German speaking Linguists/Meeting Summaries
This page lists the summeries of the German speaking Linguists meetings. The complete transcripts including lists of attendees are linked to the group page.
July 3rd 2008
A short summary about the decisions and topics of this meeting:
- Upcoming KB translation project announced.
- New Localization Portal advertised & upcoming changes explained.
- (Articles in need for translation will be split in two pseudo-categories: LSL articles and other articles)
- Thx to all supporters of our SL5B exhibition.
- Discussion about a translation testpage for practicing purposes in the Wiki.
- There won't be such a testpage but new (and old) translators are welcome to translate any Wiki page and request constructive feedback about their translation at either the GsL discussion page or in the inworld groups groupchat.
- Blog translation project planned with Igel Hawks.
- Discussion about pros and cons of voluntary translators for official pages (KB and Blog)
- Discussion about ToS translations in the Wiki (ref).
- Jira will be filed to get feedback whether or not
- ...ToS translations are allowed to be published in the Wiki.
- ...these translations will become linked to the ToS page.
- ...official ToS translations are planned.
- Project:Languages meeting announced (date to be published via group notice).
- Attention raised to discussion about merging or distinguishing of Project:Languages and Project:i18n.
June 17th 2008
A short summary about the decisions and topics of this meeting:
- We finally got a SL5B parcel (WOOT!)
- Although the building period officially ends at the 20th of June, we might fix things afterwards as well, since the approvement came really late =)
- Not everyone got access to the parcel prior June 23rd, but we can build in sandboxes and let Asriazh, Tom, Peter or Zai place the exhibits.
- Exhibits are:
- A poster with misstranslations by Babbler/Bablefish to show it's ineffectivity (Assignees: Keumjoo & Zai).
- A wall with "False Friends" (common translation misstakes) which is scripted like in the "Wheel of Fortune" game show (Assignees: Lore & Tom)
- A wall with the name of the group in many languages (translations collected here). (Assignee: Tom)
- A "Language Barrier"-wall with the words Language Barrier written on, in many languages (translations collected here). This wall can be torn apart (physical prims). (Assignees: Asriazh, Kuraiko and Zai).
- A bridge over (troubled) water with German speaking Linguists written on in many languages (translations collected here). (Assignee: Asriazh)
- A worldmap with two faces which are speaking. Letters are merging above Austria, Germany and Swizzerland. (Assignee: Tom)
- A group mascot (Assignee: Zai)
- Maybe a map of Austria, Germany and Swizzerland with some clickable sightseeing spots.
- Lore is a lucky winner of a SLVI parcel and donated it to the German speaking Linguists. The spot is set to the group now and we can build a fun and functional advertising space. Some of the SL5B exhibits might be recycled and a wheel of furtine might be places meanwhile.
June 5th 2008
A short summary about the decisions and topics of this meeting:
- Decision: All German and English articles should be synchronized in style and content.
- Presentation and explanation of the translated Volunteer Portal.
- Introduction to the LSL Portal Translation Project.
- Definition who we are and who we'd like to be by:
- Renaming the group from German Linguists to German speaking Linguists.
- Relocation of future meetings to the Volunteer HQ in Tenera to include non-mentor participation.
- Decision to found an inworld group named German speaking Linguists with the charta listet below.
- Decision to create a role named GsL Supporter for those who'd like to support the German speaking Linguists but who aren't able to speak German themselfs.
- Decision to take part in the lottery for a parcel at the SLVIs to build a fun- & functional advertising space.
- Decision to send an application for an exhibit at the SL5B to present the German speaking Linguists. Willingness to collaborate with the German Mentors to represent the German community at this event.
- Decision to apply as an endorsed group.
Charter for German speaking Linguists inworld Group
German speaking Linguists are Residents of SL who are able to speak German and at least one additional language. Furthermore, they feel dedicated to the translation of the Second Life Wiki or other Second Life related non-profit resources. Beeing a member of the inworld groups German speaking Linguists or Second Life Mentors is not required to label yourself as a German speaking Linguist. These memberships are optional and require the compliance to certain guidelines. Have a look at the Volunteer Portal for guidlines of the Second Life Mentors group. The guidelines for the German speaking Linguists inworld group are:
- Having the will to support the goals of the German speaking Linguists by contributing your skill (no need to be able to actually speak German).
- Obey to the Tao of Volunteers while speaking in the group chat or while representing the German speaking Linguists group.
- No non-Linguists related chat in the group channel (e.g.: no advertisement).
Violation of these guidelines might result in an exclusion from the inworld group after one warning.
May 8th 2008
A short summary about the decisions and topics of this meeting:
- Update on ISO 639-1 vs. ISO_639-3 topic
- Discussion: Should German and English articles be synchronized?
- Brought attention to WEB-456
- Further discussion needed
- Changes in the Linguist Pavillion (notecard board removed, RSS Feed reader added)
- Upcoming changes (in that order)
- Move ISO 639-3 articles
- Move Category:Text_from_In-world_Notecards_(German) articles
- Translate the Volunteer Portal
- Improvements suggested for the Linguist HUD made by James Benedek
- (Should be smaller and hideable) + (Should be added to the Linguists Pavillion)
April 16th 2008
A short summary about the decisions and topics of this meeting:
- A transcript of this meeting will be made and published on the wiki
- Monthly German Linguists meetings will be hosted every first Thursday of the month at 21:15 MEZ (12:15 PM SLT)
- If the first Thursday of a month is a holiday, the meeting will be postponed by one week
- Meeting place is the German Pavillion of the Linguist Center in SLVEC
- Every upcoming meeting will have a transcript as well published on the wiki at German_Linguists/YYYY_MM_DD_Transcript
- A reminder to use the summary bar and discussion pages at the wiki and to mark minor edits as such
- Informations about current wiki bugs WEB-154 and WEB-602 as well as a feature request: WEB-590
- A discussion about the proper translation of "You" to German. "Sie" vs. "Du". The discussion became obsolete by an IM of Lexie Linden stating to use "Sie" for everything formal (like guidelines and rules) and "Du" for conversational topics. A revision of already translated articles is welcomed but no must.
- A wiki-page named German Linguists will be made. Topics at this page will be
- Links to all transcripts of upcoming German Linguists meetings
- A translation project regarding the translation of the Volunteer Portal including guidelines
- Informations about "ISO 639-1 to ISO 639-3 migration" (known as /de vs. /deu)
- Informations about the style guide regarding "Du" and "Sie" as translation of "You"
- A discussion on how to improve the Orientation Sessions