User:Skye Vanistok

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Wud Stage 001.jpg


Angel bear, with white wings and a halo of stars over his head, currently working as a stand-up comic in Second Life, still looking for that big break that leads to bigger things. I'm also a cartoonist, and I'm looking to add some audio-visual material to my routine.

Currently, I perform at Open Mic Events at such places as the Snippets and Chuckling Priestman. I have roughly about 30 minutes of material available at any one time. Some of the subjects on which I like to perform are college football, job hunting, and working in a call center, including my imaginative signature piece called Tech Support Angel.

I'm also looking to learn other things like LSL Scripting and animation. I eventually hope to bring the popular tailgating sport of Cornhole to SL.

Activities outside of SL

I write a blog titled Big Skye's Country on The blog is usually used as a test bed for the comedy material that I perform onstage.

In real life...

I'm a tech supporter, having worked most recently at the Ohio State Department of Health. I am currently between jobs right now.

Upcoming appearances

More appearances at Snippets coming up in January 2010. Keep watching this Second Life Wiki page for more details as they become available!