Mental Mentors Charter

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Mental Mentors Group Charter Version 1.2a

MENTORING is our number one priority, MM provides a place to let off steam for mentors

Mental Mentors is not an open enrollment group, new members are required to be Second Life Active Mentors** or retired Mentors in good standing ONLY and new members are invited by the group managers or officers.

The following Group Charter has been written, and will work in conjunction with the TOS, Community Standards and Mentor TAO.

As responsible Mentors it is only fair that we treat each other as well as our fellow SL residents with the respect we all deserve regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, creed, gender, or sexual orientation.

Matters involving political, religious or nation of origin bashing; constitute non Tao behavior. These actions are also in violation of the Community standards of Second Life.

Any person, who openly slanders, harassess or victimises any group member, through either a group notice, or group chat, will receive a formal written warning from management.

If the behaviour persists, the offending party will be ejected from the group, with no form of redress.

  • Group Notices. Can only be sent out by Officers, Admin, Press Officers and Management of MM.

Group Notices are intended to be an information source, they are not orders, they are suggestions. As with any sugggestion, it is up to the individual to determine if they wish to adopt the suggestion.

Notices that contain kits, are to be sent out through the weekly drop box.

If you wish to have an event notice sent to MM, please give officers at least one weeks notice. You pre-plan, so one week notice is not a big ask.

Officers that send out inappropriate notecards will be asked to provide an explanation.


Fund raisers for individual persons, not charities.
Promoting MM member businesses.
Promoting non Mentor businesses.
Promoting Support for Real Life legal cases in any country.


Discounts for MM members and Mentors in general.
MM member related events that offer Prizes.
Charity Events relating to the furtherment of medical research

There will be exceptions to this, said exceptions will be determined by Managment.

The above is subject to review.

  • All Mental Mentors shall have voting rights for any Group proposals.
  • Retired Mentors shall be given the option of remaining in the Mentals group.

This clause, is recognition of the valuable service that Retired mentors have given the SL community, and the means to provide that all important link between a wealth of mentoring experience and new mentors coming through the ranks.

*Mentors who have been regressed to Apprentice for alleged breaches of the new main chat guidelines, will be allowed to stay in MM, providing they apply for apprentice status again, as per the new chat guidlines.

  • Apprentice Mentors May be invited to join MM, after having completed their Orientation and shadowing sessions**.
  • The Management of the Group will not become involved in any disputes between members. Such disputes out of respect and courtesy to others in group should be handled by individual members in private IM, not in the group chat.
  • Any person, who openly slanders, harassess or victimises any group member, through either a group notice, or group chat, will receive a formal written warning from management.

If the behaviour persists, the offending party will be ejected from the group, with no form of redress.

  • Group Chat is the place for asking for help from fellow group members, or a place to let off steam, providing courteous boundaries are observed.
  • CHAT SPAM is fine, providing it does not get out of hand. If it gets out of hand, the offending members will receive a formal written warning from management. Members may only advertise their business in MM chat if they are offering a discount to MM members. No discount - no advertising.

If the behaviour persists, the offending party will be ejected from the group, with no form of redress. In extreme cases, Managment may elect to eject the person without warning

  • Harrassment is defined as but not limited to the following:

Racial Vilification, Religious Vilification, Sexual Vilification, Harrassment, Slander or any behaviour that a mentor, officer or management finds offensive.

If a member complains of any of the above they need proof to back it up.

  • There will only be a maximum of 25 officers at any given time.

The Officer role will be defined in the following manner:

Officers will meet on a regular basis to discuss matters pertaining to the group, vote on issues that arise, and generally advise the owners.

  • A minimum of one owner shall be present at all Officers meetings.
  • Officers should be role models for all group members and be available to offer help to any member in need.
  • Officers have the right to invite new members to MM.
  • Officers have the right to eject members from MM***.
  • Officers have the right to send notices and proposals.
  • Officers are expected to Monitor the chat channel for inappropriate discussions and control such situations.
      • Should an Officer eject a group member they must advise Management as to the reasons why.

As we all have other committements, a Officer may not be available at all times.

Management reserves the right to overturn the recommendations made by the officer stream.

  • Group Sub positions may be created to facilitate additional Officer Duties.

Current Sub positions include:

  • Press Officer:

The Press Officer will represent Mental Mentors in consultation with the owners of the group, to all media seeking information regarding Mental Mentors.

  • Administration Officer:

The Administration Officer is responsible for sending out the weekly, goodie box. collect the items for distribution in said box. Oversee notices. Have the right to invite new members, have the right to eject members, have the right to send out Notices and proposals.

The Administration Officer must work with the group owners and keep them informed of all administration measures that may need to be implemented before such measures are implemented.

The Admisinistration Officer deals with all administration issues relating to MM and MMCF

Management retains the right to move officers or individual members into any additional sub groups within the main group

  • A Member who has been ejected from MM will be allowed to petition for reinstatement after a cooling off period, providing they agree in writing to abide by the Group charter and are approved by a majority of the current officers.

Management reserves the right to overturn the recommendations made by the officer stream.

  • Should any Group Member breach any of the above conditions, or for reasons not stated here, they will be ejected from the group without warning and at the owners discretion.

*Decisions made under previous Charters are binding and not subject for review under changed or modified new charters.

The management reserve the right to add any new items to the Charter as required

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