Linden Lab PR Update

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This page shows some of the press coverage we receive and the media trends in some of Second Life's major markets.

Linden Lab News Archives

Here are links to the various Linden Lab websites where we catalog the press we receive. (Not all of these are up-to-date, but we are constantly working on it.)


Weekly Reports

In this section, you will find the media trends and press stories we are tracking in some of our key markets.

Week Ending June 27, 2008

Key Coverage by Market

US Trends
--Several publications and blogs, beyond inworld press, picked up the fifth birthday announcement.
--This week, Cisco’s CEO praised virtual worlds as lucrative business tools during his inworld press conference, and coverge of the business uses has been positive this week.
--We’ve seen an increase in stories on science and research being done in Second Life, another positive trend in the news.

Coverage of SL5B birthday announcement:

San Francisco Business Times


Beta News


Other coverage:

Science Blogs announces a presentation to be given in Second Life on personalized genetics.

Silicon Alley Insider, in a post by Reuter’s Eric Krangel, comments on Cisco’s involvement in Second Life, even though it’s thought that it is an “overhyped ghost town.”

The Examiner writes a follow up piece on its initial analysis of the virtual world, focusing on the word “avatar.”

MLive discusses the University of Michigan’s use of Second Life for research.

Computerworld presents the potential for business uses of virtual worlds, citing Second Life as one of the leading platforms. Also picked up in Network World.

Computerworld also posts on a Q&A with the CEO of Cisco inworld, predicting that virtual worlds will “explode” in terms of business uses.

WebCPA reports on the entry of several CPA firms into Second Life.

BusinessWeek comments on an article in McKinsey’s Quarterly on open innovation, citing Second Life news as being outdated. The original McKinsey article is available by subscription.

UK Trends

--A positive focus in the press has been on the green benefits of Second Life. The carbon goggles tool was picked up by both the BBC and Guardian
--Continued use of Second Life by UK universities. Glasgow Caledonian University has entered the virtual world to join many of its UK counterparts. Education continues to be a positive topic.

Carbon goggles coverage:

BBC News reports on the creation of goggles which allow users in Second Life to witness and monitor carbon emissions from various objects and processes.

Guardian reports how carbon goggles have been created which allow users to see carbon emissions in Second Life.

Other coverage:

Financial Times blog reports that Second Life avatars are being selected to be placed on the back of business cards sold by Moo, the maker of calling cards for the web 2.0 generation.

Metro describes how Glasgow Caledonian University has created a virtual campus in Second Life, allowing students to attend lectures and hold study groups online. discusses what a virtual wedding would be like.

Mobile News reports how a Japanese Mobile Games Firm has created a Second Life-style Virtual World purely for mobile phones.

Electronics Weekly reflects on the importance of the digital world for businesses in the future.

Press Dispensary describes how New Business Horizons, who run the Blue Horizon Business Park in Second Life, won the ‘Best Use of Technology’ Award from the Docklands Business Club and the East London Chamber of Commerce.

The Earth Times reports how Evian are entering the world of online gaming, after last year becoming part of Second Life.

Germany Trends

--The big news about Second Life in Germany was from last week’s article about an alcohol addict who found help in Second Life, which was picked up by several publications – this is a good example of how non-profit organizations can use Second Life

Spiegel online, one of the biggest German online news sites, published a positive article about an alcohol addict. She found help in Second Life and is now dry for over three years. This article was picked up by, der Standard, and

Deutschlandradio Kultur had a long and realistic interview with one of the most renowned professor for media studies, Norbert Bolz. They talk about the first five years of Second Life.

CIO reports about the Gartner study, which says that at the moment 90 percent of all companies in virtual worlds fail within the first 18 months, but the article gives tips and ideas how a company can succeed in virtual worlds., a Luxemburg newspaper, published a rather neutral article about the head of the steel company Mittal, Lakshmi Mittal, who held an interview with investors in Second Life. This was picked up by the newspaper Euro am Sonntag. published the results of the study from House of Research. The study gives a neutral overview on their findings like the age, education and income of Second Life users.

France Trends
--Second Life anniversary has a good visibility in press this week. All articles are quite positive presenting this anniversary as a proof of good health.
--Saint Gobain Glass and Stonefield In world launched the first event of the new Saint Gobain Glass’ island.

Second Life’s anniversary

Several blogs and publications mentioned the beginning of the festivities launched by Philip (7 articles).
ITR Manger
20 Minutes
graphic tumbir

Saint Gobain Glass in Second Life

Saint Gobain Glass will organize Wednseday 25th a conference on Environement and Glass. It’s the beginning of a longer initiative of the company that will organize others actions in September (5 articles)
Virtual Worlds News
David Casetera

Japan Trends

--There were a couple of new business entry news this week. One is that As Know As, a popular Japanese fashion brand in RL, opened a SL branch. Another is the Commercial Department of the Austrian Embassy started the "Austrian Fair in Cyberspace" in cooperation with Mitsukoshi Department at the Mitsukoshi SIM.

Key Coverage --Denki Shimbun (newspaper, 6/16) – Metaverses to interconnect. “Before the Internet, each individual manufacturer had its own unique online services, which of course became obsolete with the birth of the Internet. At 3Di, we are working on what we call the ‘interverse’, interconnecting metaverses on an open source level,” says Suguru Kamata of 3Di.
--Nihon Keizai Shimbun (newspaper, online 6/20) – Akinori Yonezawa, Professor at Tokyo University, won the Dahl-Nygaard Prize for creating a system linking several programs called “concurrent object-oriented languages.” The system is used on metaverse SL as well.
--Nihon Seni Shimbun (newspaper, 6/19) – The trade activities department of the Austrian embassy will display products on metaverse SL for the first time with the help of Japanese retailer Mitsukoshi, between June 25th to the 29th.
--Nihon Keizai Shimbun (newspaper, 6/21) – General shareholders meetings are being held for companies closing accounts in March. Impress Holdings, is holding a virtual shareholders meeting on SL simultaneously with its real life meeting.
--The Wall Street Journal Asia (newspaper, 6/17) – ArcelorMittal ventures into virtual world. Aim is to reach out to younger investors through the Internet.
--The Wall Street journal Asia (newspaper, 6/19) – ArcelorMittal’s first shareholders meeting in the virtual Internet worlds of SL was married by poor attendance and choppy audio and imaging, hiccups corporate-governance experts say will need to be overcome if other companies are going to adopt the practice.
--Tokyo IT Shimbun (newspaper, online 6/10) – SL founder Phillip Rosedale talked at the VWCE2008. The event generated much excitement due largely to the presence of user participants. When asked about rumors of Linden Labs ailing business, Phillip replied, “We are not considering a stock-market flotation, but we have plenty of earnings and funds.” He also expressed his ideas for enhancing Japanese support systems.
--Tokyo IT Shimbun (newspaper, online 6/10) – VWCE2008 was held during the last week of May, and SL founder Phillip Rosedale gave a talk. “We will enhance Japanese support systems”, he said.
--Tokyo IT Shimbun (newspaper, online 6/17) – Nihon TV’s program “Digital no Konjo” – a program recorded mainly on SL, won the Japan Film and Television Technology Association Video Technology Promotion Awards. Along with this, SL reached its 5th year since the starting of services, and held a ceremonial event.
--The Second Times (online, 6/20) – able seed Co., Ltd which runs the “Kenroku” SIM and online video portal “mobie” have formed a business alliance.
--The Second Times (online, 6/20) – Asahi Broadcasting Corporation have started giving out toy airplanes of their mascot character “Cu-Cu” and other items for free on SL.
--The Second Times (online, 6/20) – Linden Lab has added different types of default avatars to SL. Some are unique like a “cardboard box robot”.
--The Second Times (online, 6/19) – Everyone on Alert! There is a current L$ fraud going on in SL!
--All-in-One INTERNET magazine 2.0 (online, 6/19) – Singer-songwriter and popular artist on SL, Sora Izumikawa, has been chosen to compose music for the SL ballet group “BalletPixelle”.
--All-in-One INTERNET magazine 2.0 (online, 6/18) - The trade activities department of the Austrian embassy will hold the “Austrian exhibition in Cyberspace” in cooperation with MITSUKOSHI, Ltd., and will display in the Mitsukoshi SIM starting the 25th and running to the 29th.
--Nikkei BPnet (online, 6/17) – An F1 race in the world of architecture. A race to build a building on BIM (Building Information Modeling – think of it as a professional version of SL) within 24 hours.
--The Second Times (online, 6/17) – Turning your lights off on SL as well …”A night of a million candles” – People turned their lights off and spent the night with only the light of candles for an event ongoing since 2003. This year the event was held both in real life and virtual life.

Week Ending June 20, 2008

Highlights: We saw some great coverage this week. In the UK, a stand-out extensive piece appeared in the Financial Times as a result of Philip’s interview on his transition into his new role in the Digital Business section. In Germany, the team saw an article in Spiegel about a recovered alcoholic who turned to Second Life for support. In the US, we saw the results of an interview we arranged for Claudia with Education Week, where an article on the benefits of Second Life for K-12 educators appeared.

Key Coverage by Market

US Trends we’ve noticed:

--Overall, mainstream coverage has been positive. Educational uses of Second Life continue to be of interest, with universities creating presences and K-12 educators using the platform, as well as government organizations exploring the use of virtual worlds.
--We’ve seen a few articles that were somewhat negative, including one focusing on concerns of DMCA enforcement and one on ArcelorMittal’s technical difficulties.

Education Week posts a story on the benefits of Second Life for K through 12 educators. The team connected the journalist with educators as well as Claudia for an interview on the educational uses of the platform. (subscription required)
The Wall Street Journal posts an article on the “technical hiccups” encountered in ArcelorMittal’s shareholder meeting inworld. The UK team worked with Linden Lab to provide a statement to the Dow Jones reporter with a tight turnaround.
The Times-Standard discusses the event NASA held in Second Life for the Mars landing of Phoenix to get the public more involved in NASA missions.
Network World reports that the Cisco Live hub is now open in Second Life, with a Q&A with CEO John Chambers taking place inworld on June 24.
U.S. Insurance News reports that Aviva, a provider of life insurance, has launched a presence in Second Life for agent recruitment, education and training.
The Industry Standard discusses the DMCA policy and the concerns that Second Life content creators have about the enforcement of the policy.
MedGadget reports on a Dutch company that has created a bike that allows Second Life users to control their avatar while getting some exercise.
ComputerWorld presents an article on the use of Web 2.0 technologies for government to better communicate with constituents, including the use of Second Life.
The Hamilton Spectator posts a news brief about ArcelorMittal’s shareholder meeting held in Second Life.
The Daily Reveille, the newspaper at LSU, discusses the University’s plans to expand its presence in Second Life, offering more classes, research and outreach.
Network World presents an article on IBM’s green initiatives in Second Life with the Virtual Green Data Center.
The University of Kentucky News reports on a student art exhibit in Second Life.

UK Trends we’ve noticed:
--Stories of employers and educational projects using Second Life have resonated well in the press, presenting new and interesting stories that are exploring the beneficial uses of virtual worlds, keeping the overall tone in the media positive.
--We’ve seen articles expressing the need to experiment in virtual worlds, which position Second Life as lucrative platform.

Financial Times: Great coverage from Philip’s interview with the Peter Whitehead.
Management Issues discusses the opportunities and challenges faced by employers in using virtual media such as Second Life to their advantage.
The Independent reports how journalists need to start using virtual media such as Second Life if journalism is to be ‘saved’.
Pocket-Lint reports by 2020 HP will be focusing on virtual communities such as Second Life.
Birmingham Mail reports how students at Birmingham City University have undertaken a research project which involves the recreation of their campus in Second Life.
ITPRO reveals that HP research has predicted that virtual collaboration will be one of the most important themes over the next twenty years.
The Earth Times discusses how Second Life will provide a platform for an internet based talent contest.
Online Recruitment reports that Yell has launched its first recruitment gadget ad. Yell has previously used Second Life as an innovative recruitment tool.
Higher Education Academy reports The Higher Education Academy’s Engineering Subject Centre will be holding a seminar in Second Life later this month.

Germany Trends we have noticed:
--This week we’ve seen a very positive article, which appeared in Handelsblatt, one of the most important business newspapers. The article focuses on how companies can use Second Life as an internal communication tool.
--Another positive article dealt with the Dresdner Gemäldegalerie, a museum for classical paintings which is very famous around the world and which is rebuilt in Second Life.
--In general the mood in the press has been positive to neutral, with the absolute highlight example of Handelsblatt. published a huge and very positive article about how companies can use Second Life as an internal tool. This article was picked up by Spiegel writes a very positive article about Second Life – in fact it is an article about a woman who used to be an alcohol addict, and through the American organization “Accelerated Recovery Center” in Second Life she is now clean for two years already. Freie Presse, a regional newspaper, has reported on the latest exhibition on Dresdner Gemäldegalerie, which was picked up by several other media like Nordkurier, or This is another positive article about the arts and culture topic in Second Life. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes about the social “community” Weblins, and that the creators expect up to one million users until the end of the year. After the hype about Second Life the requests around Weblins decreased though. reports in a short neutral article that Microsoft plans a virtual world for the X-Box. Fränkischer Tag follows up on the philosophical week at University of Bamberg, which bears the title “Second Life, avatars, cyberworld. Is there a second life?”. The interesting articles deal with Second Life from a philosophical and a sociological perspective. has published a short article about Meta, the Webkit porting tool. The editor explains that a company called Nuanti has developed it. Nuanti is backed by Linden Lab:

France Trends we’ve noticed:
--Coverage of recruitment in Second Life has started to take a negative tone, although the press still finds the topic of interest.
--Valeurs Actuelles presented a feature dedicated to the impact of cyber culture (video games, virtual world…) on children.

Children are in the centre of a feature in Valeurs actuelles. Between cyberaddiction, virtual worlds and video games, some professionals commented new trends.
Blogdei coverage.
Le Point - Interview of Pierre Hervé Bazin, in charge of recruitment at Areva. Recruitment in Second Life begins to have negative feedback. If companies organized a lot of interviews, the finalization of the recruitment is more laborious. Nevertheless, Second Life is still a useful tool to identify relevant profile. – After ‘speed recruiting’, ‘speed unemployement’
An interesting topic in Ma Principauté.com that present the topic of the Philosophy test of the French School Leaving certificate: Is Art changing our perception of reality? Some official corrections mentioned Second Life.
LePost – interview of Michael Stora. Interesting case study on how avatars could manage psychotherapy in Second Life.
[ Fluctuanet] - Second Life finally bellows to 2000/ New Second Life update and Shadow Draft project

Japan--Trends we've noticed
--Two innovative business approaches to SL by Japanese companies were in the news this week. One is a NTT DoCoMo event held on the NTT DoCoMo SIM for their new smart phone, FOMA HT 1100, launched on June 12th. Participants could obtain the HT 1100 for their avatars and a HT 1100 HUD equipped with a translating function there. NTT DoCoMo also held a RL event called 'Touch! HT1100 in Tokyo Midtown' in Roppongi, Tokyo on June 14th. The company will conduct their new sales campaign both in SL and RL.
--Another approach is the SL branch of “As Know As,” which is a popular apparel brand in Japan. As Know As sells clothes for avatars recreated for sale in RL. Visitors can also access their shopping site to buy real clothes for RL. They are also planning to make their SL branch a facility to offer information about the brand.

Most coverage in print articles
Sankei Shimbun (newspaper, 6/16, w/photo) – After sharing views with people from academia, industry and government who are involved in SL research and activities, LL Chairman Phillip Rosedale presented his thoughts on establishing a Japanese support center. Mr. Rosedale says, “Japan has excellent technology in connecting SL – a virtual world – with real life,” and will continue responding to user requests and sharing information on SL technological innovation.
Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun (newspaper, 6/12) – SL is mentioned in an article on NTT promoting NGN (next generation network) technology, in which an NTT executive is said to “have been researching the so-called Web 2.0 business from an early stage, starting with Second Life.” - URL available but fees required
Kanagawa Shimbun (newspaper, 6/8) – Junichi Ushiba of Keio University, Department of Biosciences and Informatics, has succeeded in proving that it is possible to control an avatar within the metaverse SL by using only brain waves.
BCN Tokyo (magazine, 6/16) – LL Founder and Chairman Phillip Rosedale visited Japan and exchanged opinions with people from government, academia and entrepreneurial business ventures.
Mainichi Shimbun (newspaper, online, 6/16) – The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Public Policy is holding a design competition to create an eco-friendly “sustainable town-building,” all within SL. Their goal is to explore effective countermeasures to global warming and people’s reactions in real life, through experimenting in the virtual world.
Senken Shimbun (a fashion trade newspaper, 6/13) – An article on the recent growing connection between fashion – mainly for the youth generation – and the Internet. The opening of “American Apparel” (clothing brand) store in SL drew much attention, but closed August 2007. The chief editor of virtual fashion magazine “Second Style” said, “in order for an existing brand to be successful in virtual worlds, they must provide high quality designs” – high quality as in high grade computer graphics in portraying realistic shadows and folds, and details like lace and trim.
Zaikai (magazine, 6/24) – A feature article on ngi group inc. in which CEO Koike Satoshi says, “There are already several 3D virtual sites starting with SL, but each one are closed worlds. In an open source world, engineers from all around the world provide each other with cutting edge technology. Here at ngi, we are working on the international standardization of a 3D internet.”
Kyouiku Katei Shimbun (newspaper, 6/7) – UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD. announced they will start research on the educational usage of SL.
Asahi Shimbun Osaka (newspaper, 6/8) – Junichi Ushiba of Keio University Science and Technology department developed a new technology whereby placing three electrodes on the scalp, a machine is able to read brain waves and enable the user to control an avatar on metaverse SL by using only thoughts.
Adver Times Tokyo (newspaper, 6/4) – SL, challenged to improve user-friendliness, shows confidence in the future. When LL Chairman Phillip Rosedale was asked about the slow growth in Japanese SL users he replied, “There is a need to simplify and make it easier to participate” and explained specific ways to achieve this. Along with this he said, “When the Internet first appeared there were similar complaints, but now it's a fundamental tool in society. Virtual Worlds will become that way as well.”
International Herald Tribune/The Asahi Shimbun (newspaper, 6/10) – Researchers said they have developed technology that allows users’ thoughts to control movements of avatars in a popular virtual world on the Internet. The technology is used with the 3-D virtual world Second Life, operated by U.S. Linden Lab.

Week Ending June 13, 2008

Key Coverage by Market

US Trends: Many reports on business uses of Second Life

The Dallas Morning News presents an article on using Second Life for higher education

The San Francisco Chronicle presents a story about the San Jose Tech Museum using Second Life to gather exhibit ideas.

LinuxInsider discusses the use of Second Life for virtual space exploration and experimentation.

Planadviser discusses Second Life as a potential tool for the financial industry to reach out to a younger, more tech-savvy generation.

The Examiner posts an article from Suzanna Stinnet, author of “”Little Shifts,” about her experience in Second Life.

SlashGear mentions a demo of Second Life for Intel’s new Mobile Internet Device platform.

Network World discusses the launch of two new virtual worlds, positioning Second Life as the leader of this growing space.

WebCPA reports on several CPA firms that have set up shop in Second Life, including Maryland Society of CPA’s “CPA Island.”

IntoMobile reports on Vollee’s announcement to bring Second Life to mobile phones.

Reason Online discusses the new age of reason, citing Second Life and virtual worlds as liberated spaces for identity experimentation.

Insurance and Technology mentions the marketing strategies of a few insurers in Second Life.

Kotaku posts on the paralyzed Japanese man who was able to walk in Second Life.

UK Trends: Many stories of business use of Second Life

Business Feet describes the impact of Internet marketing on the American presidential candidacy. Hillary Clinton is described as being involved in the virtual world

Marketing Week reports on Random House which has launched a series of digital initiatives involving Second Life, which includes the creation of a digital warehouse which will store every book written by a Random House

Pocket Gamer.Biz reports on popular online MMOs and virtual worlds, including Runescape, Habbo, Second Life and Club Penguin:

Online Recruitment describes the opportunity to do job-hunting via the mobile phone. Innovative employers are said to be recruiting through Second Life:

HRZone reports on using Web 2.0 online methods to attract or recruit employees, using technology such as Second Life

Families in Business reports on a shareholders meeting held by steel giant ArcelorMittal. While some will travel to sit in a large auditorium in Luxembourg, others will participate through Second Life:

The Guardian describes the work of a charity, which has set up an office in the Second Life. ‘Contact a Family’ helps the parents of disabled children to communicate and to access services:

The Inquirer describes the coming up of a mouse specially adapted to 3D computer models, web sites and virtual worlds. Linden Labs recently upgraded Second Life to support the innovative mouse, which is priced at $60

Techradar describes virtual brothels, for example brothel owner in Second Life who might make around $50k per year in real money by selling virtual sex

eGov monitor reports on Union Island (, the Second Life home for trade unionists:

Principia reports on businesses that have launched virtual worlds. The adoption of virtual worlds for the enterprise began picking up steam this year, buoyed by the success of Second Life, a 3D environment in the consumer space where people interact with one another as avatars

Eurogamer describes a research by Strategy Analytics. The report suggests that 22 percent of all broadband users will register to a virtual world by 2018

LX News reports on the Liverpool Sound City. It will be the first event to be simultaneously webcast on the hugely popular Second Life online platform

Germany Trends

-The Focus interview of Mark Kingdon caused some commotion in Germany, as the magazine published an online article with some incorrect quotes from Mark. Unfortunately these quotes were misinterpreted and put into a negative perspective
-The Vollee release is still picked up by some publications
-The IT publication Computerzeitung covered the findings of a research, which said that by 2017 every fifth broadband user will be in a virtual world

On Monday Focus, one of the biggest German business magazines, published an interview with Mark. Unfortunately there is no online link available yet. Other pick up in,, and

The online portal has published an article about a research from “House of Research”. Their chief researcher Rolf Amann contacted OCTANE last year and asked for support. He conducted 500 interviews with German Residents. Unfortunately the article just talks about Second Life as the archetype of virtual worlds and not the findings. Despite of the hype cycle the numbers of active users have increased steadily:

The University of Bamberg is regularly hosting the “Hegelwochen”, named after the famous German philosopher. This year the event’s topic was “Second Life – Avatars – Cyberworlds. Is there a second life?”. The newspapers Fränkischer Tag and Coburger Tageblatt published some articles about the event, and covered the Vollee release, that it is possible to have Second Life on your mobile phone

According to, Pixelpark regards Second Life as a serious game

Computerzeitung, one of the most important IT publications in Germany, quotes a study, which says that by 2017 every fifth user of a broadband access will use virtual worlds. Companies should consider this in their marketing strategies, according to “Strategy Analytics

France Trends
-A lot of coverage to announce the meeting with ArcelorMittal in Second Life by the end of June
-The great article published earlier last week in Challenges has a good echo in blogs and website

A surprising announcement on the Virtual World Agencies French market Heaven Agency buys Extralab

Many publications relayed the ArcelorMital announcement. ArcelorMittal is organising a meeting in SL with its CEO and stakeholders]

Second Life is still a recruiting and training for companies details how Michelin trains its team in Second Life

Michelin won Intraverse event first prize thanks to its traning tool in Second Life.

Japan Trends: Philip Rosedale's Japanese Visit at the end of May resulted in the following press coverage.

Coverage from the Virtual Worlds Conference
[ Report on Virtual World Conference & Expo 2008, LL Chairman Phillip Rosedale stated, “virtual worlds will grow 100 times n scale.”

CNET Japan: SL founder Phillip Rosedale gives first lecture in Japan. Virtual World, not a mere GUI, nor a mere business chance.

IT pro: LL Chairman Phillip Rosedale talked about the current and future state of SL.

PC Online: (Same article as above)

Nikkei Trendy Net (Shorter version of the two articles above)

Here is coverage from the Business Roundtable with Philip and various community members and Solution Providers CNET Japan : “The Japanese are good at reconstructing the real world and connecting it with sales and marketing opportunities” – SL Chairman.

THE SECOND TIMES Because of the “Virtual World Conference & Expo 2008” held last week, our article updates have been slow, but at the same time our top page-view article was: “’The Japanese Market is important. We will enhance support’, SL founder and main SL players in Japan hold a opinion exchange session (roundtable).”

MYCOM Journal: SL founder & Chairman Rosedale visits Japan, holds roundtable discussion.

INTERNET Watch: The Cabinet Office, Nihon Television, Hatake (musician) and others exchange views with founder of LL.

IT media: SL founder visits Japan for the first time, says “We will improve user-friendliness.”

Mainichi JP: SL founder, Chairman Rosedale visits Japan. “Japan is an important market” – to create an enhanced structure.

Coverage from Roundtable -- Print • Weekly Toyo Keizai (magazine, 6/14, w/photo) – Metaverse “Second Life” will enhance its services in Japan. They will increase the number of staff and start a Japanese telephone support, and will set up a server in Japan for faster connections. Japan is 4th in monthly time spent in-world after America, Germany and England, and is an important market with over 150 companies participating online. LL founder Phillip Rosedale said he wants to, “increase user-friendliness and gain more Japanese users.”

Coverage from the community party at Bar Tube in Tokyo:

THE SECOND TIMES A link to featured segments on various topics discussed on VWCE2008.

All-in-One Internet Magazine LL founder Phillip Rosedale visits BarTube!