User:Dzonatas Sol

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"Your Viewer; Your Imagination"

JIRA @ - Issue tracker for related open-source developments:

  • User-Scripted Metaverse Viewer:
  • Client Script & Persistent Data Objects (prior ref:[1])
  • SNOW-375 Detached Communicator: Chat/IM/Contacts windows "thinking outside the box" in a separate process/plugin

Snowglobe: Debian Lenny/Squeeze AMD 64

Here are my notes about the compilation experience:

Squeeze comes with cmake 2.6.0, but the experimental version is required:

sudo apt-get install -t sid cmake

Specific cmake builds wouldn't be needed if an universal binary was used, instead.

Downloaded and unpacked Snowglobe source ( Not gonna worry about git/hg/svn matters for this annotation.

Downloaded related files as specified in doc/asset_urls.txt: MD5, ART, LIBS_LINUXI386 (for any text/.h files, or cross-compilation to m32)

$ cd indra
$ ./ --standalone -m64 configure
$ cd viewer-linux-x86_64-relwithdebinfo
$ make secondlife-bin


  • SNOW-240 At this time there is no jsoncpp debian package, so configure fails on this. Downloaded and compiled from sources noted in jira issue. Copied include files to /usr/local/include and libs to /usr/local/lib for temporary fix.
  • SNOW-360 build error: 'skip' is not a member of 'tut::test_result' (see jira for questions and recommended patch)
  • SNOW-285 build error: llqtwebkit.h: No such file or directory -- Despite this being a dependency, it should have made the configure fail like above in SNOW-240. The configure failure message could point to a wiki page to resolve the dependency (like an extra deb package for Debian).
  • Somewhere in the attempts to build llqtwebkit, the /usr/lib/ file got deleted. I can pinpoint here because other programs worked (X, wine, monovida, etc) up until that moment. Very strange for that to happen, yet not totally unexpected (from other people's experience with qt-webkit). The older NVidia drivers that have Xgl support didn't have a deb package, so qt-webkit thought it could overwrite the GL files. Blind installs, like this issue, is exactly what the Debian-Way tries to avoid. I eventually avoided the llqtwebkit build entirely and just used the pre-built 32bit version for now. These plugins could be downloaded by a debian package separate from this build since it really isn't required to build and run secondlife-bin (thanks to LLMediaPlugin work).
  • Upgrade to NVidia 190.42 drivers the Debian-Way.

With the above issues resolved, you can install the built files. Normally, a "make package" would package them for you, yet since this is a "standalone" version this means it is assumed some pieces that were normally put into the package are already installed somewhere else rather than being a static build with secondlife-bin. The "make package" works if you built the plugins.

View the issues Dzonatas Sol has filed at