Open Source Meeting/Agenda

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Open source meeting - Thursday, 2pm PT.

Teleport to the Linden Open Source Project headquarters.

Please try to add your items as early as possible in the week to give Merov a chance to round up any Lindens that may be appropriate to the discussion. Please also bring large or contentious items up on OpenSource-Dev before or concurrently with adding them as agenda items.

Agenda Thursday, 03 March 2010

  1. Weekly Snowglobe update - Merov Linden
  2. Finalize 1.3
    • outstanding bugs?
    • test sprint required?
    • RC2 ready to be the release?
  3. SNOW-495: create a BINDIST CMake variable for producing (hopefully) legally distributable binaries
    • Not answered at last meeting: Could we get LL's legal department to cooperate on this one, so we can minimize the guessing on what the required steps are?
  4. Snowglobe 1.4: bug triaged in the community, tree's open, commits coming?
    • "commits coming?": looks like not anymore ...
  5. Snowglobe 2.0: what the heck was Merov doing?
    • Snowglobe 2.0 Source code issues, many with patches (see SNOW 2.0 Source Code issues on pJIRA)
    • How to handle ports from Snowglobe 1.x to 2.0?
      • For now, we've opened separate issues, so status can be tracked independently. (We don't want to mess up the 1.x release process by reopening stuff that is and stays fixed in 1.x)
      • Should we still include the original issue IDs in contributions.txt, so that diff can be used to see what still needs to be ported?
      • Official answer about source drop for non-snowglobe 2.0. Yes/No/Maybe later?

Test Sprint

What to do in RC Test Sprints (template, should move to a different wiki page):

Default agenda

(after agenda above):