY_BODYPART, INVENTORY_ANIMATION, INVENTORY_GESTURE]; // this list is of the string names corresponding to the one above. list list_names = ["None", "Texture", "Sound", "Landmark", "Clothing", "Object", "Notecard", "Script", "Body Part", "Animation", "Gesture"]; integer all = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL); integer i; for (i=0;i<=all-1;++i) { integer detected_type = llGetInventoryType(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL,i)); // look up which type this object is. integer type_index = llListFindList(list_types,[detected_type]); // where in list_types is this type? string type_name = llList2String(list_names, type_index); // get the corresponding entry in the names list. contents += type_name + ": " + llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL,i) + "\n "; //Display type of content item and its name } llSetTimerEvent(5); // Rotate text every 5 seconds } changed(integer change) { if (change && CHANGED_INVENTORY) // If something is added to or removed from box inventory { llResetScript(); } } timer() { contents = llList2List(contents,1,-1) + llList2String(contents,0); // Move item 0 to the end of the list list temp = llList2List(contents,-8,-1); // Display only the last eight items llSetText("THIS BOX CONTAINS: \n " + llDumpList2String(temp,""),<1,1,1>,1.0); }