User talk:ANSI Soderstrom/Simple LSL Array (Associative)
- Why are you supporting multiple values for a key? It looks like you only return the last one with GET. PUT updates all of them which sorta makes having them pointless.
- Where is the REMOVE function?
- This is not what I think of when i think of "array" nor a simple one at that, what you have here is an "
associative array".
-- Strife (talk|contribs) 06:24, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
A quick implementation
It's possible that it's not the best way to implement the loop condition. But it's clever. I've also added support for setting and removing multiple keys at a time. This is for convenience and there is little to no performance gain from doing this vs individual calls. I've checked the logic, it should work, I haven't tested it though. -- Strife (talk|contribs) 07:14, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
<lsl>list GET(list ARRAY, list KEY) {
if(llGetListLength(KEY) == 1) { integer position = llListFindList(ARRAY, KEY) + 1; if(position) { return llList2List(ARRAY, position, position); } } return [];
list PUT(list ARRAY, list KEY, list VALUE){
integer len = -llGetListLength(KEY); if(len == -llGetListLength(VALUE) && len) { integer position; do { list temp = []; list Key = llList2List(KEY, len, len); while((position & 1) == !(position = llListFindList(ARRAY, Key) + 1)) { temp = temp + llList2List(ARRAY, 0, position); ARRAY = llDeleteSubList(ARRAY, 0, position); } if(position) { ARRAY = temp + llListReplaceList(ARRAY, llList2List(VALUE, len, len), position, position); } else { ARRAY = temp + ARRAY + Key + llList2List(VALUE, len, len); } } while( ++len ); } return ARRAY;
list REMOVE(list ARRAY, list KEY){
integer len = -llGetListLength(KEY); if(len) { do { list temp = []; integer position; list Key = llList2List(KEY, len, len); while((position & 1) == !(position = llListFindList(ARRAY, Key) + 1)) { temp += llList2List(ARRAY, 0, position); ARRAY = llDeleteSubList(ARRAY, 0, position); } if(position) { ARRAY = temp + llDeleteSubList(ARRAY, position - 1, position); } else { ARRAY = temp + ARRAY; } } while( ++len ); } return ARRAY;
} </lsl> -- Strife (talk|contribs) 07:14, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
Hi Strife. I expected you ;)
Question : # Why are you supporting multiple values for a key? It looks like you only return the last one with GET. PUT updates all of them which sorta makes having them pointless. Answer : Its not only a support for multiple values for a key. Its the posibillity that a KEY can have the same spelling like a VALUE
e.g. KEY1 = TEST1 / TEST1 = KEY1 / KEY2 = TEST1 / TEST2 = TEST1 / TEST3 = KEY1 ^^^try to get the right values with your GET-Method and u will see what i mean ;)
Question : # Where is the REMOVE function? Answer : Uh Oh. Please give me few hours ;)
Question : # This is not what I think of when i think of "array" nor a simple one at that, what you have here is an " associative array".
Answer : U win !