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- ==Parameters== | {{LSL Const|REZ_PARAM|integer|0|c=Start parameter passed into the rezzed object's4 KB (619 words) - 13:41, 8 October 2024
- ...60}}{{LSL_Function/boolean|queue|pd=sound queuing:|bool=*|default=false}}{{LSL Function/link-face|link}} |head={{LSL Function/Head4 KB (593 words) - 05:29, 3 February 2023
- ...|p3_desc=can consists of any number of [[#options|option flag]]s and their parameters. ===={{LSL Param|status_code}}====15 KB (2,230 words) - 09:48, 5 November 2023
- {{Otheruses4|primitives|[[LSL]] related information|:Category:LSL Prim}} .../size, [[rotation]], [[cut]], [[hollow]], [[twist]], [[shear]], etc. These parameters are sent from a [[server]] to the [[viewer]] running on the [[resident]]'s5 KB (758 words) - 10:38, 4 September 2023
- ...json feature set was born from a desire to control / spawn viewer UI from LSL. I don't think progress has been made on that front however.</nowiki></font ...ont color=#004fc5><b>Ima Mechanique</b><nowiki>: those are the values that LSL engine uses</nowiki></font>34 KB (5,343 words) - 11:00, 22 January 2014
- *** Fixed a performance issue with LSL sensors ** {{jira|SVC-8146}}: [[llRezAtRoot]]() does not set correct parameters (for sale) on rezzed object in Second Life RC BlueSteel KB (10,027 words) - 16:29, 7 January 2013
- ** Includes a new LSL function to access simulator statistics, [[llGetSimStats]]. ** {{jira|SVC-8146}}: [[llRezAtRoot]]() does not set correct parameters (for sale) on rezzed object in Second Life RC BlueSteel KB (5,142 words) - 15:01, 17 December 2012
- ...ials#Nomenclature_changes|Blinn-Phong]] content making use of the Specular parameters may look different if the items were never viewed under local lights, as th ...d all at once. If you wish to change tint, transparency, or other similar parameters of the Material you’ll need to modify the Material from the "Editing Mate51 KB (8,154 words) - 12:24, 31 January 2025
- * Added three new LSL functions: ...tems cannot use the [[llTeleportAgent]] or [[llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords]] LSL functions.35 KB (5,135 words) - 14:47, 19 July 2012
- ...><b>Joey Aboma</b><nowiki>: AT&T is now cutting bandwidth to half for high volume users</nowiki></font> ...viewers to get the graphics they want ... the viewer sends up it's camera parameters (distance, etc), the region sends down object information based on that, an46 KB (7,344 words) - 14:31, 31 January 2012
- ...15:09] Maestro Linden: have any of you had a chance to play with the new LSL JSON functions? ...gure out what Json is but i stil have no idea and no idea how to use it in LSL30 KB (4,220 words) - 16:38, 23 May 2013
- * Added three new LSL functions: ...tems cannot use the [[llTeleportAgent]] or [[llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords]] LSL functions.31 KB (4,565 words) - 16:29, 26 July 2012
- ...fill in some empty space I decided to try to make an optimization pass on LSL script operations...</nowiki></font> ...lor=#330026><b>Andrew Linden</b><nowiki>: I'm testing my work against some LSL benchmarks I found on the web</nowiki></font>44 KB (6,663 words) - 13:58, 16 August 2011
- * Added three new LSL functions: ...tems cannot use the [[llTeleportAgent]] or [[llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords]] LSL functions.33 KB (4,873 words) - 17:18, 10 August 2012
- * Added three new LSL functions: ...tems cannot use the [[llTeleportAgent]] or [[llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords]] LSL functions.36 KB (5,208 words) - 16:30, 26 July 2012
- *** New LSL calls have been added to create/update/delete character behavior. **** "Exclusion Volume" objects are like static obstacles, except that they are phantom (meaning t36 KB (5,261 words) - 17:21, 10 August 2012
- ** The performance improvement will be most notable with LSL functions that access object properties * [15:05] Maestro Linden: it has Andrew's LSL speed tweaks47 KB (6,767 words) - 16:20, 6 October 2011
- [16:09] <font color=#b50000><b>Ima Mechanique</b><nowiki>: how final are the LSL functions for that?</nowiki></font> [16:09] <font color=#440044><b>Andrew Linden</b><nowiki>: Ima, those LSL functions are not necessarily final -- we can change them if there is good57 KB (8,961 words) - 09:01, 28 February 2012
- ..."|1) I'm going to be making a couple "breaking" changes to the pathfinding lsl API in the next couple days. Just two minors ones"padding:0 6px;"|So in other words, it works like any thin exclusion volume.232 KB (29,006 words) - 17:09, 3 May 2012
- * [15:11] Rex Cronon: u would no longer have an area. u would have a volume:0 * [15:32] Sigma Avro: I feel a lot of interaction parameters remain to tune, but this week was short, hehe37 KB (5,315 words) - 16:33, 12 April 2012