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Revision as of 11:16, 28 February 2010 by Strife Onizuka (talk | contribs)
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({{{gt}}}, {{{lt}}})


Parameter Description
{{{gt}}} Value is greater than this
{{{gte}}} Value is greater than or equal to this
{{{lt}}} Value is less than this
{{{lte}}} Value is less than or equal to this
{{{center}}} Center value in the hovertip
{{{gth}}} Greater than value in the hovertip, defaults to {{{gt}}}
{{{gteh}}} Greater than or equal to value for the hovertip, defaults to {{{gte}}}
{{{lth}}} Less than or equal to value for the hovertip, defaults to {{{lt}}}
{{{lteh}}} Less than or equal to value for the hovertip, defaults to {{{lte}}}