Project:Editing Discussion/Wiki Meeting Agenda

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Revision as of 06:13, 10 May 2008 by Zai Lynch (talk | contribs) (first draft of an agenda)
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This page lists the possible agenda of a Wiki meeting in world. This meeting is not yet scheduled (see: this discussion).
Feel free to add topics which you consider to be relevant for such a meeting.

  1. Copyright: Support Center vs. Wiki
    There is currently no easy way to transfer content from the support center to the Wiki because of different copyright licenses (see question 4 and 9 of this Q&A transcript).
  2. Internationalization (related: Project:Languages, Project:I18n, German Linguists)
    Will interwiki linking (WEB-456) become enabled? Otherwise, we'll need to agree on further topics such like
    1. Are categorized redirects appropriate to keep a category in a certain language?
    2. Is the bulk creation of new non-english speaking pages for redirects desired?
  3. Use of the Help: namespace
    Is the Help: namespace appropriate for topics regarding Second Life help? If so, should the Wikis search function be modified in a way that it searchs the Help: namespace as well by default?
  4. Wiki Jiras
    Discussion about further features (such like WEB-437 or WEB-590) and current bugs (such like WEB-602 or WEB-654).