User talk:Contagious Republic
Revision as of 17:31, 9 December 2009 by Contagious Republic (talk | contribs) (→Instant Messaging (IM) FAQ)
Instant Messaging (IM) FAQ
Hi :-)
I reviewed your contribution to the "Instant Messaging (IM) FAQ", though wasn't sure about the "privacy" argument. I tracked down VWR-5613 but couldn't find any hint. Is there an official source stating that privacy is the reason behind not having this feature?
-- (talk|contribs) 00:27, 10 December 2009 (UTC)
Not that I know of, but people could obviously know you are not online if your IM are capped - and then know you are online when it's no longer capped a while later. The Lindens went a long way to preserve privacy, and forgot to think that some tech support/sales people WANT senders to know when things cap. A checkbox for "warn others when my IM caps" and/or "warn friends only when my IM caps" would work.