User:Alexis Stapovic
Hello, My name is Alexis Stapovic, aka Lex, Lexi. My human was born in '83 (you figure out the age), but I was born Aug 30, 2006. Yeah, I'm kind of an oldie now. I could prattle on about "I remember when" but I'll spare you. I AM STILL EDITING THIS.
Skills/Things I've done
Building/ Architecture
I like to build. I've been building since about day 3, and love it. Its the reason I come back to SL again and again after my many hiatuses. I've been roped into several building projects along the way, some weee a success, some were an epic failure. Lets go:
Project 'Robin Hood' (disaster)
Please note that I had NOTHING to do with naming this project. Nothing AT ALL. This was the first 'large scale' project I worked on in second life. It was only about a month, a month and a half, into my SL career, and a then-friend bought a piece of mainland that was to small for the purpose and had me build a mall, (the design to which i still hold rights) It was a mess. but the time the mall was finished, even with space saving techniques, there was no way that enough prims could be allocated for retailers. I dont remember why, but the owner and I had a falling out over something to do with the management of the place so i took my build away (since i hadn't been paid for it), and went into my next project, which was due to start right away anyway:
First Material Squirrel Sim build (success)
Let me just preface this by saying that this build is no longer in use. She outgrew the size of the shop and had to have a new shop built, but my build stood for a good 2.5-3 years. (wow this makes me feel old) Anyway. I had contected Kala Bijoux (lovelovelove) for some random reason, and we got to talking. she mentioned that she would soon be buying an island and needed a builder. GOSH! I was a builder, and I LOVED her products, so I jumped up and down in my chair and told her I was an aspiring builder and I'd give it a go if she would let me. I was elated. I'd only been in-world for about 3-4 months at this time and not only was a TALKING to THE Kala Bijoux, she was letting me submit a design for her. I got a loose idea of what she and Ziggy were looking for and threw together a design.
I'm still at a loss as to why, but they really liked it, and they let me, a veritable nub-face, build their sim. It was possibly the best and most useful experience of my SL career. I learned more about building, texturing, project timing, project organization, and SL in general from that project, than from any other single project I've ever worked on. I do have to admit that Ziggy helped me out on this project a bit while I was away over Christmas. The MS build is what really locked me into SL for the rest of my life. Even though the build has now been replaced, for good reasons, I still love the sim, and I still love Kala and Zig, (I even have them on my RL resume. Seriously) I Still have a stall/area thing on their sim, and if Kala ever outgrows her new massive build, I hope she calls on me to build her another.
In the fall of 06 I met an av named Alena Nebestanka, and the following spring she and her rl boyfriend (Girent Robson)was a real-estate person from NYC, had an idea to build a photographic recreation of SoHo NYC in SL and to attempt to get the real retailers from the real stores to be in the sl stores, Brands like Victoria's secret, Banana Republic, Armani, Steve Madden, Lucky Jeans, ect. A bit of a crazy dream, but there was a lot of talk about RL brands in SL around that time. The arrangement was ME: builder, HIM: financial backer/ talking to RL brands, Alena: PR/in-world marketing (Later Fischer Munson was added as a texture artist). I was finishing up my final courses at school at the time and I told them upfront "look, I'm extremely busy at the moment, I will not have a lot of time to dedicate, because expensive schooling comes first.
Long story short: I spent HOURS on the phone discussing stuff inconsequential details with Girent when I could have been doing school work or building. Right after I finished school Girent (who decided that he was in charge of the project, when we were all supposed to be equal partners), decided he was too impatient to wait any longer and, behind my back, put out an ad requesting noob builders to come work under me. I did not agree with this, and he basically told me he didn't care. After one particularly long building session (like 9 hours+ SOLID) to finish the Prada Falgship/American eagle /ex-Guggenheim Museum property at 575 Broadway, so that he could show it to prada/ or AE or someone, he then blamed ME for his being unable to sell SL to them. After that he told me i would be "allowed" to have a cut of profits only under certain conditions... next morning I took copies of everything that I had completed - almost 2 blocks of SoHo NYC - and left. I had another project waiting in the wings anyway.
I still have all of the builds from that project that i finished, including the massive prada/AE/guggenhiem build, the scholastic building, H&M, lucky brand jeans, Victoria's Secret, the Armani building, and several others. I may dig them out and sell them someday.
Monopoly / Eleanor sim
This was a cool project becasue I was sitting around with my now-SL wifey Jade Serdyuk (Wifey for lolz, not cause we are into girls) and one of us said "Hey wouldn't it be cool to map out a whole sim like a monopoly board?" and the other went "ZOMGYES!" Jade knew a person, Ruuh Cassini, who had just acquired a sim and didn't have a plan for it yet. Jade pounced, and we got to use it. Jade and i were to be the builders and Ruuh was the largely-silent financial backer. We drew up contracts and stuff so all was fair.
After doing a bit of research about Monopoly, we mapped the whole thing out. Monopoly as it exists today was initially copyrighted by an American in 1933 History of the board game Monopoly, so we decided to use architecture that would have been present in large cities in the USA in 1933. There was a lot of deco. We liked deco. There was also some Gothic, and a few other things. It was SO MUCH FUN! The project lasted all summer. We had plans for shop rentals, an awesome club, apartments, a skate park, a concert hall, a movie theatre, a jail (obviously lol), and a pool, billboard advertising, awesome flier style advertising and more. it was allllll most finished. all of the buildings were done, we just needed to put up billboards and finishing touches. Then jade got sick/busy with RL and understandably had to step out of the project, and Ruuh stepped in to take jades place. Ruuh ideas of 'aesthetics' greatly differed from my and Jades vision for the sim, and without Jade it was no fun at all. Eventually I also left. Ruuh decided to take the sim another direction and that was the end Eleanor.
I still have most of mu builds from that project, a massive deposit of pre 1930s architecture. I might drag it all out one day and sell it.
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Contact Information
- Second Life Alexis Stapovic
- Avatars United Alexis Stapovic
- Twitter @projectalexis
- Plurk alexis_stapovic
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