Beta Server Office Hours/Minutes/2009-10-22
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Revision as of 19:05, 13 November 2009 by Psi Merlin (talk | contribs)
This meeting was held on October 22nd, 2009
- Discuss resolution of previous open items.
- There is a BETA Server Office Hours wiki page now!
- Updates
- Releases
- 1.30.2 - Deployed to Agni
- Security fix.
- 1.32.0 - Deployed to Aditi beta.
- What's new?
- 1.30.2 is now out on AGNI
- 1.30.2 - Deployed to Agni
Resolved Items
- I updated the MOTD __Oskar
- the ADITI database got an updated OS --Lil
- Land buying is fixed on ADITI. __Oskar
- SVC-3819 - "Top Scripts" "the really big error is gone now" --Moon Metty
Meeting Minutes
- Lil talked about how Pilot Rolls work.
- Discussed VWR-2638 - The Double TP issue. --Jonit Ivory
Transcript of Oskar Linden's Beta Server Office Hour for October 22nd, 2009:
[15:00] Oskar Linden: :-p [15:00] Soph Oh: hi all [15:00] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Greetings all [15:01] Moon Metty: hi Rick :) [15:01] Psi Merlin: Hello everyone [15:01] Moon Metty: hi Psi :) [15:01] Opensource Obscure: EHLO [15:01] Moon Metty: hi! [15:01] Twisted Laws: hi [15:01] Holger Gilruth: moin [15:02] Moon Metty: lol Jonit [15:02] Moon Metty: you're only half a donkey [15:02] Jonit Ivory: I didn't lie, I said it in group chat [15:02] Jonit Ivory: ahh this is encouraging [15:02] Moon Metty: is your back end still on agni? [15:03] Jonit Ivory: one hopes so [15:03] Latif Khalifa: lol [15:03] Lil Linden is Online [15:04] Oskar Linden: ok alright [15:04] Oskar Linden: there's Lil [15:04] Moon Metty: hey Lil :) [15:04] Lil Linden: HI! [15:04] Opensource Obscure: hello lil ! [15:05] Lil Linden takes advantage of all these boxes [15:05] Lil Linden: wow... huge turnout [15:05] Oskar Linden: thanks everyone for coming [15:05] Latif Khalifa: it's just oskar's fan club ;) [15:05] Callum Linden is Offline [15:05] Jonit Ivory: I'm half here, half of me is in Agni [15:05] Moon Metty: that's what you get when you post release notes hehehe [15:05] Lil Linden: he is sort of a rockstar, isn't he? :-) [15:05] Holger Gilruth: thats a fan meeting? i thought its the antifan meeting :) [15:05] Soph Oh: yep^^ [15:05] Callum Linden is Online [15:05] Latif Khalifa: i hear he got grouppies too now [15:06] Oskar Linden: this is not Oskars fan club [15:06] Lil Linden: haha [15:06] Oskar Linden: :-p [15:06] Lil Linden: nice try oskar [15:06] Oskar Linden: we all know what Latif thinks of technical Lindens o.O [15:06] Lil Linden sells backstage passes to the Oskar show for L$50 [15:06] Callum Linden is Offline [15:06] Latif Khalifa: but that part of testing is done on an adult region i hear xD [15:06] Jonit Ivory: ahh I can pay! [15:07] Oskar Linden: ok. we're working from the agenda that I didn't have time to update much [15:07] Holger Gilruth: lil no problem here i have enought money [15:07] Oskar Linden: [15:07] Lil Linden: LOL [15:07] Lil Linden: I'd feel guilty for collecting the money if we were on Agni [15:07] Oskar Linden: so let's see. previous open items [15:07] Jonit Ivory nods [15:07] Oskar Linden: I updated the MOTD [15:07] Oskar Linden: yay [15:07] Moon Metty: hmmm [15:08] Oskar Linden: and I think ADITI got some upgrades last week right Lil? [15:08] Richard Linden is Online [15:08] Lil Linden: Well [15:08] Lil Linden: nothing shiny [15:08] Moon Metty: the first point has the correct jira number, but wrong title [15:08] Lil Linden: the database got an updated OS [15:08] Moon Metty: SVC-2327 [15:08] JIRA-helper: [#SVC-2327] Mono Beta - recompile selection: llRemoteLoadScriptPin conflict [15:09] Oskar Linden: well that's something [15:09] Moon Metty: i commented on SVC-2327, again asking [15:09] Oskar Linden: no point continuing running our backedn access server on win3.1 [15:09] Moon Metty: SVC-3819 is fixed, you can add it to the release notes [15:09] JIRA-helper: [#SVC-3819] "Top Scripts" in estate tools is inaccurate [15:09] Lil Linden: Dude, DOS 6.0... with disk compression [15:09] Oskar Linden: is that public info? [15:09] Latif Khalifa: i still got MOTD about db upgrade on oct 15th [15:10] Oskar Linden: yes [15:10] Oskar Linden: but it WAS updated [15:10] Oskar Linden: <_< [15:10] Lil Linden looks into moon's JIRA [15:10] Holger Gilruth: there is no difference ms is ms and still be shit [15:10] Latif Khalifa: lol, updated from the may one ;D [15:10] Oskar Linden: I have been working with the web team to get the front page for the login page in a state where I can edit it [15:10] Lil Linden: Soo... [15:11] Richard Linden is Offline [15:11] Lil Linden: I'm curious when we close PJIRAs [15:11] Latif Khalifa: can you hookup magic cookies to it ;) [15:11] Lil Linden: if svc3819 is done [15:11] Latif Khalifa: Lil, fix pending when its fixed, closed when its deployed [15:11] Moon Metty: right [15:12] Lil Linden: Works for me :) [15:12] Oskar Linden: I think land buying works now [15:12] Moon Metty: fix pending means: come test on aditi if you're satisfied [15:13] Lil Linden: 3819 is not in Fix Pending yet [15:13] Oskar Linden: has anyone verified if land buying is fixed? [15:13] Moon Metty: mmm [15:13] Jonit Ivory: where are the for sale parcels? [15:13] Moon Metty: now it is :) [15:13] Jonit Ivory: I want this one! i can make a donkey house [15:14] Lil Linden: alright! [15:14] Oskar Linden: Oh DOnkey! [15:14] Richard Linden is Online [15:14] Oskar Linden: ok. I'll scratch buy land off the list [15:15] Ardy Lay: Land purchase attempt: Waiting for data... timed out. [15:15] Oskar Linden: ok now we can talk about SVC-3819 moon :-p [15:15] Moon Metty: again? [15:15] Ardy Lay: There has been an error while fetching ..... [15:15] Oskar Linden: hrm [15:16] Moon Metty: the fix looks good [15:16] Moon Metty: topscripts is not very exact [15:16] Moon Metty: but that's expected [15:16] Moon Metty: the really big error is gone now [15:16] Oskar Linden: ok. I'll add it to resolved issues [15:17] Geo Meek: shadows crash me :-((((((( [15:17] Lil Linden will toss it in the release notes [15:17] Moon Metty: if only we had access to topscripts without being estate owner :D [15:17] Oskar Linden: :-) [15:17] Jonit Ivory: ((umm just confirmed, buy Land fails here)) [15:17] Richard Linden is Offline [15:17] Oskar Linden: bah [15:18] Oskar Linden: hrm [15:18] Oskar Linden: I'll look at it later [15:18] Oskar Linden: *sigh* [15:18] Oskar Linden: oh well [15:18] Oskar Linden: anyways [15:18] Geo Meek: ant chance of doing these metting in voice ? [15:18] Oskar Linden: probably not [15:18] Oskar Linden: then you would recognzie Lil's voice [15:18] Geo Meek: same old stuff [15:18] Lil Linden: then you would all hear the country music I'm blasting [15:18] Holger Gilruth: please no voice, i am not native english speaker [15:18] Oskar Linden: and he/she likes the anonymity [15:18] Lil Linden: haha, that too [15:19] Oskar Linden: it's really hard to hide Philip's voice [15:19] Oskar Linden: I mean [15:19] Oskar Linden: oh [15:19] Oskar Linden: crap [15:19] Moon Metty: lol [15:19] Oskar Linden: moving right along [15:19] Geo Meek: so why hide [15:19] Jonit Ivory: try being a donkey that can type *sighs* [15:19] Geo Meek: kk [15:19] Pastrami Linden is Offline [15:19] Oskar Linden: Geo, we do these meetings in text [15:19] Geo Meek: got it [15:19] Twisted Laws: a talking donkey would be strange too :p [15:19] Oskar Linden: easier to track and log that way [15:20] Geo Meek: dont beat a dead donnky [15:20] Oskar Linden: I don't have any other updates on the open items [15:20] Jonit Ivory: thanks Geo! [15:20] Jonit Ivory: is there an AOB section? [15:20] Oskar Linden: AOB? [15:21] Jonit Ivory: Any other business [15:21] Oskar Linden: informally [15:21] Geo Meek: shadows [15:21] Jonit Ivory: double teleports [15:21] Oskar Linden: the official agenda is only something I've been doing officially for a few weeks [15:21] Latif Khalifa: Oskar, Enus told me that WebFetchInventoryDescendants cap is going to be enabled again [15:21] Latif Khalifa: and that some sims are already running with it enabled [15:22] Lil Linden: that's part of AIS, yes [15:22] Latif Khalifa: do you know if any on aditi have that cap enabled, i would like to test something [15:22] Oskar Linden: lil? [15:22] Lil Linden: Thus far Aditi does not have it, but I can enable a region [15:22] Latif Khalifa: Lil. that would be awesome [15:22] Psi Merlin: AOB added. [15:22] Holger Gilruth: my region :) [15:22] Lil Linden: Latif - any region in particular? [15:22] Latif Khalifa: any really, you can enble this one [15:23] Oskar Linden: thanks Psi :-p [15:23] Lil Linden: ok, I'll do it in a minute here [15:23] Latif Khalifa: is the plan to have it on as 1.32 rolls out in agni= [15:23] Latif Khalifa: ? [15:23] Lil Linden: No [15:23] Latif Khalifa: any timeline? [15:23] Lil Linden: it's going to be off in 1.32, and all regions with it will be disabled [15:23] Oskar Linden: 1.32 will look on AGNI like it looks here [15:23] Lil Linden: we're still trying to make sure our system doesn't catch fire when we turn it on grid-wide :) [15:24] Lil Linden: and are still doing analysis on the pilot roll (~25 sims) [15:24] Geo Meek: Jonit i did not mean that in a bay way [15:24] Latif Khalifa: yeah is crazy fast, that's one of the things i want to test here [15:24] Geo Meek: =bad [15:24] Latif Khalifa: Lil, or you could give me a sim name on agni that is on that test roll [15:24] Lil Linden: yeah, sure, would that mean you don't need an aditi sim? [15:24] Holger Gilruth: or can we suggest the names :) [15:25] Latif Khalifa: Lil, whichever its easer for you [15:25] Oskar Linden: I thought the pilot roll was Linden only regions Lil? [15:25] Latif Khalifa: (hope that test roll sims have public access) [15:25] Lil Linden: well [15:25] Jonit Ivory: not in Prospero days, he accepted names for pilot regions [15:25] Lil Linden: it is sims with linden regions, which means that some non-linden regions on the same sim hosts will get it [15:26] Jonit Ivory: Ahh this has changed [15:26] Oskar Linden: we have different levels of 'pilot' rolls Jonit [15:26] Lil Linden: Joint - we are still accepting names for pilots [15:26] Holger Gilruth: i am sure any lindensim on the same simulator than my sims will cause that linden restart their sim :) [15:26] Lil Linden: yeah, this is a different issue [15:26] Lil Linden: I can explain if y'all want [15:26] Holger Gilruth: Sim: Wien :) [15:26] Oskar Linden: please do Lil [15:26] Lil Linden: it's totally exciting [15:26] Jonit Ivory nods understood [15:26] Moon Metty: :) [15:26] Oskar Linden gets excited [15:27] Lil Linden: Simmer down oskar [15:27] Lil Linden: SO! Story time [15:27] Pastrami Linden is Online [15:27] Jonit Ivory as a donkey, best not get excited [15:27] Latif Khalifa: yey! [15:27] Entering god mode, level 200 [15:27] Richard Linden is Online [15:27] Moon Metty: bring out the marshmellows [15:27] Geo Meek: Jonit please dont [15:27] Jonit Ivory nods [15:27] Lil Linden: When we do the big "Rolling Restarts", we're pushing out the entire simulator binary + config files for that simulator code + back end server code [15:27] Lil Linden: "the works" [15:28] Lil Linden: that's whats going to be happening next week and the week after [15:28] Holger Gilruth: hmm that means better stay away the next weeks from doing important event :) [15:28] Lil Linden: then, there are smaller rollouts we do some times.. usually just consisting of copying a config file to all the sim hosts [15:29] Lil Linden: we usually try to send these configs to Linden regions first, so we know if it causes problems (see, we do care :-), though since we have to configure an entire sim at a time, non-Linden regions will see the updates as well [15:29] Lil Linden: The End. [15:29] Geo Meek: how many? [15:29] Jonit Ivory: so the advertised pilots/gridwides are always "the works"? [15:29] Latif Khalifa: :) nice [15:29] Lil Linden: how many sim hosts? [15:29] Moon Metty: oooo [15:29] Oskar Linden: it's great. If it fails we can't go to meetings. [15:30] Geo Meek: yes [15:30] Moon Metty: lol [15:30] Latif Khalifa: i just need a name of one public access region with that cap enabled, here or on agni does not really matter [15:30] Oskar Linden: that makes Lindens angry [15:30] Lil Linden: So there's maybe 30 linden regions, and they're usually scattered over various sim hosts.. so at most 30 sim hosts get the update [15:30] Lil Linden: if linden regions overlap on a sim host, then less [15:30] Lil Linden: make sense? [15:31] Jonit Ivory: Yes, as long as you get P Squared, it is uninspiring [15:31] Geo Meek: i have shadows working but well not work in Uatra [15:31] Jonit Ivory: but I was there yesterday when opensource bought a tour bus round [15:31] Geo Meek: good FPS as well [15:32] Geo Meek: care for a livecast? [15:32] Lil Linden: So, Latif - here's some regions: Karana, Edge of Twilight, Eugene, Palm3 [15:32] Latif Khalifa: Lil, thanks a bunch! [15:32] Oskar Linden: Thanks Lil [15:32] Lil Linden: IM my Agni avatar if those don't work for some reason [15:32] Richard Linden is Offline [15:32] Moon Metty: Lil or Oskar, can you put Mersenne Prime Two on a class 5 box please? [15:32] Moon Metty: i want to do a very short test [15:32] Latif Khalifa: karana, closed :D ... on to the next one [15:33] Oskar Linden: not sure that we can Moon [15:33] Moon Metty: or maybe you know of another empty region on a class 5? [15:33] Moon Metty: well, i can ask Vek then [15:33] Moon Metty: he knows how to do it [15:33] Jonit Ivory snorts [15:33] Oskar Linden: how empty does it need to be? [15:34] Moon Metty: script time below 0.5 [15:34] Geo Meek: 13 FPS livecast not bad at all [15:34] Oskar Linden: one of my oatmeal sims might suffice [15:34] Jonit Ivory: URL Geo? [15:34] Moon Metty: is that class 5? [15:34] Moon Metty: cool [15:34] Oskar Linden: I can check [15:35] Oskar Linden: so... any other business? [15:35] Jonit Ivory: Yep, recently I have had issues with repeat TPs [15:35] Jonit Ivory: you land somwhere and instantly you are in another tp [15:35] Jonit Ivory: which does nto complete [15:35] Jonit Ivory: not* [15:35] Jonit Ivory: happened here on my way to this sim tonight [15:36] Oskar Linden: what client? [15:36] Jonit Ivory: Any [15:36] Oskar Linden: you're sure? [15:36] Jonit Ivory: currently I am in Snow [15:36] Jonit Ivory: Emerald does it too [15:36] Jonit Ivory: Yes [15:36] Lil Linden: how often does it happen? [15:36] Jonit Ivory: most teleports [15:36] Oskar Linden: do you know if there is a JIRA issue filed for it? [15:37] Jonit Ivory: I haven't looked yet, there must be, I'll search and add my experiences [15:37] Twisted Laws: i've seen that a couple times too in snowglobe [15:37] Jonit Ivory: let me have a quick look now [15:37] Moon Metty: VWR-2638 [15:37] JIRA-helper: [#VWR-2638] Double teleport issue [15:37] Jonit Ivory: VWR-2638 [15:37] Jonit Ivory: possibly [15:38] Jonit Ivory: yep [15:38] Oskar Linden: ok. it looks likes Soft and Alexa are looking into it [15:38] Jonit Ivory: looks familiar [15:38] Oskar Linden: add your notes to that Jonit please [15:38] Jonit Ivory: Unassinged in PJIRA [15:38] Opensource Obscure: i confirm this. I saw in the past, then it was ~ fixed , but recently saw it again. not sure about which client. [15:38] Jonit Ivory: but yes it has a DEV [15:38] Opensource Obscure: i'll comment in PJIRA [15:38] Jonit Ivory: Yes it went away [15:38] Moon Metty: it's imported [15:38] Richard Linden is Online [15:38] Jonit Ivory: and I am sure it started again with a recent server update [15:39] Jonit Ivory: yes I see than ow, well it's pretty solid [15:39] Jonit Ivory: I'll add my blurb to that JIRA [15:39] Jonit Ivory: hopefully Soft at least has it watched [15:40] Moon Metty: i've seen it too, a long time ago [15:40] Jonit Ivory: it went away [15:40] Jonit Ivory: behaviour is reproducible [15:40] Moon Metty: it could be a network issue [15:40] Jonit Ivory: av unable to move [15:40] Jonit Ivory: cancel tp [15:40] Jonit Ivory: all is well [15:40] Jonit Ivory: Naw [15:40] Jonit Ivory: I am not sure [15:40] Oskar Linden: well not moving in a pt makes sense [15:40] Jonit Ivory: if you use the dreaded Emerald etc [15:40] Oskar Linden: tp [15:40] Jonit Ivory: and cancel tp screens [15:40] Jonit Ivory: all rezzes as if you were there [15:40] Oskar Linden: right. I have seen that in emerald [15:41] Jonit Ivory: you are stuck in one place [15:41] Jonit Ivory: you can click objects [15:41] Jonit Ivory: interact in chat and IM is still fine [15:41] Ardy Lay: Does anyone else see you there? [15:41] Jonit Ivory: just not move [15:41] Jonit Ivory: you cancel it [15:41] Ardy Lay: okay [15:41] Jonit Ivory: you can move [15:41] Moon Metty: oh, is that with the missing groups, Jonit? [15:41] Jonit Ivory: missing groups? [15:41] Moon Metty: yes, your group list is empty? [15:42] Jonit Ivory: Ahh I have not thought to open it [15:42] Jonit Ivory: but I suspect not [15:42] Jonit Ivory: as all other comms is up and running [15:42] Jonit Ivory: I will check of course [15:42] Moon Metty: in that case it's svc-4169 [15:42] JIRA-helper: [#SVC-4169] missing groups, unable to tp, tried everything [15:42] Jonit Ivory: Naw, doesn't smell like it [15:42] Moon Metty: hehe ok [15:42] Jonit Ivory: and Oskar has met this, what do you think Oskar? [15:43] Oskar Linden: I have smelt it [15:43] Oskar Linden: but I had reasons to doubt it was an issue [15:43] Richard Linden is Offline [15:43] Oskar Linden: because it always happened right as I was late for a meeting [15:43] Jonit Ivory: / [15:43] Moon Metty: hehe [15:43] Oskar Linden: and I assumed that someone at the meeting had attempted to godtp me there [15:44] Moon Metty: excuses! [15:44] Jonit Ivory: [15:40] Oskar Linden: right. I have seen that in emerald [15:44] Oskar Linden: but if others are seeing it, then that is not the case [15:44] Oskar Linden: I had seen the issue for sure in Emerald [15:44] Jonit Ivory: Happened to me in Snow right here on Agni [15:44] Oskar Linden: but I enver go to meetings as Oskar Linden in Emerals [15:44] Oskar Linden: d [15:44] Jonit Ivory: no of course not, I would only go to see Torley as Emerald [15:45] Latif Khalifa: hm, no bouncy glory during meetings ;) [15:45] Oskar Linden doesn't entirely trust his password with 3rd part viewers [15:45] Jonit Ivory: anyone else, official client lol [15:45] Moon Metty: you must have a bad password then [15:45] Moon Metty: :p [15:46] Jonit Ivory: it happens in Snow and standard client, just you can't interact because the black TP screen is up [15:46] Oskar Linden: right [15:46] Oskar Linden: does emerald have a cancel tp button when the tp screen is disabled? [15:46] Jonit Ivory: FWIW, that invasive radar, that Prok hates functions when you first land [15:46] Cerise Sorbet: yes a cancel button in the latest [15:46] Jonit Ivory: so you are definately on sim [15:46] Jonit Ivory: just that movement is restricted in teh second tp [15:47] Jonit Ivory: which always fails [15:47] Latif Khalifa: prok will hate anything opensource [15:47] Latif Khalifa: no matter what it si [15:47] Oskar Linden: we're not talking about prok here ok [15:47] Latif Khalifa: lol [15:47] Jonit Ivory nods [15:47] Moon Metty: phew [15:47] Ryan Linden is Online [15:48] Latif Khalifa: i love how subtle oskar is ;) [15:48] Oskar Linden: she gets enough attention as it is [15:48] Jonit Ivory: Yes :) [15:48] Oskar Linden: so I declare these meetings to be prok free [15:48] Latif Khalifa: hahaha [15:48] Jonit Ivory: Okay' I'll flesh out a comment in teh JIRA [15:49] Jonit Ivory: that was my thing for this meeting, donkey is done [15:49] Oskar Linden: so, in our remaining 11 minutes [15:49] Oskar Linden: thanks Jonit [15:49] Moon Metty: i see svc-4196 is on the agenda [15:49] JIRA-helper: [#SVC-4196] Avatar entering sim or rezzing object causes sim to freeze for up to 30 seconds - everything stops for everybody there [15:49] Latif Khalifa: Babbage (the mono guru) commented today on that [15:49] Richard Linden is Online [15:49] Moon Metty: aha [15:49] Oskar Linden: ah [15:49] Latif Khalifa: he said that rezzing objects and mono scripts is indeed the culprit [15:49] Oskar Linden: he would be the one to comment on that [15:50] Latif Khalifa: and derezzing too [15:50] Psi Merlin: I see that SVC-3895 was recently assigned to Babbage [15:50] JIRA-helper: [#SVC-3895] Rezzing Mono scripted object cripples sim FPS [15:50] Latif Khalifa: and that those two operations need to get multithreaded [15:50] Latif Khalifa: but that making sim multithreaded is a major undertaking [15:50] Latif Khalifa: and will take some time [15:50] Moon Metty: but why do the freezes grow longer? [15:51] Latif Khalifa: well most of the discussion was about script limits [15:51] Latif Khalifa: so that didn't come up [15:51] Moon Metty: i think it's a seperate issue [15:51] Moon Metty: freezes didn't always grow longer like this [15:51] Pastrami Linden is Offline [15:52] Latif Khalifa: yeah there is some memleak in there somewhere [15:52] Moon Metty: mmhmm [15:52] Moon Metty: or something like it [15:52] Opensource Obscure: ( gotta go, take care you all) [15:52] Richard Linden is Offline [15:52] Moon Metty: you would expect a memory leak to hit a wall [15:52] Oskar Linden: thx OO [15:52] Lil Linden: adios opensource [15:52] Jonit Ivory: ciao, ci vediamio [15:52] Moon Metty: see you OS :) [15:53] Latif Khalifa: resource leaks are very hard to track down [15:53] Psi Merlin: Going multithreaded willgive us some new and interesting problems - but we need to fix the current freezeissues. [15:53] Moon Metty: it looks like the freezes grow longer right after the restart of a region [15:53] Moon Metty: so even memory fragmentation is questionable [15:53] Latif Khalifa: and despite what i said about technical linden :P i'm confident they can track it down if this task was given some priority [15:53] Moon Metty: yes [15:53] Oskar Linden: sure they can Latif [15:54] Moon Metty: and yes, Psi [15:54] Latif Khalifa: but Babbage also said that lag problems are being given a higher priority lately [15:54] Psi Merlin: Andrew/Simon have suggested that memory fragmentation may be part of the problem [15:54] Latif Khalifa: so i'm hopeful that sim freeze thing gets prioritized too [15:55] Oskar Linden: ok, so 5 minutes left [15:55] Oskar Linden: now's when we should bust out the nerf guns [15:55] Moon Metty: what was the name of that class 5 oatmeal region? [15:55] Jonit Ivory: hmmm Lil owes me L$50 on Agni [15:55] Psi Merlin: Currently some regions need to be restarted every 1 or 2 days to maintain performence. [15:55] Oskar Linden: message me on Agni after this mmon ok [15:56] Moon Metty: agni lol, ok [15:56] Oskar Linden: I owe lil USD$5 [15:56] Oskar Linden: oh. or they might be up here too Moon [15:56] Oskar Linden: lemme check [15:56] Jonit Ivory: Lunch? [15:56] Latif Khalifa: what bet did you lose? [15:56] Moon Metty: yup [15:56] Oskar Linden: we were all watching a release [15:56] Oskar Linden: and there were 2 scripts fighting it out for completion [15:56] Oskar Linden: I bet on the wrong PID [15:56] Ryan Linden is Offline [15:56] Latif Khalifa: hehehe [15:57] Oskar Linden still thinks he rigged it [15:57] Lil Linden: Oskar: $5? [15:57] Lil Linden: oh yeah! [15:57] Oskar Linden: oh u forgot? [15:57] Jonit Ivory: Ahhh, you need to bet on sin chickens, the males fight, I can see a new way to make money here [15:57] Oskar Linden: crap [15:57] Lil Linden: SORRY BUDDY. $5 [15:57] Psi Merlin: Lil changed the nice on the other pid [15:57] Oskar Linden: sin chickens huh [15:57] Jonit Ivory: Meh [15:57] Lil Linden: Psi is sneakier than I ;-) [15:57] Richard Linden is Online [15:57] Jonit Ivory: ahh Lil is back [15:57] Moon Metty: :) [15:57] Lil Linden: I just looked at the run time [15:57] Jonit Ivory: 50 Lindens on agni! [15:57] Psi Merlin: :giggles [15:58] Lil Linden: oh hey.. I've been working on a cool build if anyone wants to see it. [15:58] Cerise Sorbet: no gambling in SL, kids! [15:58] Lil Linden: [15:58] Moon Metty: thank you Lil [15:58] Lil Linden: my pleasure [15:58] Lil Linden: :-) [15:58] Jonit Ivory: that is scary [15:58] Latif Khalifa: lool [15:58] Oskar Linden: is this build as special as your new iphone build? [15:59] Lil Linden: *sigh* [15:59] Jonit Ivory: was that the right URL? I am strangely compelled [15:59] Oskar Linden: I love the rainbow bunchie! [15:59] Lil Linden: Joint, you know you want to click it [15:59] Jonit Ivory: I may not sleep tonight [15:59] Oskar Linden: almost as much as the twirling leek girl [15:59] Lil Linden: leekspin! [15:59] Jonit Ivory: Gah! [16:00] Oskar Linden: ok so who is going as the leekgirl for halloween? [16:00] Oskar Linden: Moon? [16:00] Jonit Ivory: the extra 4 hops after the music finishes are teh scariest [16:00] Moon Metty: that's me [16:01] Oskar Linden: ok moon. the oatmeal regions are not set to class 5 here but are on Agni [16:01] Oskar Linden: IM me there [16:01] Oskar Linden: alright guys [16:01] Oskar Linden: thanks for coming [16:01] Moon Metty: okies [16:01] Jonit Ivory: ty Oskar, and we are not your fanboyz [16:01] Oskar Linden: thanks for the story Unce Lil [16:01] Lil Linden: any time [16:01] Moon Metty: hehe [16:01] Oskar Linden: thank god for that Joni [16:01] Jonit Ivory: after that video, I vote LIL! [16:01] Twisted Laws: bye, thanks [16:01] Oskar Linden: t [16:01] Oskar Linden: I have enough IRL fanboyz [16:01] Moon Metty: thanks Oskar :) [16:01] Lil Linden: if you pick a topic, I can try to explain other random things next time [16:01] Oskar Linden: keep them off SL [16:02] Moon Metty: and thanks Lil [16:02] Twisted Laws: explain why release notes are always done late ;p [16:02] Holger Gilruth: thanx [16:02] Lil Linden: ACK! [16:02] Holger Gilruth: and good bye [16:02] Oskar Linden: ouch [16:02] Lil Linden: busted. [16:02] Latif Khalifa: hehe [16:02] Jonit Ivory: Lil, see you in Agni, 50 lindens, and loss of dleep for that damned llama [16:02] Jonit Ivory: sleep* [16:02] Lil Linden: :-) [16:02] Moon Metty: hehe [16:03] Lil Linden: Alright guys.. y'all rock :-) See ya next week