Mission Brothers Gay Beach

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Revision as of 09:04, 16 January 2010 by Boots Mission (talk | contribs)
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I am Boots Mission, I am investigating abuse from former friends on using the Wiki. I will update once I see what Linden Labs says.

previous text that was deleted by Rasmus Pennell

Mission Brothers Gay Beach was the focal point for New Pride Land. It was started by Shawn and Boots Mission. During the time they owned it, it grew to immense popularity primarily because of its reputation for helping new gay and lesbian people in Second Life. It had a substantial sandbox where many learned and improved their building and scripting skills. Many Second Life gay and lesbian denizens "grew up" there. Also, there was a dance area on the beach where DJs held many dances which were also very popular. During 2009, the beach was given to 10KHz Tone. After that, the popularity of the beach fell into decline. In December 2009, the Mission Beach sim was shut down and recreated on a very small parcel on Spice Islands sim.

Boots Mission