Wiki myths debunked
Some Residents fear the Second Life wiki when infact, they could embrace and benefit from it! If mindjunk is cluttering your head and preventing you from using our wiki more, here's some facts to set you free!
Myth: The wiki is only for power users
Myth... busted! This is absolutely not true. While the roots of the Second Life wiki are in technical areas such as Open Source and LSL (they were among the first portals), the same can be said for many other tools that started off adopted by a few, then spread to the masses. Nowadays, we can find all sorts of newcomer-friendly pages on the wiki, and our Volunteer Mentors — fellow Residents — have taken to expanding content and making it more accessible.
The wiki is an open and welcome resource for any and every Second Life Resident, and that includes you.
Myth: You have to know how to edit the wiki to use it
Heck no. If you want to just read pages, that's fine.
And learning how to edit wiki pages can happen in just a few minutes — it's up to you and your needs.
Myth: The wiki is hard to search
Alright, alright. This isn't a total myth, since the built-in search does kinda suck. But you know what? You can search the wiki via Google. For example: [YOURQUERYHERE]
Like if you wanted to search for articles on linking prims: linking prims
Easy, see?