User:Andrew Linden/Office Hours/2008 06 19

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Transcript of Andrew Linden's office hours:

[17:01] Teravus Ousley: it's the XML format that defines the interface in the
[17:01] Strife Onizuka: oh its the interface
[17:01] Arawn Spitteler: Hi, Simon; what's the news on llGetAgentLanguage?
[17:01] Teravus Ousley: Hello Simon
[17:01] Simon Linden: That's news to me - what is it?
[17:01] Simon Linden: Hello everyone
[17:01] Thomas Shikami: it's funny what llTextBox sends to the client
[17:02] Thomas Shikami: it's actually an llDialog with a single button
[17:02] Rex Cronon: hello everybody
[17:02] Creem Pye: somebody brought dinner?
[17:02] Arawn Spitteler: Is the dialog accepting typed in data?
[17:02] Teravus Ousley: Hi Rex
[17:02] Sindy Tsure: hi folks
[17:03] Rex Cronon: hiii
[17:03] Arawn Spitteler: First, we have to toss him into the Blender, to make
[17:03] Thomas Shikami: it isn't even implemented yet
[17:03] Yuu Nakamichi: hi simon, sindy
[17:03] Rex Cronon: what function r u talking about?
[17:03] Sindy Tsure: zomg, it's strife! hiya!
[17:03] Thomas Shikami: at least, not in the client I compiled myself
[17:03] Thomas Shikami: some with a release number I forgot
[17:04] Simon Linden: So, Andrew is on vacation today, so I'm the MC
[17:04] Sindy Tsure: a coup!
[17:04] Thomas Shikami: ohh
[17:05] Creem Pye: heh well if you know the dialog's channel, you can always
type data into the normal chat bar
[17:05] Simon Linden: There are a few bug fixes in the pipeline, but nothing dramatic.
Linden Lab has been trying to slow down our simulator releases a little as it
was getting a bit too rapid for a while
[17:05] Thomas Shikami: or check your script for !!llTextBox!! and then ask
again with the legacy input method
[17:05] Sindy Tsure: thought i heard last week about a svc bug where phantom
vehicles still bump into stuff.. is that coming soon?
[17:06] Thomas Shikami: well, doing an llGetAgentLanguage(id) before and you
know if the viewer may support text boxes
[17:06] Teravus Ousley: well, yay for not having to shut the grid down with a
[17:06] Yuu Nakamichi: I hope this does not slow the release of mono?
[17:06] Teravus Ousley: :D
[17:06] Simon Linden: I had one question for everyone ... if you're a land owner, how
much do you care about the region slowing down to a low fps if nobody is there?
[17:06] Simon Linden: Yuu - no, it doesn'
[17:06] Simon Linden: ... doesn't affect Mono
[17:06] Thomas Shikami: mean, caused by oneself?
[17:07] Creem Pye: ah are you talking about load balancing with openspace regions?
[17:07] Strife Onizuka: Simon: I don't mind if physics are dropped
[17:07] Sindy Tsure: how long would it take to ramp back up to 45 once people
[17:07] Arawn Spitteler isn't Everyone: I'm not a landowner.
[17:07] Strife Onizuka: I'd mind if my scripts got slower if i were running a
[17:07] Simon Linden: No, caused by us ... the idea is that we have multiple regions all
sharing a box, but we're running the empty ones at 45fps even when nobody is there
[17:08] Simon Linden: If we could give up some time in the empty ones, the full ones
might perform better
[17:08] Sindy Tsure: or a server anyway, strife.. just a vendor that gives
stuff would be idle since nobody was there
[17:08] Thomas Shikami: ohh, as long as script time stays the same, the sim
could go idle
[17:08] Arawn Spitteler's wondered about the efficiency of that.
[17:08] Thomas Shikami: or even, as long as the scripts don't do any comms like
[17:08] Sindy Tsure: so.. this is a 'green sims' project?
[17:08] Creem Pye: I wouldn't want script performance to drop to 0 if the
scripts handle email or http events, but I could live with a little extra latency
[17:08] Teravus Ousley: yeah.. I suppose 'physics' wise.. there would also have
to be no physical/active prim
[17:08] Yuu Nakamichi: how would you go about implementing this?
[17:08] Simon Linden: It's just an idea/experiment at the time ... probably drop an
empty sim down to 10 or 20 fps
[17:09] Thomas Shikami: are you going to run the sims on virtual appliances in
the futue to quickly consolidate empty sims and redistributing them on idle
machines when they need power?
[17:09] Sindy Tsure: just physics?
[17:09] Simon Linden: Yuu - extra sleep time at the end of each frame
[17:09] Yuu Nakamichi: hmm
[17:09] Creem Pye: extra sleeping could cut down on hosting costs too, rihgt?
[17:10] Simon Linden: Possibly it can lower power consumption a bit ... we're not sure
how big the effect would be
[17:10] Rex Cronon: aren't there sims that run simulations of
plant/insect/animal life cycle?
[17:10] Thomas Shikami: isn't Xen capable of moving a live virtual machine from
one physical machine to another?
[17:10] Simon Linden: The immediate goal is more CPU power available for other regions
on the same system
[17:11] Arawn Spitteler: System or Server?
[17:11] Simon Linden: We're not looking at virtualization right now
[17:11] Thomas Shikami: okay
[17:11] Simon Linden: ... same box
[17:11] Sindy Tsure: the key would be if the region had people on it?
[17:11] Thomas Shikami: Let's do that with open space sims first, I guess
[17:11] Simon Linden: Right - if someone TPs or walks in, it would return to normal
[17:11] Teravus Ousley: well, it sounds like.. say you've got a class 5 server
and there are 4 other sims hosted on it. The empty sims would be slowed down to
provide more CPU for the active sims.
[17:11] Strife Onizuka: openspaces is the way to go
[17:11] Creem Pye: yeah openspace sims would benefit the most from that, probably
[17:12] Simon Linden: Yes, OpenSpaces helped point out the problem of one region
affecting others on the same computer
[17:12] Sindy Tsure does not have vendor servers but it seems like that'd be
the biggest concern - slowing those down
[17:12] Strife Onizuka: We really need some way to detect openspace regions
[17:13] Yuu Nakamichi: top-level info, strife?
[17:13] Simon Linden: There are some regions we know of that are running simulations
that need to run normally, even if nobody is around. Those are the worry
[17:13] Strife Onizuka: especially if they are going to slow down
[17:13] Yuu Nakamichi: yeah
[17:13] Simon Linden: Vendors are probably OK - if nobody's around, I'm not sure what
they would be doing
[17:13] Sindy Tsure: or , strife
[17:13] Teravus Ousley: Well, how about an estate flag?
[17:13] Thomas Shikami: couldn't that be determined by the amount of physic and
communication script calls?
[17:14] Rex Cronon: do u think that those peopole would like it when their sims
go into slowmo?
[17:14] Teravus Ousley: .. or rather an estate tools flag
[17:14] Teravus Ousley: .. for the region.
[17:14] Creem Pye: well, vendor servers would be used if nobody's in the region
(like a "product update server")
[17:14] Strife Onizuka: i've commented on both of those proposals Sindy
[17:14] Sindy Tsure: oops
[17:14] Strife Onizuka: no worries ^^
[17:14] Teravus Ousley: I'd be okay with it assuming that it was a configurable
[17:15] Sindy Tsure: that doesn't help us mainland dwellers, tho
[17:15] Thomas Shikami: I was thinking of getting a mainland parcel just for
hosting prims with scripts
[17:15] Creem Pye: then group sims according to whether the estate managers
enable/disable variable FPS?
[17:16] Strife Onizuka: you could consider communications going in and out of a
sim as a way of determing if speed stepping is the right thing to do at a moment
[17:16] Simon Linden: Well, it becomes a "if a tree falls in a virtual forest, should we
play the sound" question. If nobody is there, would the lower FPS affect anything?
[17:16] Creem Pye: I wonder if going to 15FPS would affect any simulations
[17:16] Simon Linden: It wouldn't stop, just be a lower frame rate, so communication in
and out shouldn't change.
[17:16] Thomas Shikami: is the FPS configurable in
[17:16] Yuu Nakamichi: how would it affect vehicles crossing into such a region?
[17:16] Arawn Spitteler thinks it could be a documented feature.
[17:16] Creem Pye: I mean do <70ms timers in LSL actually run that faswt in the
[17:17] Teravus Ousley thinks there are scripts which detect the fps and do
things differently based on them.
[17:17] Simon Linden: Not at all ... it's just an idea. I did some experiments today and
can slow down the sim by giving up CPU time
[17:17] Strife Onizuka: if you lower the FPS but not change the timedilation,
you will need to tripple the buffer used to stop interplation
[17:17] Thomas Shikami: events in LSL scripts happen at about 22 per second
[17:17] Simon Linden: It had one side-effect I have to fix (some of the physics code
kicked in and objects lost LOD) but that shouldn't be too hard to adjust
[17:17] Creem Pye: object penetration, strife?
[17:18] Strife Onizuka nods to Creem Pye
[17:18] Strife Onizuka: Thomas, that depends on the event, some events are
slower then others
[17:18] Strife Onizuka: atleast historically they were, i haven't checked it in
[17:18] Simon Linden: The TD would slow down as well - it would be like a loaded region
[17:18] Thomas Shikami: with some experimentation, it was possible to do a full
sim scan sweep in 0.9 seconds
[17:18] Thomas Shikami: sensors for agents
[17:19] Strife Onizuka: i assume that is at ground level only and not the
[17:19] Yuu Nakamichi: so how fast would the region come back up?
[17:19] Arawn Spitteler: There wouldn't be any agents to sense.
[17:19] Thomas Shikami: complete volume up to 768m
[17:19] Creem Pye: how frequently are dynamic objects updated across sim
borders usually, Simon?
[17:19] Strife Onizuka: the volume goes up to 4096 now
[17:20] Sindy Tsure: right away, yuu..
[17:20] Thomas Shikami: I know, no flying vehicle zones any more
[17:20] Simon Linden: Hmm, that's an interesting point. That update code might be affected
[17:20] Yuu Nakamichi: yes, rendering across region borders has been spotty
[17:20] Simon Linden: It shouldn't be any different than if you were sitting on one
region at 45 fps, and the adjacent one was running at a lower rate. I'm not sure
how that looks
[17:20] Yuu Nakamichi: as it is
[17:21] Teravus Ousley still suggests an estate tools checkbox... a new or
reuse a regionflags flag.
[17:21] Thomas Shikami: so it counts main agents
[17:21] Sindy Tsure: you're welcome to come to any of the neighbor sims around
my place if you want to see it, simon.. :)
[17:21] Simon Linden: Yes, it's certainly something we'd want a switch so it could be
[17:21] Yuu Nakamichi: you cannot follow a vehicle's path in an adjacent region
reliably , you have to be in the same region to see it update
[17:21] Thomas Shikami: so it's an opt-out feature then
[17:21] Strife Onizuka: we are running out of region flags fyi, only got one
left before we have to reclaim the retired
[17:21] Yuu Nakamichi: reasonably quickly
[17:22] Sindy Tsure: just make lsl 64-bit.. easy!
[17:22] Thomas Shikami: I hope you don't need the MSB
[17:22] Arawn Spitteler: 32-Bit?
[17:23] Teravus Ousley shakes head.. it's 'hard' to change the space in the
packet.. and would probably break older clients.
[17:23] Simon Linden: Well, thanks for the ideas ... as I said, it's just an idea that
might help performance of non-empty regions. We spend a lot of CPU time running
[17:23] Simon Linden: So ... any topics or questions?
[17:23] Sindy Tsure would vote for it, simon.. some people who do the
'evolution' type simulations might get annoyed, tho
[17:23] Strife Onizuka: is reported
to be still kicking around
[17:23] Arawn Spitteler's been fighting Asset Server Issues, in Spirit City,
that seem to be simulation specific.
[17:24] Teravus Ousley: why the maximum prim in the region gets told to the
client through the 'sim stats' packet :P hehe
[17:24] Simon Linden: I haven't seen SVC-1773 before - that's a good one. I'll bring
[17:24] Thomas Shikami: my touchable boxes jump around on and when touched
[17:24] Creem Pye: yeah that's an annoying bug to work around =)
[17:25] Sindy Tsure: news on ,
Simon? that should be in the next sim update, right?
[17:25] Strife Onizuka: over 90000 o_o
[17:25] Teravus Ousley: any news on the home grown raycaster that Andrew was
talking about previously?
[17:25] Simon Linden: That's been fixed Sindy, but I"m not sure of the release pipeline.
[17:26] Sindy Tsure: ok
[17:26] Sindy Tsure hopes it's soon..
[17:26] Thomas Shikami: I'm testing the bug
[17:26] Arawn Spitteler: Block Grab doesn't effect the entire object, when used
in the Root Prim?
[17:26] Creem Pye: yes
[17:27] Thomas Shikami: I hope SL doesn't crash now
[17:27] Thomas Shikami: logged in twice on the same account right now
[17:27] Arawn Spitteler had to log off, to escape Spirit City
[17:27] Creem Pye: and if you try to block grab in a child prim, there is no
effect (so you need to delink the object before blocking grab)
[17:28] Strife Onizuka: i don't know why the issue has evaded triage
[17:29] Thomas Shikami: okay, the bug isn't fixed on
[17:29] Strife Onizuka: i try to bump issues with updates every so but
sometimes it's hard
[17:30] Simon Linden: OK, I got the virtual paperwork done - is imported and we'll look at it
[17:30] Teravus Ousley: :D
[17:30] Strife Onizuka: cool ^_^
[17:31] Creem Pye: thanks =)
[17:31] Simon Linden: Thomas - what does your bug look like? You say the boxes jump when
you touch them?
[17:31] Teravus Ousley: any other news on the resource management front?
resource protection from use by greifers?
[17:32] Thomas Shikami: I just tested SVC-1773 on Behtel which is Second Life
Beta Server
[17:32] Thomas Shikami: Bethel even
[17:32] Simon Linden: No Teravus, no news on that
[17:32] Object: Hello, Avatar!
[17:32] Thomas Shikami: wait, I'll test on the new Havok 4
[17:32] Simon Linden: I've been working on some TP arrival code ... trying to smooth
that out so it doesn't cause a dip in frame rate when someone arrives
[17:32] Thomas Shikami: maybe it's fixed there
[17:33] Teravus Ousley: cool, that's a big issue on the IOW :D
[17:33] Teravus Ousley: course, people are also teleporting in with rather
[17:34] Thomas Shikami: nope, new havok 4 has same bug
[17:34] Arawn Spitteler: Attachments are said not to matter
[17:34] Simon Linden: It turns out attachments seem to be the biggest slowdown
[17:34] Simon Linden: I found parsing the attachment data was the biggest time-user
[17:34] Thomas Shikami: it's about the scripts I guess
[17:34] Simon Linden: Yes, scripts make it worse
[17:35] Thomas Shikami: and with mono, we have 4 times the data for scripts
[17:35] Sindy Tsure: slower than showing up naked and then attaching?
[17:35] Sindy Tsure: attachment-naked, anyway
[17:35] Simon Linden: In general, the more complex the AV and attachments are, the
bigger the delay
[17:35] Arawn Spitteler wonders, if his one prim wagging tail is a good thing,
or a bad thing
[17:36] Creem Pye: is there a way to give attachment loading a lower priority
somehow? so that even if it uses up the same total CPU time, you can spread out
the inverted spike in performance?
[17:36] Simon Linden: That's probably not too bad, Arawn. One prim with a simple script
[17:36] Simon Linden: That's exactly what I'm trying.
[17:36] Thomas Shikami: have a dedicated thread just for object data parsing?
[17:37] Sindy Tsure always turns on 'show updates' when she asks that question,
[17:37] Simon Linden: I have it working now so that instead of getting all attachments
at once, it adds one per frame
[17:37] Strife Onizuka: there are worse things Arawn
[17:37] Strife Onizuka: like sensors
[17:37] Thomas Shikami: are sensors really that slow?
[17:37] Creem Pye: cool, that should help and be pretty unnoticable too; youo'd
get all attachments in under a second
[17:37] Simon Linden: Unfortunately, if one is the bottleneck, you still get a dip, so
I'm looking at using another CPU thread for the parsing
[17:38] Teravus Ousley: well, presumably the sim you're leaving also has to get
a message back that the attachments got transferred... before it removes them
from it's own memory.
[17:38] Simon Linden: I think it's going to mess up vehicles and flying, however
[17:38] Sindy Tsure: :(
[17:38] Thomas Shikami: I think that data is kept for about 30 seconds anyway
[17:38] Arawn Spitteler: We'll b e back to flying, with our heads up our butts?
[17:38] Simon Linden: Yes, TP has been a source of loss before, so it needs to be robust
[17:39] Simon Linden: Depends if your butt has rezzed or not
[17:39] Teravus Ousley: :D great answer :D
[17:39] Sindy Tsure nods!
[17:39] Creem Pye: hmm how would it mess up vehicles? It would spread out
vehicle loading to 1 inventory item per frame or something?
[17:39] Arawn Spitteler: "Center of Bounding Box"
[17:39] Thomas Shikami: something that also causes a loss in attachments is
detaching and immediately reattaching the attachment
[17:40] Simon Linden: I was thinking about flight assists ... if that gets delayed a
little, you'll fall a bit. It may be possible to just delay finishing the TP and
adding everything until it's all ready
[17:40] Thomas Shikami: wasn't the avatar hovering especially anyways during TP?
[17:41] Creem Pye: Andrew was talking about allowing flight at any altitude
without a flight assist..
[17:41] Teravus Ousley: well not necessarily.
[17:41] Creem Pye: so if he did that, you'd have one less thing to worry about
[17:41] Teravus Ousley frequently jumps over borders so as to ensure that he
ends up on top of the prim on the other side.
[17:41] Simon Linden: Yes, we'd like to remove the flight limits. There's really no
point since there are so many assist objects available
[17:42] Arawn Spitteler: Keeps newbies on the ground, until they discover
[17:42] Strife Onizuka: the flight limits are such a pain but i don't really
want noobs flying up to my work space
[17:42] Simon Linden: Not sure when it might happen, but the code that does the limit is
[17:42] Teravus Ousley: hehe.
[17:42] Thomas Shikami: what is about the zone where bans are effective, I've
seen this still going up 768m above ground only
[17:42] Creem Pye: well there's always the option of restricting flight over a
parcel, so that only people who know about the ctrl+alt+v trick can fly =P
[17:42] Sindy Tsure nods - i'm always finding people putting beds on my build
[17:43] Rex Cronon: they just have to sit on a prim, and can get anywhere in
the sim very fast
[17:43] Teravus Ousley nods
[17:43] Simon Linden: Ah, pushing the sitting AV? I think that fix is in the pipeline as
[17:44] Arawn Spitteler has a teleporter, that blows the 300 meter limit away.
[17:44] Strife Onizuka: Sindy: Auto return is your friend :p
[17:44] Sindy Tsure: just editing the z position
[17:44] Simon Linden: ah, right, that would do it
[17:44] Rex Cronon: what do u mean "pushing the sintting av"?
[17:44] Teravus Ousley: right, just edinging the position of the prim while
you're sitting on it :D
[17:44] Sindy Tsure: yepyep, strife.. i keep it at 30 minutes, though.. a
little weird when i tp up to build something and there's a party up there..
apparently 30 minutes is enough....
[17:45] Strife Onizuka: i had some fun the other day writing a spinning object
that then moved the avatar out and unsat them so they would take on the
inerta... fun way of throwing people around
[17:45] Simon Linden: There was a bug with pushing that was kicking in if the AV was sitting
[17:45] Rex Cronon: i have never been able to push somebody that was sitting
[17:46] Creem Pye: well, you can pusha a sitting avatar if the chair is physical =)
[17:46] Simon Linden: Ah, my bad. It was setting the link postion of a sitting AV
[17:46] Thomas Shikami: still working
[17:46] Sindy Tsure: oh.. no limits on that now?
[17:46] Teravus Ousley remembers when OpenSImulator first implemented sit. It
broke the chat distance limiter code because the avatar's potion was 0,0,0..
relative to the prim that they're sitting on.
[17:46] Arawn Spitteler: Not reliable, to far beyond 1 km
[17:47] Rex Cronon: i know u can push a physical sit
[17:47] Sindy Tsure: hi ellla
[17:47] Ellla McMahon: Hello Simon ... everyone :)
[17:47] Thomas Shikami: no limits on either
[17:47] Simon Linden: Hi Ella
[17:47] Rex Cronon: hi ella
[17:47] Arawn Spitteler: Heh-llo- Ell-Ah
[17:47] Simon Linden: Yeah, it's in the release pipeline
[17:48] Ellla McMahon: LOL :)))
[17:48] Teravus Ousley: Hi Ellla
[17:48] Strife Onizuka: hi ellla
[17:48] Thomas Shikami: the release pipeline is which sim? Bethel or Island for
[17:48] Arawn Spitteler: So, the fact that we can TP VAst distances, by SLPP is
[17:48] Strife Onizuka: relatively
[17:48] Strife Onizuka: sometime in h4
[17:49] Arawn Spitteler: Sure beats sit-target
[17:49] Simon Linden: Release pipeline is our internal release process - getting all the
code changes together, building it, putting on the beta grid, pushing live, etc
[17:49] Strife Onizuka: heck yes
[17:49] Teravus Ousley repeats SLPP = SetLinkPrimitiveParams.
[17:49] Strife Onizuka: i wrote a script the other day that doesn't use sit
targets at all
[17:49] Strife Onizuka: scans the link set on sit changes
[17:49] Simon Linden: I'm not sure it's new or not, but it needed some limits (like the
max link distance)
[17:49] Arawn Spitteler: llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(integer, list)
[17:49] Teravus Ousley: :D
[17:50] Sindy Tsure: you still get a changed() if llSitTarget hasn't been called?
[17:50] Thomas Shikami: a working limit would be a 600x600x600 box
[17:50] Arawn Spitteler: I use Sit Targets, still, because my TPs are Phantom,
to save the physics engine, but otherwise unneeded.
[17:50] Thomas Shikami: with the prim in the center
[17:50] Creem Pye: I don't think you'd want to move an avatar acdross 2 sim
borders in 1 step, either
[17:50] Object: Hello, Avatar!
[17:51] Teravus Ousley: haha, I've done it.
[17:51] Strife Onizuka: definately needs a limit to about 4200 for the magnitude
[17:51] Simon Linden: The current code can put you way out in no-where
[17:51] Teravus Ousley: It's 3 where it gets 'really hairy'
[17:51] Creem Pye: I've done that across a single sim border, and the trip was
a bit rough ;)
[17:51] Simon Linden: The new code has a limit of the max link distance, which I think
[17:51] Strife Onizuka: (4128 is about magnitude of <256,256,4096>
[17:51] Arawn Spitteler sees no problme, in multiple sim crossings: Think what
it could do, when there's a gap in the railroad
[17:51] Thomas Shikami: enough for the poseball less furniture
[17:51] Strife Onizuka: that sucks Simon
[17:51] Strife Onizuka: thats worse then a sit target
[17:52] Strife Onizuka: which is 300 on each axis
[17:52] Thomas Shikami: and the limit works on unlinked prims?
[17:52] Teravus Ousley: warpPos
[17:52] Teravus Ousley: :D
[17:52] Rex Cronon: only 54m, that is going to break some things
[17:52] Arawn Spitteler: WarpPos would involve rezzing a new prim, for each
[17:52] Thomas Shikami: no furniture is more than 54m
[17:52] Strife Onizuka glowers "i'm sorry but warpPos doesn't seem like a good
use of sim resources"
[17:53] Thomas Shikami: I have a warpPos teleporter that doesn't rez a new prim
[17:53] Strife Onizuka: but you can only TP one person at a time Thomas if you
dont' rez new prims
[17:53] Teravus Ousley: agreed, but.. alas, it's the only option provided..
[17:53] Thomas Shikami: yes, but that's same with those other teleporters, too,
that rez prims
[17:53] Strife Onizuka: and warpPos is a hack in it's own right
[17:54] Thomas Shikami: a "supported" hack
[17:54] Strife Onizuka: a misfeature
[17:54] Teravus Ousley recalls the outcry when it was limited :D
[17:54] Arawn Spitteler: WarpPos is an established hack. Limiting our new tp
distance is going to hurt Spirit City.
[17:54] Thomas Shikami: and my things then quickly worked again, with a fall
[17:55] Strife Onizuka grumbles "have to repeatedly hit LL over the head to get
them to unbreak things when it comes to LSL"
[17:55] Simon Linden: The thought was to limit the link position to the link size limit.
As with every change, it seems to break things
[17:55] Strife Onizuka: If there were a way to reliably TP avatars there
wouldn't be this problem
[17:55] Arawn Spitteler: I don't see any problem, with the current lack of
limits, unless we try to remain linked.
[17:55] Teravus Ousley: that is true.
[17:55] Rex Cronon: so simon, it isn't going to be possible to move sitting
avatars further than 54m, using llSetPrimitiveParams?
[17:56] Strife Onizuka: the problem with the current lack of limits is you can
[17:56] Strife Onizuka: get them stuck at 100000 meters
[17:56] Simon Linden: It can be used for griefing, putting someone up at really, really
[17:56] Strife Onizuka: (was that the right number of zeros?)
[17:56] Thomas Shikami: 2 billion
[17:56] Simon Linden: Something like that distance - far away, very drak
[17:56] Simon Linden: dark
[17:56] Arawn Spitteler: I don't think it works that far, but breaks down
between a km and a mile
[17:56] Sindy Tsure: how common is that really, tho? has to be far less than
the old orbit crap..
[17:57] Strife Onizuka: it's not 2 billion, it's a 1 followed by several zeros
[17:57] Rex Cronon: simon, that happens only if somebody sits on something
[17:57] Strife Onizuka: and you cannot tp down
[17:57] Thomas Shikami: depends on the script
[17:57] Strife Onizuka: haven't seen the two billion version then
[17:57] Creem Pye: Well Strife, a few meetings ago Andrew asked about adding a
"teleport avatar" function for estate managers to be able to teleport agents
around an estate. But that proposal had a mixed reaction
[17:57] Arawn Spitteler: When it's broken for me, I used my map
[17:57] Simon Linden: So what distances are being used now? Would the sim size be viable?
[17:58] Arawn Spitteler: An estate might have multiple sims, such as Mystical
[17:58] Strife Onizuka: sim size would be totally viable
[17:58] Thomas Shikami: I stay with my non-rezzing warpPos version. I see no
disadvantages from the rezzing teleporters
[17:58] Strife Onizuka: multiple customers Thomas
[17:58] Thomas Shikami: it has even less limits than most rezzing teleporters
[17:59] Arawn Spitteler: Spirit City has stuff as high as 700+, that should be
[17:59] Thomas Shikami: it handles multiple customers better than the rezzing ones
[17:59] Simon Linden: I'll point out that the limit may cause problems for stuff like
warpPos. No promises on what we'll do, but it's good to learn what it might break
[17:59] Strife Onizuka nods
[17:59] Rex Cronon: .
[17:59] Strife Onizuka: it would be benificial if there were a jira or a wiki
page discussing the changes
[17:59] Sindy Tsure: seconded
[17:59] Arawn Spitteler: I don't think TPAgent is a bad function to have, but
there's fear of griefing. 54 meters, is enough to grief a person.
[17:59] Rex Cronon: did somebody requres this simon?
[18:00] Thomas Shikami: you sit on it, a dialog opens with destinations and
when pushing the button, you are at the destination
[18:00] Rex Cronon: request*
[18:00] Teravus Ousley: well, we could institute a teleport permission, like
[18:00] Teravus Ousley: .. that would be useful....
[18:00] Thomas Shikami: how about the permissions being similar to llMapDestination
[18:00] Sindy Tsure: i'd still be nervous if there wasn't a way to revoke that
[18:00] Strife Onizuka: Thomas, unless you are on mono you cannot tp the entire
sim distance in a single llSetPrimitiveParams call
[18:00] Simon Linden: I'm not sure of how it was reported ... the example as shown was
pretty ugly, so it seemed like some limits made sense. Keeping it unbounded
[18:01] Thomas Shikami: well, 1km in one call, so you can go 4km in a second
[18:01] Arawn Spitteler: Was it a Jira?
[18:01] Strife Onizuka: How about something that replaces sitting option on the
object and when you click it the object can TP you?
[18:02] Rex Cronon: so when is this going to happen?
[18:02] Arawn Spitteler: TP is already the Sitting Option, unless you mean Map-TP
[18:02] Teravus Ousley: well, the tp would remove the permission, and it would
have to ask you again.
[18:02] Rex Cronon: did it already happen?
[18:02] Thomas Shikami: llTeleportDestination(vector pos, vector lookat);
[18:02] Creem Pye: I guess you could still grief that way if there's an option
for left-clicking on the object to cause a TP
[18:02] Simon Linden: Yes, really the right solution is some functionality that could
offer a TP and have all the right permission checks so it can be useful but not
[18:02] Teravus Ousley: .. if it were going to try to tp you again. If you can
grid wide teleport an avatar.. would you need to do it twice?
[18:02] Thomas Shikami: that'd replace the llSitTarget things
[18:02] Strife Onizuka: Exactly Thomas
[18:03] Thomas Shikami: and it would teleport the agent within the same sim only
[18:03] Simon Linden: Yes, llSitTarget and prim position is really for putting the AV in
the right spot on some object
[18:03] Strife Onizuka nods
[18:04] Strife Onizuka: the sittarget to postion calculation is ugly (having
written the wiki code for faking sittarget updating)
[18:04] Thomas Shikami: like llSitTarget with sim local position and limits
<0,0,0> to <256,256,4096>
[18:04] Simon Linden: Time is pretty much up ... any last quick questions or bug reports?
[18:04] Thomas Shikami: could be implemented like llSitTarget, so no client
[18:04] Arawn Spitteler: We can't put the avatar on hte correct target, because
we don't have the appropriate functions.
[18:04] Sindy Tsure: with permission that lasts forever or just one tp?
[18:04] Strife Onizuka: Mind if I make a Jira for it Thomas?
[18:04] Simon Linden: Yeah, the devil's in the details
[18:04] Thomas Shikami: well, think it through before
[18:04] Teravus Ousley: I'd be happy with just one teleport per permisison question
[18:05] Thomas Shikami: llTeleportTarget(vector pos, vector lookat) is just an idea
[18:05] Strife Onizuka nods
[18:05] Teravus Ousley: .. If I can get an avater anywhere in the grid where
they are allowed, then I'd be happy with a single teleport per permission
[18:05] Sindy Tsure: me too, teravus.. unless people then use it as a spam vector
[18:05] Simon Linden: Opening a jira and gathering ideas and notes on where problems lie
is the way to go
[18:06] Sindy Tsure: or a forums thread.. :)
[18:06] Thomas Shikami: and for compatibility with old viewers, it would be
handled like sitting on the object
[18:06] Rex Cronon: so, do i have to spam myself with dialog boxes when i move
around the sim?
[18:06] Simon Linden: "SuperGizmo wants to teleport you to <someplace>. Is this OK?"
[18:06] Arawn Spitteler: I've been wondering, why my TPs were unknown. But
something will still be needed for spread out etates.
[18:06] Thomas Shikami: including needed timers to stop the goto effect
[18:06] Creem Pye: yeah, telling the teleport destination would be a good
feature for the permission dialog
[18:07] Teravus Ousley: right. it can use setpos or warppos or whatever in the
[18:07] Creem Pye: especially if it were to include inter-sim teleporting
[18:07] Teravus Ousley: .. or it can just tp you to the correct place
[18:07] Teravus Ousley: no need to move it after that.
[18:07] Thomas Shikami: current in-sim teleporters work without permission
dialog, so why add a nuisance?
[18:07] Simon Linden: OK, I have to run ... thanks everyone for coming and the good
feedback and ideas
[18:07] Strife Onizuka: HThomas would it be easier if lookat were a direction
instead of a postion?
[18:07] Sindy Tsure: cya, simon. ty!!
[18:07] Strife Onizuka: take care Simon
[18:07] Strife Onizuka: thanks for updating us
[18:07] Creem Pye: thanks for your time
[18:07] Rex Cronon: bye
[18:07] Teravus Ousley: lookat is a normal
[18:07] Arawn Spitteler: WarpPos is just a chair, not even Physical, but SLPP
is just convenient. It's the forced TP, that should need perms
[18:07] Sindy Tsure runs, too.. bye, all!
[18:07] Simon Linden: Bye everyone ... see you next time
[18:08] Rex Cronon: bye sindy
[18:08] Teravus Ousley: take care