User:Raydon Writer

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About Me

I am an active Resident of Second Life Currently living on a Private Sim Big Sur. An Active Volunteer of the Shelter in Isabel, and an active Mentor.

I love to build and chat and dance here. I have made small strives in my building and scripting abilities and I am quite proud of some of the items I have built. Most proud of the friends I have made here. They never fail to lift my spirits when I am down. They are always there. Bless them.

What I Do

When I Mentor

Being a Helper has been my role since day 1. I found the Shelter and took to it like a Duck to Water. I had my ups and downs, but always found being there helping others is what I loved to do. Several people told me over and over to join the Second Life Mentors. Finally this wonderful woman, my Partner Fleur Grier, told me that I had stalled enough. It was time. So I did. And here I am. Loving it.

There are times when I don't have the patience to Mentor. Or Volunteer. So I go back to our place and Build, or just sit and listen to some wonderful Blues. And soon I see the Group IM light up, and a few minutes of the Zany Mental Mentors chat later and I feel much better.

I'm a Lone Wolf. I travel alone and help others all over the place. Wherever I find them and they need help, I'm there. And at times, even when I don't feel that I want to, I toss up the tag, find a spot, and just walk. And they find me, or I find them. Its nice, because most of these places are quiet, and I can devote my Attention to their needs exclusively. We both walk away the better for it.

When I build

I don't build for profit, just for my needs, or for friends. I love nothing more to teach others the little I know and watch the lights come on in another's mind when the see what they are doing. Its a great feeling.

Items I am proud of that I have built

  • Patio Loungers - Both couples and singles
  • Light scripts that go on and off by touch
  • Claw Foot Bathtub
  • Boogie Dance Balls
  • Particle Based On/Off Candles
  • Cuddle Rugs


There have been many moments that I have found here that make me proud and have a special spot in my mind. Some are quite simple. Chatting with friends, dancing with Fleur. Even giving away a friend at her SL wedding. Many of these will top the list. Here are a few that really stand out:

  1. Meeting Fleur Grier
  2. Asking her to be my Partner, and her saying yes the first time :)
  3. Finding Incredible Friends here
  4. Finding an AWESOME Blues Performer SRV4U Conacher, An Incredible performer in Patrick Lasalle and other musicians here in SL.
  5. Selling my First Item I made

More about Me

You can find more about me on my Wordpress Blog, The Boots Have It!