User:Tammy Nowotny

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Revision as of 17:03, 28 September 2008 by Tammy Nowotny (talk | contribs) (initial profile)
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I am a bit of a Jill of All Trades in Second Life. I especially enjoy making (or even just giving away as freebies) T shirts and ladies' dresses. I am a somewhat active participant (to borrow a phrase from Dale Innis) in the Architecture Working Group. The AWG is of special interest to me because it ties in with my work in past Real Lives as an accounting database developer and as a data analyst for the Army Corps of Engineers: I am very interested in how data modesl and technical standards evolve.

In addition to IM, I can be emailed at

I am hoping to find a job which can support myself, my avatars and even my real life self (who shockingly is soon to be a member of the New Hampshire State House of Representatives, which is a part-time citizen legislature.) Something which combined both Second and First Life would be ideal for me.

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