User:Benjamin Linden/Office Hours/2008-07-23

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Transcript of Benjamin Linden's office hours:

[15:12] Malbers Linden: I think everyone is here...
[15:12] Jacek Antonelli: hey Sai
[15:12] Entering god mode, level 150
[15:12] Bob Bunderfeld: Where's Benny?
[15:12] McCabe Maxsted thinks we might need a dance ball
[15:12] Malbers Linden: Grant did we need to say anything before letting Dusan take it away?
[15:13] Malbers Linden: Grant always has to have his own fancy chair
[15:13] Benjamin Linden: Nope, she can take it away
[15:13] Dusan Writer: He :P
[15:13] Dusan Writer: haha
[15:13] Malbers Linden: but it is cool looking
[15:13] Dusan Writer: Right....first thanks for the time and really I'm a stand-in for the people who did so much work
[15:14] Dusan Writer: you might all know i sponsored a User Interface design competition
[15:14] Dusan Writer: On Tuesday 5 of the 6 contestants presented their entries
[15:14] Dusan Writer: behind me i threw up a screen with a few slides from each entry
[15:14] Dusan Writer: i thought i'd share an edited version of what people presented so you can first see the quality of the work and the range of ideas
[15:14] Dusan Writer: i think last week jacek presented here
[15:15] Dusan Writer: I do encourage you to also read Kippie's summary of the presentations
[15:15] Dusan Writer:
[15:15] Dusan Writer: and thanks so much for that Kippie
[15:15] Kippie Friedkin: My pleasure :)
[15:15] Jacek Antonelli: :D
[15:15] Dusan Writer: I should really let McCabe speak for this, but just to highlight -
[15:16] Dusan Writer: one of the common elements of many of the entries was the idea of grouping or clustering functions
[15:16] Dusan Writer: chat/communication/voice etc as one cluster
[15:16] Dusan Writer: McCabe also did some serious work on the prim editing functions as you can see
[15:17] Jacek Antonelli tries to resist "Now *that's* what I call an editor!" remark :D
[15:17] Dusan Writer: one of the interesting things about the thought process i thought as well was paying attention to screen space and resolution
[15:17] Dusan Writer: hahahaha
[15:17] McCabe Maxsted: :)
[15:17] Dusan Writer: also, rethinking the naming of menus
[15:17] Dusan Writer: "Avatar" makes sense to people for examplke, go for intuitive and meaningful
[15:17] Squirrel Wood still has a jira open on advanced prim editing
[15:17] Dusan Writer: mccabe any other quick highlights?
[15:18] McCabe Maxsted: just the bar on the lower left that groups common functions
[15:18] Dusan Writer: i thought i'd go through it once fairly quickly and we can always also cycle back
[15:18] Dusan Writer nods
[15:18] McCabe Maxsted wants to move things along
[15:18] Dusan Writer: sharp work, intuitive
[15:19] Dusan Writer: Jacek presented last week i think and some work has been done on one feature that had everyone drooling which was inventory
[15:19] Jacek Antonelli: :D~
[15:19] Dusan Writer: but again, clustering functions, intuitive menu naming, and some thought into how to manage IMs
[15:20] Dusan Writer: the inventory has a Send to> function that was really amazing, and the ability to filter and sort of tag if thats the right word Jacek?
[15:20] Jacek Antonelli: Hmm yes to tag it as a favorite
[15:20] Dusan Writer: yeah
[15:20] Dusan Writer: Jacek I'd suggest it's time for an inventory clean-up however
[15:20] Jacek Antonelli: hehehehe
[15:20] Dusan Writer: 1,405,000 items is dragging the asset server down
[15:21] Jacek Antonelli: :D
[15:21] Bob Bunderfeld: How about an Inventory Recover?
[15:21] Geneko Nemeth: XD
[15:21] Dusan Writer: the mark as favorite and the send to had a lot of discussion
[15:21] Dusan Writer: btw all of the entries are on my blog with links to the full documentation
[15:21] McCabe Maxsted: new menu structure: aimee
[15:21] Dusan Writer:
[15:22] Jacek Antonelli: lol McCabe
[15:22] Dusan Writer: hehehee
[15:22] Geneko Nemeth: Nyahahaha...
[15:22] Malbers Linden: presenting...... Aimee!
[15:22] Aimee Trescothick: oops
[15:22] Malbers Linden: Hi Amiee
[15:22] Dusan Writer: OK Damien Fate had an entry between putting his little low effort sim together :P
[15:22] Dusan Writer: top bar - circular mini map, more intuitive
[15:22] Jacek Antonelli: hehehehe
[15:22] Dusan Writer: also a next and back navigation button
[15:22] Dusan Writer: the main feature is the lower bar i think
[15:23] Aimee Trescothick blushes, how to make an entrance lol
[15:23] Dusan Writer: it has 3 nested levels depending on how many functions you want
[15:23] Dusan Writer: the interface switchers let you move from simple chat and search etc
[15:23] Jacek Antonelli thinks you could do worse than have a UI that looks like Aimee :D
[15:23] Aimee Trescothick: ROFL
[15:23] Dusan Writer: and interface 3 includes a more detailed feature set
[15:23] Benjamin Linden: a very graceful design interface
[15:24] Dusan Writer: he had some thoughts as well on inventory, had a favourites function as well, some different sort and filter options
[15:24] Licentious Destiny clears her throat. "So, this is an odd chance bumping into UI people. Umm, Just a question, and a comment. My question is. Is there any way to get the old All Search back? for some people the new search is rather annoying.. And to add to that the comment. Some people prefer to use a Mac (No offense Mac users, they are nice computers.) because they need to have their hand held to use a computer, but there are other people who prefer to use a computer that is difficult to use but very very customisable so they can set everything up how they like it.. As opposed to getting it in 'easy mode' and thats how it is. period. if you get my meaning..
[15:25] Dusan Writer nods
[15:25] Dusan Writer: there was a bit of talk about fly away menus, sort of being able to make a more complex interface
[15:25] McCabe Maxsted: you could use henri beauchamp's viewer
[15:25] Dusan Writer: it was really interesting because there were different philosophies
[15:25] Dusan Writer: anyways this is how damien's all came together
[15:26] Dusan Writer: view alpha button was interesting
[15:26] Dusan Writer: oh and "sell lindens" in addition to buy
[15:26] Dusan Writer: ok Roy took a completely different approach
[15:26] Dusan Writer: the task was: improve the experience for the newer/inexperienced user
[15:26] Dusan Writer: or that was partly the task
[15:27] Dusan Writer: so he spent a lot of time on the sign-up process
[15:27] Dusan Writer: and used that as a way of teaching new users
[15:27] Lars Donardson: dusan..I appreciate your high speed line...but...umm..a tad slower would allow the things to rez for me fully before they vanish
[15:27] Lars Donardson: lol
[15:27] Dusan Writer: and "revealing" the interface at each tutotorial
[15:27] Dusan Writer: eeps sorry hahaha!
[15:27] Dusan Writer: so for example this is the welcome screen
[15:28] Dusan Writer: you'll see no interface really yet right
[15:28] Dusan Writer: new user, no buttons to confuse things
[15:28] Licentious Destiny: I totally understand how helping the new user is certainly high priority for LL.. But what about us people who have been around, 2, 3 years.. and wish we had the SL Viewer we started with.. or even, a build that worked like then 1.18 series?
[15:28] Dusan Writer: then, a little tiny tutorial
[15:28] Bob Bunderfeld: Or even a grid that was stable :)'
[15:28] Dusan Writer: and with the instruction, the chat button appears
[15:28] Geneko Nemeth: These are the focus of other UI designs, not this one.
[15:29] Licentious Destiny snickers at Bob.
[15:29] Dusan Writer: you can always skip the tutorials
[15:29] Malbers Linden: There are links to some screenshots of the proposals at
[15:29] Jacek Antonelli thinks Roy did a great job of focusing on the newbies. (Unlike the rest of us who just designed around our pet peeves ;D)
[15:29] Geneko Nemeth: What if I skipped but want to get back to it?
[15:29] Dusan Writer: i think he has a help/tutorial button actually
[15:29] Geneko Nemeth: Cool.
[15:29] Dusan Writer: another exampl here, learn about flying, fly button appears
[15:30] Dusan Writer: he has more slides these are the highlights
[15:30] Dusan Writer: this is what the interface looks like
[15:30] Dusan Writer: after tutorials, etc.
[15:30] Jacek Antonelli: Ah, a suitcase is a good icon for inventory
[15:30] Dusan Writer: his approach is few functions and buttons, the rest of it nested
[15:30] Dusan Writer: search on the top
[15:31] Lars Donardson looks at Grant "that's how intuitive buttons should look like"
[15:31] Bob Bunderfeld: I know this won't be well received, but did anyone do a study with New Residents to see what they were having issues with?
[15:31] McCabe Maxsted: I think it's a great idea regardless of the interface. Help/orientation islands just don't work
[15:31] Aimee Trescothick: (nice to see he's providing restrooms, can never find them in SL)
[15:31] Geneko Nemeth: XD
[15:31] Dusan Writer: good point Bob and thats a thing for Grant and the team, it was beyong my scope to look at that unfortunately
[15:31] McCabe Maxsted: hahaha
[15:31] Malbers Linden: Bob, we have conducted a number of studies w/ new residents.
[15:32] Benjamin Linden: I am glad there is *something* left for us to do
[15:32] Bob Bunderfeld: Well, I just wondered, since I've been doing a New Resident 3x's a week for 4 years, someone might just ask them :)
[15:32] Malbers Linden: These designs do hit on a number of the pain points for new residents.
[15:32] Dusan Writer: hehe
[15:32] Jacek Antonelli would love to see some summaries of the studies posted on the wiki *bats eyelashes*
[15:32] Dusan Writer: ok so a few samples of fly outs and so on
[15:32] McCabe Maxsted: seconded!
[15:32] Dusan Writer: ok and last presented was vincent
[15:33] Bob Bunderfeld: I can honestly tell you, New Residents aren't interested in pretty UI's, they want to dive-in and experience things right off
[15:33] Licentious Destiny: From memory, What I had issues with when i started SL. was where to get the highest quality low cost accessories to make your AV look like something other than a gumby character and without everyone looking like a cookie cutter version of the next person.
[15:33] Dusan Writer: i'll let it rez dont worry you didnt miss anything on the previous
[15:33] Dusan Writer: hahaha
[15:33] Dusan Writer: i always said good hair is the most important thing for a newbie :P
[15:33] Bob Bunderfeld: Or clothes
[15:33] Dusan Writer: ok vincents presentation - let the world be the screen
[15:33] Bob Bunderfeld: More then once I've had a naked New Resident in the Q&A
[15:33] Malbers Linden: good hair is important (says the jellyfish)
[15:33] Dusan Writer: keep the interface accessible but unobtrusive
[15:33] Geneko Nemeth: Sometimes it's not just hair or clothes...
[15:34] Geneko Nemeth: But tails as well.
[15:34] Benjamin Linden: tails are important
[15:34] Dusan Writer: yes sorry about that you're right, hair was a metaphor for tails and tentacles as well
[15:34] Geneko Nemeth: ... tentacles. >_>
[15:34] Jacek Antonelli: \o/
[15:34] Aimee Trescothick: Wings!
[15:34] Licentious Destiny: Now this interface is a winner with me. Minimalist is the way to go. the screen valuable real estate. weather it be desktop or game screen.
[15:35] Licentious Destiny: screen is valuable real estate*
[15:35] Bob Bunderfeld: Just one thing, us Old Timers are used to the OLD way, please tell me we can have a choice of UI?
[15:35] Dusan Writer: had some ideas around chat, you see the chat badges on the lower right
[15:35] Geneko Nemeth whispers, "skinning."
[15:35] Dusan Writer: he did a nice job thinking through the sound menu as well
[15:35] Jacek Antonelli: Ooh, yes
[15:35] McCabe Maxsted whispers to geneko:
[15:35] Bob Bunderfeld: A re-write of Gestures would be nice, leaving people room to set up key-sequences for things they do?
[15:35] Lars Donardson: looks at the still blurry lower right..which just became crisp...before it poofed
[15:36] Dusan Writer: a nice sort of control panel where he also put sound waves and ambient and stuff
[15:36] Dusan Writer: aww sorry lars and i'm even using a preloader :(
[15:36] Lars Donardson shrugs
[15:36] Geneko Nemeth has 575 textures pending to be loaded
[15:36] Geneko Nemeth: Or discarded for that matter...
[15:36] Bob Bunderfeld: pfffft...I've got over 10K to load still
[15:36] Jacek Antonelli recommends HTTP Texture Get
[15:37] Dusan Writer: and finally there was real interest in this slide
[15:37] Geneko Nemeth: Texture GET!
[15:37] Jacek Antonelli: Oooh, interesting inventory
[15:37] Dusan Writer: the inventory permission check boxes
[15:37] Bob Bunderfeld: Only way I could log into Kissling was to Clear Cache....guess the rollo-out isn't going all that well :)
[15:37] Jacek Antonelli: That is indeed an interesting slide
[15:37] Dusan Writer: you can see what the perms are
[15:37] Dusan Writer: see what ones you can change
[15:37] McCabe Maxsted loves the checkboxes... could finally set multiple permissions at once too
[15:37] Jacek Antonelli wants!
[15:37] Bob Bunderfeld: Perms for texture creators? I whole-heartedly agree!
[15:37] Jacek Antonelli licks the slide viewer
[15:38] McCabe Maxsted: haha
[15:38] Dusan Writer: hehehe
[15:38] Squirrel Wood: there are not enough tail friendly chairs in SL. I vote that all chairs must be tail friendly. :p
[15:38] Dusan Writer: yeah this one was a hit i think hehe
[15:38] Dusan Writer: lars you can see it ok?
[15:38] Bob Bunderfeld: I agree, see me later and I'll make you one squirrel
[15:38] Geneko Nemeth is sitting on a tail-friendly chair IRL
[15:38] Lars Donardson: up
[15:38] Lars Donardson: yup
[15:38] Jacek Antonelli: We need a franken-viewer. Chop up all the entries and reassemble them with the best ideas from each :D
[15:38] Dusan Writer: ok one more io think
[15:38] Geneko Nemeth: Wholehartedly Agreed.
[15:39] Dusan Writer: bringing it all together, same idea with groups
[15:39] Dusan Writer: check boxes with 'receive information' which you can TOGGLE
[15:39] Bob Bunderfeld: I think we should revert back to 5 groups only personelly
[15:39] Dusan Writer: so you can choose to turn group notices on or off
[15:39] McCabe Maxsted: very smart idea
[15:39] Squirrel Wood: Bob, 25 are not enough :p
[15:39] Dusan Writer: now i wish i had the 6th entry
[15:39] Saijanai Kuhn: wait til we go multi-grid
[15:39] Lars Donardson kicks Bob's shinbone hard
[15:40] Bob Bunderfeld: Don't make me laugh squirrel. We did plenty well back then with only 5
[15:40] Dusan Writer: Rheta Shan entered as well, we're reviewing hers this weekend
[15:40] Bob Bunderfeld: Oh wait, that was when the Grid was stable....nevermind :)
[15:40] Dusan Writer: I'll open it for discussion if you want although I'd like to mention some next steps
[15:40] Lars Donardson: yes...when there were only 10 groups in total inworld
[15:40] Lars Donardson: oldies....
[15:40] Aimee Trescothick thinks there should be 26, everyone always needs one more ...
[15:40] Bob Bunderfeld: 27 then
[15:40] Dusan Writer: X+1
[15:40] McCabe Maxsted: what're the next steps?
[15:40] Lars Donardson: infinite +1 ..oh wait
[15:41] Dusan Writer: :P
[15:41] Bob Bunderfeld: If we can have unlimited Inventory, why not groups?
[15:41] Geneko Nemeth: Unlimited groups should be a premium account premium (says the fennec with a basic account...)
[15:41] Dusan Writer: There are two things we'll do next
[15:41] Dusan Writer: Or 3 kinda
[15:41] Bob Bunderfeld: Linden Lab is already doing enough to alienate the Basic Account user
[15:41] Dusan Writer: One is we're posting a poll of features, I believe this will run on New World Notes
[15:41] Dusan Writer: getting wider feedback would be useful
[15:41] Bob Bunderfeld: They go much further and we won't need any Grid Stabilization, it will be empty again
[15:42] Aimee Trescothick: it's down to the functions groups perform, when you're standing on a bit of land it has to check to see what groups you're in for permissions etc.
[15:42] Dusan Writer: rather than polling the entries, we'll poll some of the individual ideas
[15:42] McCabe Maxsted agrees that LL treats basic users horribly, but I want to hear what dusan has to say
[15:42] Geneko Nemeth has hijacked the topic. XD
[15:42] IM: Licentious Destiny: Are you available for a quite minute for a question about the 1.20.* Search window change?.
[15:42] Dusan Writer: second, we'll share some of the ideas on Metanomics so that we can promote your work and passion :)
[15:42] Dusan Writer: that will be on August 4th
[15:42] Dusan Writer: at which point i'll explain details of the UI contest mash-up phase
[15:43] IM: Licentious Destiny: quick* rather.
[15:43] Dusan Writer: which will be an extension to the contest inviting folks to lift off some of these ideas
[15:43] IM: Licentious Destiny: Oh. *smirks* okay thank you
[15:43] Dusan Writer: for the non-designer types, we'll be providing some graphic files as well, deepen the pool of ideas
[15:43] IM: Licentious Destiny: I don't want to disturb the meeting too much.
[15:43] Dusan Writer: now....we did this to generate ideas, discussion, interest and engage users in thinking about their experiences
[15:44] Dusan Writer: i know the Lindens are dedicated to improving our experiences, hopefully this will all be food for thought
[15:44] Dusan Writer: thanks :)
[15:44] Bob Bunderfeld: Very Nice Dusan
[15:45] Benjamin Linden: it has been a great way to get resident feedback and ideas
[15:45] McCabe Maxsted: as well as good fun :D
[15:45] McCabe Maxsted: what do you mean by "providing graphic files"?
[15:45] Bob Bunderfeld: Grant, just how many Resident feedback have you obtain, compared to the total number of Unique Users?
[15:45] Dusan Writer: um i dunno yet McCabe haha
[15:45] Benjamin Linden: not sure how to answer that question?
[15:45] Squirrel Wood: a significant number? ^^
[15:45] McCabe Maxsted: haha, k :)
[15:45] Lars Donardson: the "Frankenviewer" it is for me indeed :D
[15:46] Bob Bunderfeld: Well, 1%, 2%, 3%?
[15:46] Bob Bunderfeld: How much feedback did you receive, number wise?
[15:46] Geneko Nemeth: Is there even a count for unique active users or indeed is such count possible?
[15:46] McCabe Maxsted nominates frankenveiwer as its official working name
[15:46] Benjamin Linden: feedback in what way?
[15:46] Dusan Writer: i like McCabe :)
[15:46] Bob Bunderfeld: You just said you have received feedback from Residents
[15:46] Benjamin Linden: this is feedback?
[15:46] Bob Bunderfeld: OH
[15:47] Dusan Writer: Grant, at one point Philip talked about live focus groups for example?
[15:47] Dusan Writer: usability studies?
[15:47] Bob Bunderfeld: So, you think 40 people is a good cross-section to choose from? Since a meeting can only handle 40 Residents at a time?
[15:47] Benjamin Linden: the public Jira, surveys, and resident forums all add to our understanding
[15:47] Malbers Linden: this is only one of the channels
[15:47] Geneko Nemeth: There's still the mailing list...
[15:47] Aimee Trescothick: plus of course prok's blog ;)
[15:47] Squirrel Wood: for statistics it would have to be 41, and not 40
[15:47] Bob Bunderfeld: How many have actually sent you feedback thru those channels>?
[15:48] McCabe Maxsted: hahaha
[15:48] Bob Bunderfeld: What's the percentage of feedback received thru channels, to total Unique Users in Second Life?
[15:48] Squirrel Wood: Porkys feedback can at most, only be counted as destructive feedback :p
[15:48] Benjamin Linden: Bob, I don't have statistics for you, I am sorry.
[15:48] Courageous Constantine: Am I late?
[15:48] Bob Bunderfeld: OK, when can I expect those numbers?
[15:49] Geneko Nemeth: I think it will be useful, such statistics, even if it would be hard to collect.
[15:49] Dusan Writer: Bob can I ask you a question?
[15:49] Malbers Linden: I'm not sure that's a very interesting metric -- % of unique users
[15:49] Geneko Nemeth: Yes you're late, but not late enough. Come and sit.
[15:49] Malbers Linden: quality of feedback over quantity or unique
[15:49] Dusan Writer: I mean, I'm not doing this for any reason other than personal interest
[15:49] Bob Bunderfeld: But, what you will see is that MOST Residents won't give you feedback and you should be asking yourselves WHY
[15:49] Courageous Constantine: wonderful. I had an important question regarding the written permanent ban appeal process
[15:49] Dusan Writer: But I'm curious what other ways we COULD get feedback say on the entries
[15:50] Malbers Linden: this is the same issue that every product ever created has
[15:50] McCabe Maxsted nods
[15:50] Geneko Nemeth: Um... this is a discussion about the user interface...
[15:50] Bob Bunderfeld: Linden Lab can't handle this User Study, they need to get an outside channel to do it. It's too large of a project for them
[15:50] Courageous Constantine: oh, wrong meeting.
[15:50] Geneko Nemeth: LOL
[15:50] Benjamin Linden: "handle this user study?" Bob?
[15:50] Courageous Constantine: out of desperacy I was hoping to speak with "any" linden
[15:50] Bob Bunderfeld: Also, Residents don't exactly have a lot of "faith" in Linden Lab at the moment
[15:51] Benjamin Linden: what do you mean?
[15:51] McCabe Maxsted: wb jacek :)
[15:51] Bob Bunderfeld: Yes, if you want to find out what Users want, really want, you need to commission a study of ALL Residents, not just those that show up to meetings,write in channels, etc
[15:51] Jacek Antonelli: Thanks. *eyes the new release suspiciously*
[15:51] Benjamin Linden: this is a contest
[15:51] McCabe Maxsted: hehe
[15:51] Benjamin Linden: this is not a Linden Lab Study
[15:51] Bob Bunderfeld: And if you tell me Linden Lab can do that, I'll just ask about Version 1.23 and we can just look sorely at each other
[15:51] Bob Bunderfeld: yes, I know
[15:52] Bob Bunderfeld: It should be though
[15:52] Bob Bunderfeld: Do you really want to know what your Customers want or not?
[15:52] Dusan Writer: it's an intriguing question Grant.
[15:52] Bob Bunderfeld: I mean meetings are all good and well, but let's be honest, they can't reach the wider audience
[15:52] Dusan Writer: I wonder if Steve Jobs goes out and polls all the apple owners
[15:53] Bob Bunderfeld: For over a year, I've heard Linden Lab say "We care about our customers", I think it's time to put action before words
[15:53] Benjamin Linden: this open office hour was not intended to be all that we do
[15:53] Bob Bunderfeld: So, do you think you are reaching the Wider Audience thru this and other channels?
[15:54] Malbers Linden: we use the same methodoligies as any other product company to gather data/feedback from it's user base
[15:54] Benjamin Linden: yes, Bob, I am confident that we are gathering the correct information
[15:54] Lars Donardson: what's an apple besides the fruit anyhow..but that aside...the vast majority of users can't be bothered...their reply will be "give me something that works"
[15:54] McCabe Maxsted: malbers: speaking of which, has there been any result of the A/B studies yet?
[15:54] Jacek Antonelli wondered if she accidently logged into an interrogation instead of the office hour
[15:55] Bob Bunderfeld: Well guys, I've been doing Q&A's with New Residents over 4 years now, and I can tell you, while these are all nice UI's, each will confuse the hell out of a New REsident, no offense Dusan
[15:55] Aimee Trescothick: ohh, /me runs off to fetch the thumb screws
[15:55] Dusan Writer: hehehe
[15:55] Dusan Writer: um none taken it isn't me you need to apologize to :P
[15:55] Bob Bunderfeld: While you may give me the "Company line", I know, and you know, Linden Lab hasn't ever reached the Wider Audience since August 2003
[15:55] Geneko Nemeth: At least the English "translation" is accurate. </sarcasm>
[15:56] Dusan Writer: the contest wasnt designed as a usability design process it was designed as an idea generator and discussion point
[15:56] Bob Bunderfeld: So, I would appreciate a Linden that would at least be honest and open when answering these questions
[15:56] Lars Donardson: and so will the present one..are we down to "we want a stable grid chanting" again...
[15:56] Bob Bunderfeld: You can Ban or Suspend me now
[15:56] McCabe Maxsted: geneko: part of dazzle was making translations easier; if there's one you'd like to contribute, you should find the process a lot simpler than before
[15:56] Geneko Nemeth: I don't see any difference. Yet.
[15:56] Bob Bunderfeld: Or for a change, you could be honest
[15:57] Geneko Nemeth: I'm absolutely confident in the process of this though.
[15:57] Dusan Writer: so can i hijack the meeting back?
[15:57] Jacek Antonelli: Please do, Dusan
[15:57] McCabe Maxsted: please :)
[15:57] Geneko Nemeth: Absolutely, Dusan!
[15:57] Bob Bunderfeld: Geneko, how many New REsidents have you asked about the UI?
[15:57] Dusan Writer: of the stuff you saw, what features are must haves
[15:57] Geneko Nemeth: Zero? :)
[15:57] Bob Bunderfeld: Well, I can see how you are confident in this process then
[15:57] Geneko Nemeth: Umm, can you play the slide again?
[15:57] Jacek Antonelli: Bob, give it a rest
[15:57] Bob Bunderfeld shouts: Just like Linden Lab is :)
[15:57] Licentious Destiny: What there needs to be, Is the UI for the 'New User' as well as options for 'Old Users' We don't want our hands held (Old users). we want to easily access any and all configurable options, and have data presented to us through time saving means. For instance the new 'All' search.. Yes it is great for new people, it is very frustrating for us oldies that want the maximum data given to us in one window.. Not have to search through what basicly resembles webpages.
[15:57] Dusan Writer: and i realize this is a small and unofficial sampling i'm just curious
[15:57] Lars Donardson: why don't you drop these lines on the you normally do Bob?
[15:58] Benjamin Linden: Bob, I can only say that we are looking at data from accross our user base and moving forward with improvements.
[15:58] Bob Bunderfeld: Grant, I understand that, please tell me what is your samplling size, across the base I mean
[15:58] Bob Bunderfeld: 1%? 2%? 3%?
[15:58] Dusan Writer: OK McCabes - i for one love the prim editor match to the aves
[15:58] Bob Bunderfeld: Less or more?
[15:58] Dusan Writer: axes
[15:58] Lars Donardson: whenI speak to neewfies..and I speak to quite a few ...they find each and any UI confusing at the start
[15:59] Benjamin Linden: Bob, I am happy to discuss UI suggestions with you.
[15:59] Dusan Writer: its funny lars, when i started this i actually believed that we should put MORE tools in the interface, there will always be a learning curve
[15:59] McCabe Maxsted really likes jacek's inventory, but I think that's been said enough already :) Rob's clientside tutorial I'd also consider a must have for users coming in from websites other than LL's
[15:59] Jacek Antonelli: The build UI could sure use a revamp. I'm not sure if McCabe's is quite the way I'd go, but it's an interesting point for discussion
[15:59] Lars Donardson: but shouting "fould" and "do your homework" is not getting us any further...brain pooling is
[16:00] Geneko Nemeth: Perhaps, less is more.
[16:00] Lars Donardson: the icons on the 4th UI are very intuitive imho
[16:00] Benjamin Linden: Thanks to all for coming and a special thanks to out guest host.
[16:00] Benjamin Linden: Please come back next week.
[16:00] Jacek Antonelli: I think Favorites and Worn tabs are must-haves. They showed up plenty of times in the designs
[16:00] Dusan Writer: thanks for inviting me Grant - it's just meant as a small contribution to a wider discussion for sure :)
[16:00] Jacek Antonelli: Take care, Grant
[16:00] McCabe Maxsted: take care
[16:01] Benjamin Linden: thank you, Dusan!