User talk:Becky Pippen/New LSL Functions
Thanks for providing the info. The suggested relative resizing troubles me, since it accumulates error that breaks objects (besides this, no recovery when the position component fails due to not-completely-predictable SL behavior). For objects that only resize a few times, like most jewelry, the error does not grow enough to be noticed, and my concern is more principle than practical. But, I make some objects that resize many times, for example, as part of RP or in response to nearby AV actions, so they use absolute resizing. (Even for jewelry, I use absolute resizing, with a single-script resizer for low script time, but that stores original sizes and positions in memory. They can be re-read from a notecard in case of a script reset, but not during normal operation since that is so slow.) Xoph Adamczyk 16:55, 22 January 2010 (UTC)