Autobuild build

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autobuild build
option [value] [option [value]] ...

Builds the current package and copies its output artifacts into the build directory for use by the autobuild package command.

Standard Options

Option Shortcut Value Description
--debug -d None Display debug output
--dry-run -n None Run tool in dry run mode if available
--help -h None Show help message
--quiet -q None Display minimal output
--verbose -v None Display verbose output

Command-Specific Options

Option Shortcut Value Description
--all -a None Build all configurations
--config-file config-file N/A Configuration file to use Build using the specified configuration file
--configuration config -c config Configuration to use Build a specific build configuration
--no-configure N/A None Do not configure before building
-- option N/A Option to pass, including leading dash Pass specified option to the build command. Passed "as is," so don't forget the "-". Example:

-- -j1

--id build-id N/A A unique id for this build. Defaults to the AUTOBUILD_BUILD_ID environment variable if it exists and has a value, or to a date/time stamp if not (a warning is issued in this case).
--address-size bits N/A Either 32 or 64 Defaults to the AUTOBUILD_ADDRSIZE environment variable if it exists and has a value, or to 32 if not.