Wut Moorlord/Licensing Debacle

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Revision as of 09:11, 2 April 2010 by Wut Moorlord (talk | contribs) (replaced questions with question, because a bullet point containing many questions would be silly :))
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Since it's been raging on now for months without resolution in chat and the dev mailing list (which has been getting full of unproductive flame), I believe we need to seek external advice on the many varied concerns we have, as currently it looks like there will be no resolution in the immediate future.

Preferably I would like to address each independently. Please add a bullet point with any question you have, so we can try to understand the different positions. For now- just leave a bullet point with as concise question as you can, and add your name under those questions you also feel should be addressed.

Please try to avoid chewing each other out, everyone's questions are valid, just because you don't share someone else's opinion doesn't mean they don't have the right to vocalise it.

Additionally, try to avoid duplicate issues, and emotionally loaded statements. For example rather than "LL intends to crush TPV's", be professional- "Does this wording imply that LL has the right to...". Remember, you don't know LL's intentions, we wish to establish the risks.

I will probably clean up the page from time to time, merging similar questions into one, I will not remove questions questions outright. If you feel I have incorrectly merged your questions, please let me know on the talk page, we might need to specialise your point with the other.

Additionally, I know this is touchy issue, please conduct yourself politely on the talk page as well, which should probably be used for clarification of peoples points and ideas for who we could contact, and methods of resolution.

Ready? GO! (And play nice :))

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