Advertising Networks

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There are several companies supporting distributed advertising networks in Second Life. The distributed network usually means that company have partners, or publishers who display ads on their parcels.

The advertising materials (images along with landmarks, urls or notecards) are delivered to the publishers' parcels automatically.

These are links to companies with ad networks in Second Life. Some of these are listed in the Tools directory on the Second Life Grid website.


ADS Company - SecondAds Grid Wide Advertising

Second Ads ad display board.

SecondAds is a virtual advertising agency that runs most successful grid wide advertising network in SL. Dedicated to grow and evolve ad networks for virtual worlds with belief that advertising is as important and crucial for existence of virtual businesses as for any other real life business on world wide web. Concept is taken from most prominent online ad networks such as Google Adsense and Yahoo ad network. Ad network system lets people with virtual lands benefit from their traffic by displaying ads through our SecondAds Ad Publishers boards placed grid wide.

Second Ads website Second Ads on SL Marketplace

Recently SecondAds have developed the revolutionary gaming tools that allow landowners to bring gaming traffic to their sims. This network enjoys a high participation rate with many thousands of active users per month.

SecondAds also operates KingdomsAndEmpires, an online web browser based strategy and trading game. K&E is currently played by several hundred players participants from Second Life. KingdomsAndEmpires lets SL businesses to advertise as sponsors of players community with proceeds from the advertising shared to all K&E players.

gridads - Grid wide advertising service

Gridads is a grid wide advertising service founded in 2022 and operating hundreds of billboards.

With gridads you can place your ad on a large number of billboards across Second Life. You only pay for the clicks your ad receives. - Gridads Website
SLURL - Gridads in-world office

SL Business Directory (SLBiz2Life)

SL Business Directory offers lot of second life advertising services, including:

  • Free listing of SL business (the directory is seems to be a largest one at present time)
  • Guaranteed Visitors
  • Picks Booster (the tool to boost the business position in SL Seach)
  • Second Life search analysis tools.

If you are looking for pay-per-click billboard ads, check the Ad Fusion network - SL Business Directory (Second Life advertising services)