User:Skye Vanistok

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Revision as of 16:20, 13 January 2010 by Skye Vanistok (talk | contribs) (→‎Bio)
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Wud Stage 001.jpg


Angel bear, with white wings and a halo of stars over his head, currently working as a stand-up comic in Second Life, still looking for that big break that leads to bigger things. I'm also a cartoonist, and I'm looking to add some audio-visual material to my routine.

Currently, I perform at Open Mic Events at such comedy clubs as Snippets, Chuckling Priestman, and the Laughing Hippo. I have roughly about 30 minutes of material available at any one time. Unlike the vast majority of stand-up comics on Second Life, I pride myself on using clean language and non-sexual topics.

Some of the subjects on which I like to perform are college football, job hunting, and working in a call center, including my imaginative signature piece called Tech Support Angel.

I'm also active in several Christian churches in SL, such as The Vine Community Church, The House of Prayer, and Overcomers Worldwide Church, where I have just become the church greeter.

Activities outside of SL

I write a blog titled Big Skye's Country on The blog is usually used as a test bed for the comedy material that I perform onstage.

In real life...

I'm a tech supporter, having worked most recently at the Ohio State Department of Health. I am currently between jobs right now.

Upcoming appearances

NOTE: The Starstruck Club & Mall no longer occupies the Amereagle sim. I'm still trying to reach owner Phil Setner to find out exactly what is happening. Keep watching this page for more details.