New Hover Tip default behavior/es

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< New Hover Tip default behavior
Revision as of 17:47, 29 September 2008 by Zai Lynch (talk | contribs) (help header)
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Linux Info

Please be careful when editing .ini that you don't change something else that you might need.

  1. View menu > select "Show Hover Tips" option (the default setting) now shows Hover Tips only for objects with which one can interact.
  2. View menu > deselect "Show Hover Tips" option works as before; no Hover Tips will be shown
  3. To view Hover Tips for all objects (the old default behavior), add the line "ShowAllObjectHoverTip TRUE" to the settings.ini file, found in the following locations:
    • Windows: Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\SecondLife\user_settings
    • Mac OS X: Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/SecondLife/user_settings
  4. To view Hover Tips only for Land, add the line "ShowLandHoverTip TRUE" to the settings.ini file instead.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to use a TAB character between the option name and the "TRUE" setting. Then, after editing the file, restart SecondLife to see the Hover Tips as desired.***

You can find your settings.ini file with a Start/Search