User:Torley Linden/Sandbox

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This widget allows you to add Google Gadgets to your wiki page.

To insert this widget, use the following code:

{{#widget:Torley Linden/Sandbox


To get the parameters, click "Add to your webpage" button on a gadget page and configure gadget settings (on the right side of the wizard), then click on the "Get the code" button.

There are a few parameters you should copy from the code generated by the configuration wizard.

  • url - (required) copy everything after the "?url=" up till "&synd=open" (widget url itself and all up_* url parameters).
  • title - title of the gadget
  • width - widget width (300 is default)
  • height - widget height (265 is default)

Sample result

Error in widget Torley Linden/Sandbox: Unable to load template 'wiki:Torley Linden/Sandbox'
