Beta server office hours/Minutes/2017-06-08

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[2017/06/08 15:00]  NOPE (margithe): so how did weeks rolls go for you guys? My homesim was down over 2 h
[2017/06/08 15:00]  Mazidox Linden: Which channel is that Margithe?
[2017/06/08 15:01]  NOPE (margithe): hurrr, i think it's LeTigre? I haven't bothered to look for so long, i forgot
[2017/06/08 15:02]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): maybe they'll tell us why LT and BS were rolled late
[2017/06/08 15:02]  Mazidox Linden: I can't promise you'll get a response, but I will note it down to see if we experienced any problems.
[2017/06/08 15:02]  rcdsQueChatLog: State changed.{click me to get the url}
[2017/06/08 15:02]  Mazidox Linden: Oh, uh... That was me.
[2017/06/08 15:02]  Rex Cronon: hello folks
[2017/06/08 15:02]  Minuet Voir: hmm someone else said LeTigre was painfully slow to come back the first time
[2017/06/08 15:02]  NOPE (margithe): and then i figured, i'll check in with live chat cause i'm a stinking premium now, but nope, chat closed. But it did eventually come up, so all is well. It was superodd. Also, i think Duckie said it rolled once earlier that day, and if you logged on there, you got clouded and couldn't tp out lol
[2017/06/08 15:03]  NOPE (margithe): So we still live in interesting times.
[2017/06/08 15:03]  Minuet Voir: Bluesteel and Letigre rolled twice yesterday.
[2017/06/08 15:03]  NOPE (margithe): yeah
[2017/06/08 15:03]  NOPE (margithe): first time was borka bork
[2017/06/08 15:04]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): did the Swedish Chef tell you that?
[2017/06/08 15:04]  Mazidox Linden: Correct Minuet. I kinda... Screwed up the process which resulted in us rolling the wrong version the first time.
[2017/06/08 15:04]  NOPE (margithe): think we're all here now?
[2017/06/08 15:04]  Minuet Voir: heehee that's cool
[2017/06/08 15:04]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): The first time was an old version
[2017/06/08 15:04]  NOPE (margithe): (i AM the swedish chef, yanno?))
[2017/06/08 15:04]  Mazidox Linden: Yep
[2017/06/08 15:04]  Whirly Fizzle: lol  that's happened before Mazi,  don't feel bad  lol
[2017/06/08 15:04]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): our apologies
[2017/06/08 15:04]  Minuet Voir: I saw that
[2017/06/08 15:05]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): this wouldn't have happened if he had a bear to tell him he was screwing up
[2017/06/08 15:05]  Whirly Fizzle: ikr?
[2017/06/08 15:05]  Minuet Voir: ahahaha
[2017/06/08 15:05]  Nal (nalates.urriah): lol
[2017/06/08 15:05]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): but like being poured on with  ice water, we are now more careful about it
[2017/06/08 15:05]  Minuet Voir: Initiations :D
[2017/06/08 15:06]  Mazidox Linden: So, on that note, DRTSIM-323 (Simulator upgrade) is still on RC. We're still waiting on a fix for BUG-100737. I am guessing it will be on Aditi next week, but that's gross speculation.
[2017/06/08 15:07]  Whirly Fizzle: I thought it wasn't being fixed as such.  That the scripts would need to be fixed.
[2017/06/08 15:07]  Whirly Fizzle: That's what Oz said anyway
[2017/06/08 15:07]  Mazidox Linden: DRTSIM-348 (internal tooling and fixes) is now the release version of Second Life Server, and DRTSIM-340 (Another set of internal fixes) was re-promoted to RC (twice, as mentioned, sorry!).
[2017/06/08 15:08]  Mazidox Linden: Whirly, that's correct, but that still requires changes we have to QA, as I understand it.
[2017/06/08 15:09]  NOPE (margithe): i would suggest not rolling outside live chat hours.
[2017/06/08 15:09]  Whirly Fizzle: Which server versions is the TP hammer throttle change in?
[2017/06/08 15:09]  Whirly Fizzle: Ahh ok
[2017/06/08 15:09]  Mazidox Linden: But... Trust Oz over me on this, for sure.
[2017/06/08 15:09]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): the change is to block current behavior, heh
[2017/06/08 15:09]  Mazidox Linden: He'd know a lot more.
[2017/06/08 15:10]  Mazidox Linden: Margithe, I'll jot that down to toss at the appropriate folks.
[2017/06/08 15:11]  Minuet Voir: Oh? So my TP hammer is broken afterall? It throttles after 2 attempts on Bluesteel, and umm...
[2017/06/08 15:12]  Mazidox Linden: Wow, okay, I need to modify the agenda real quick. I'm telling lies there.
[2017/06/08 15:12]  Minuet Voir: I forget. But it worked "normally" on Magnum and Main.
[2017/06/08 15:12]  Rex Cronon: tp hammer=? thor personal hammer:)
[2017/06/08 15:12]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): smh
[2017/06/08 15:12]  Minuet Voir: lol
[2017/06/08 15:12]  Minuet Voir: Places to go! Things to see!
[2017/06/08 15:12]  Whirly Fizzle: Shoes to buy!
[2017/06/08 15:12]  Mazidox Linden: When'd you try this Minuet?
[2017/06/08 15:13]  Minuet Voir: Tuesday
[2017/06/08 15:13]  NOPE (margithe): that would be odd, cause i tried a tp hammer right here last week and it worked better than expected
[2017/06/08 15:13]  Mazidox Linden: Before roll or after roll?
[2017/06/08 15:13]  Minuet Voir: Have you tried your TP hammer since the caps loss fix?
[2017/06/08 15:14]  Mazidox Linden: /me blinks
[2017/06/08 15:14]  Rex Cronon: sometimes people people rezz weird stuff here that could affect tp
[2017/06/08 15:14]  Minuet Voir: sooo 7-ish
[2017/06/08 15:14]  NOPE (margithe): and i got the exact opposite- what tp hammer is it?
[2017/06/08 15:14]  NOPE (margithe): oh wait nm
[2017/06/08 15:14]  Minuet Voir: TBF TP Hammer v1.0 (Wear/Add)
[2017/06/08 15:14]  Minuet Voir: sec
[2017/06/08 15:14]  Mazidox Linden: Well, my guess is if you tried today, it mostly wouldn't work anywhere. It may be too aggressive, but I'm not certain.
[2017/06/08 15:15]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): glad I never created a commercial tp hammerer
[2017/06/08 15:15]  Minuet Voir:
[2017/06/08 15:15]  Whirly Fizzle: Luckily I can adjust the TP frequency on mine
[2017/06/08 15:16]  NOPE (margithe):
[2017/06/08 15:16]  Mazidox Linden: I mean, it's called a "hammer" for a reason!
[2017/06/08 15:16]  Minuet Voir: Yeah I can't find a way with this one. And I didn't try it today.
[2017/06/08 15:16]  NOPE (margithe): i tried this one here last week
[2017/06/08 15:16]  Rex Cronon: imo we should tp every 0.1 of a second without a problem:)
[2017/06/08 15:16]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): only internally Rex
[2017/06/08 15:16]  NOPE (margithe): But i'll test it live, if i'll find a full region somewhere
[2017/06/08 15:16]  Whirly Fizzle: I have this one
[2017/06/08 15:16]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): which I actually need for some apps of mine
[2017/06/08 15:16]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): the 2 sec threshold is a hinderance
[2017/06/08 15:17]  NOPE (margithe): mine is same as Whirlys
[2017/06/08 15:17]  Minuet Voir: try SL14B shopping event lol
[2017/06/08 15:17]  Whirly Fizzle: It's 2 secs now?  lol  Mine was 0.5 by default
[2017/06/08 15:17]  NOPE (margithe): Did you change anything Mazi, after we tried it last week?
[2017/06/08 15:17]  Rex Cronon: what do u mean "internallY"? same sim lucy?
[2017/06/08 15:17]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): Whirls, talkign about the scripted tp threshold at the server
[2017/06/08 15:17]  Whirly Fizzle: Oh I see he's changed it to every 2.8 secs.
[2017/06/08 15:18]  Mazidox Linden: So, DRTSIM-350 is now on Aditi, it's mostly internal features, a bunch of logging, but there are a couple of points worth making:
[2017/06/08 15:18]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): Rex, I'm talking using scripted teleporting in the same region
[2017/06/08 15:19]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): will LL blacklist those corrupt animations and mesh? NOPE!
[2017/06/08 15:19]  NOPE (margithe): wut?
[2017/06/08 15:19]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): they will continue to be used to crash people
[2017/06/08 15:19]  Mazidox Linden: There was an issue where rarely (like, really super rarely... Three times ever, maybe?) you could end up with a region totally empty on startup. Subsequent restarts didn't help, you had to contact support. Obviously that sucks! So we're trying something to fix that. I've been working on that most of the afternoon, actually.
[2017/06/08 15:19]  Mazidox Linden: It turns out reproducing an ultra-rare bug is hard :)
[2017/06/08 15:20]  Rex Cronon: no kidding
[2017/06/08 15:20]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I thought Mazi was going to comment on the blocking of uploading corrupt animations or mesh and was doing an inb4 comment
[2017/06/08 15:21]  Mazidox Linden: We also fixed an issue where we allowed uploads of animations and meshes that were invalid. They didn't crash anyone, but they looked just awful, like something was clearly wrong. No sense wasting someone's L$, so we block those as intended again.
[2017/06/08 15:21]  Rex Cronon: and writing a jira 4 it is not that easy either. lol
[2017/06/08 15:21]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): Mazi, there are ways of making corrupt animations and mesh that DO crash anyone that render them
[2017/06/08 15:22]  Mazidox Linden: Right, that isn't what I'm talking about Lucia. If it's what you're talking about, the place to talk about it is the SEC project.
[2017/06/08 15:22]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): already filed
[2017/06/08 15:22]  Rex Cronon: mazidox. u should block animations just because they don't look right:(
[2017/06/08 15:22]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I forget the number
[2017/06/08 15:22]  Whirly Fizzle: I've not seen a working animation crasher for a while.  The ones I reported got fixed really quickly
[2017/06/08 15:22]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): truth be told, I haven't seen one in forever either
[2017/06/08 15:23]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): ah
[2017/06/08 15:23]  Mazidox Linden: Did you file it Lucia?
[2017/06/08 15:23]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): but idk what steps were taken to block their rendering and afaik, this recent change "may" block their uploading
[2017/06/08 15:23]  Whirly Fizzle: Though, some of the defaultanimations can rarely crash the viewer because they are actually fooked.
[2017/06/08 15:23]  Rex Cronon: u shouldn't block anims*
[2017/06/08 15:23]  Whirly Fizzle: They can cause memory corruption
[2017/06/08 15:23]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): Mazi, I filed a general jira, but an associate filed an SEC
[2017/06/08 15:23]  Whirly Fizzle: It's hard to repro though
[2017/06/08 15:23]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I just don't know the jira #
[2017/06/08 15:24]  Mazidox Linden: Rex, I'm talking about using non-existent body parts or something. Things that obviously just could not work.
[2017/06/08 15:24]  Whirly Fizzle: You talking about an animation crasher Lucy?
[2017/06/08 15:25]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): actually, nvm, smh
[2017/06/08 15:25]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): it was a corrupt body shape crasher
[2017/06/08 15:26]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): looks like a invisible ruth at 0 LoD, but if you raise LoD volume any you crash
[2017/06/08 15:26]  Whirly Fizzle: Last animation crasher I filed was  .  Old now.#
[2017/06/08 15:26]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): that idk if it was fixed or not, haven't seen it in a while
[2017/06/08 15:26]  Whirly Fizzle: Fixed a long time ago
[2017/06/08 15:27]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I can't find anything in my bookmarks
[2017/06/08 15:27]  Rex Cronon: does it depend on your viewers settings if u crash or not due to these borked anims, meshes, body shapes?
[2017/06/08 15:27]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): the mesh crasher was also fixed
[2017/06/08 15:28]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): it was actually a null sculpt creation vector
[2017/06/08 15:28]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): which would wreck rendering for everything if it didn't crash you
[2017/06/08 15:28]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): and I mean it would wreck rendering for anyone that rendered it
[2017/06/08 15:28]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): it would force 0 LoD for everything, heh
[2017/06/08 15:29]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I was naughty with it a few times in a crowd
[2017/06/08 15:29]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): shouts: I was young, and stupid, it was a long time ago
[2017/06/08 15:29]  Whirly Fizzle: lol there was a sculpty that did that. It was an awesome bug. If your viewer rendered that object it would break rendering of everything.  That was fixed pretty fast too.
[2017/06/08 15:29]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): same thing, probably
[2017/06/08 15:29]  Whirly Fizzle: I still have that object but it doesn't work now  :D
[2017/06/08 15:29]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): same
[2017/06/08 15:30]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I bet the person you got it from the same too
[2017/06/08 15:30]  Whirly Fizzle: lol maybe
[2017/06/08 15:30]  Minuet Voir: griffers!!
[2017/06/08 15:30]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): *testers
[2017/06/08 15:31]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): lets nto get into H1 days and script breaking
[2017/06/08 15:31]  Whirly Fizzle: I miss some of the old bugs.  they were fun  :D
[2017/06/08 15:31]  Rex Cronon: i guess lucy some people do have good reasons to show their love to u at swt:) lols
[2017/06/08 15:31]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I missed crashing a persons LSO scripts by inf Nan pushing them
[2017/06/08 15:32]  Mazidox Linden: Okay, so, getting back on track for a moment, we'll probably put DRTSIM-350 on an RC next week. I don't actually know if we'll be promoting DRTSIM-340 to Second Life Server or not. We definitely won't be putting DRTSIM-323 on Second Life Server without resolving the issue with Shoutcast boards.
[2017/06/08 15:32]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): or hitting them with inf NaN physics
[2017/06/08 15:32]  Whirly Fizzle: I miss being able to link yourself to the terrain & crashing the region.
[2017/06/08 15:32]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): or their rezzed  scripted objects
[2017/06/08 15:32]  Whirly Fizzle: & Viral.  Viral was the best bug ever
[2017/06/08 15:32]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): no it wasn't
[2017/06/08 15:32]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): viral sucked
[2017/06/08 15:32]  NOPE (margithe): i so need a chart with what sim version is what
[2017/06/08 15:32]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): it wrecked everyhting, jheh
[2017/06/08 15:32]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I mainyl mean viral terrain
[2017/06/08 15:32]  Mazidox Linden: I had it on my todo list for the week Margithe
[2017/06/08 15:33]  NOPE (margithe): oh, cool! cause i feel mostly like an uninformed idiot
[2017/06/08 15:33]  Rex Cronon: viral is the thing where everybody on the sim floor started sliding to the east?
[2017/06/08 15:33]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): that was viral terrain Rex
[2017/06/08 15:33]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): neat
[2017/06/08 15:33]  Whirly Fizzle: Yes  lol
[2017/06/08 15:33]  Mazidox Linden: I can't promise it'll happen (remember, my texturing is just awful) but I'll do what I can.
[2017/06/08 15:34]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): you can technically still viral the terrain, but it is hard to do
[2017/06/08 15:34]  Rex Cronon: maybe havok can do it 4 u:)
[2017/06/08 15:35]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): actually since the physics engine was weakened many more times after pf, idk if it is possible anymore
[2017/06/08 15:35]  NOPE (margithe): What more?
[2017/06/08 15:36]  Mazidox Linden: My favorite bug is still a voice bug I found back when voice was still new
[2017/06/08 15:36]  Whirly Fizzle: This is viral  :D
[2017/06/08 15:36]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): does teh Skype voice bug still happen?
[2017/06/08 15:36]  NOPE (margithe): ....and yet you haven't learned to make a bear. SMH
[2017/06/08 15:37]  Mazidox Linden: It's true. I might have to take BEAR 90.
[2017/06/08 15:37]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): that reminds me a bit of Jamiroquai
[2017/06/08 15:37]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): virtual insanity
[2017/06/08 15:38]  NOPE (margithe): Btw, people have been complaining a lot about water detection going wrong lately, like the past week. Ao's detecting water too high up etc etc. Made me think of the golf course people
[2017/06/08 15:38]  Rex Cronon: or water going lower
[2017/06/08 15:38]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): huh
[2017/06/08 15:38]  Mazidox Linden: Huh, really now!
[2017/06/08 15:38]  Rex Cronon: or is it the ground that gets higher?
[2017/06/08 15:38]  Mazidox Linden: I haven't gotten bugs about that, but I'll keep an eye out.
[2017/06/08 15:38]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): they'll need to file a jira
[2017/06/08 15:38]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): yes please
[2017/06/08 15:39]  Mazidox Linden: You should be able to detect it with... llWater() or something?
[2017/06/08 15:39]  Mazidox Linden: I forget, it's been ages since I had reason to use it.
[2017/06/08 15:39]  NOPE (margithe): mostly so much not jira people.
[2017/06/08 15:39]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): those would have to reference llWater() for them to work at all
[2017/06/08 15:40]  Rex Cronon: if u didn't measure water lvl before u won't have any idea if it changed if u measure it now
[2017/06/08 15:40]  NOPE (margithe): I mean, i can't tell someone who can barely move a prim around, to file a jira. I keep my ear to the ground, and see if it's something i can repro. Mostly not. But it seems to occur in waves
[2017/06/08 15:40]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): a lot of things can be chalked up to incorrect or inefficient scripts too
[2017/06/08 15:41]  NOPE (margithe): i'll keep my eye out anyways. The water detection out of water seems to happen to more than the gold course people
[2017/06/08 15:41]  Mazidox Linden: Yeah, there's definitely always a chance that it's a haywire terraforming script.
[2017/06/08 15:41]  NOPE (margithe): golf*
[2017/06/08 15:41]  Mazidox Linden: I was briefly hoping there was a course somewhere made of solid gold.
[2017/06/08 15:41]  Mazidox Linden: Then my hopes were dashed.
[2017/06/08 15:41]  Mazidox Linden: Thanks Margithe.
[2017/06/08 15:41]  Mazidox Linden: :)
[2017/06/08 15:42]  NOPE (margithe): aw, we lost the newcommer
[2017/06/08 15:43]  NOPE (margithe): Btw, Vir was telling us earlier what he was working on, and how it progressed *nudges*
[2017/06/08 15:44]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): in between teh crashing by an idiot
[2017/06/08 15:44]  NOPE (margithe): You don't want to be outstaged by Vir, do you?
[2017/06/08 15:44]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): whom I AR'd this morning for building that crasher in front of me
[2017/06/08 15:45]  Whirly Fizzle: Was it gyonnyaumeniex78 ?  I EB'd him on the hippo estate but I wasn't 100% sure it was him that was the griff so I removed the ban after the meeting.  The crashing stopped when he was banned though.
[2017/06/08 15:45]  Mazidox Linden: I don't mind being outstaged by Vir, I really don't have anything to up-stage with.
[2017/06/08 15:45]  Rex Cronon: it seems that ll doesn't look at ARs to often. it can take weeks before somebody is banned
[2017/06/08 15:45]  NOPE (margithe): /me eyes Caleb
[2017/06/08 15:45]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): yes that was his alt
[2017/06/08 15:45]  Whirly Fizzle: Was the other 2 day old him too?
[2017/06/08 15:46]  Whirly Fizzle: I'lkl go add them back  :D
[2017/06/08 15:46]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): which one?
[2017/06/08 15:46]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): in fact vir is partly involved in this coming maintenance release
[2017/06/08 15:46]  Mazidox Linden: 350 Caleb?
[2017/06/08 15:46]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): yeah!
[2017/06/08 15:46]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I'll be glad when http rc is released so he can focus on animated mesh fully, heh
[2017/06/08 15:47]  Mazidox Linden: I have been entirely too buried in chasing down imported issues apparently.
[2017/06/08 15:47]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): we need a project viewer stat, heh
[2017/06/08 15:47]  NOPE (margithe): hehehe yeah!
[2017/06/08 15:47]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): we need an adult region and a mature region setup for testing animated mesh too
[2017/06/08 15:48]  Mazidox Linden: Stats: There are currently two project viewers!
[2017/06/08 15:48]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): talking about animated mesh project viewer
[2017/06/08 15:48]  Whirly Fizzle: The repo for animated mesh is public btw  ;)
[2017/06/08 15:49]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): heh
[2017/06/08 15:49]  NOPE (margithe): in a roundabout way, the animated meshes might actually promote more efficient rigged content. Since you could rez it, Li is going to matter and lower LoD's will start to matter too
[2017/06/08 15:49]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): is it going to be called Project Alive?
[2017/06/08 15:49]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): because thats the name I've been pitchign since last year
[2017/06/08 15:49]  NOPE (margithe): I'll call it Project Alive just for you.
[2017/06/08 15:50]  Mazidox Linden: I don't think we have any server support for it yet, so I don't know that those regions would do much good.
[2017/06/08 15:50]  NOPE (margithe): LL will call it... project chopstick....
[2017/06/08 15:50]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I just don't want it called something obscure and def not named after a pokemon, heh
[2017/06/08 15:50]  Mazidox Linden: Speaking of regions though, I cleaned up the list of things on Aditi, so there should be more options for you to test the latest and greatest now.
[2017/06/08 15:50]  Rex Cronon: call t "dog tail wiggle":
[2017/06/08 15:51]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): Alive is symbolic
[2017/06/08 15:51]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): named after Pearl Jam?
[2017/06/08 15:51]  Rex Cronon: :))
[2017/06/08 15:51]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): and also sort of unique with content search in mp, as is Bento
[2017/06/08 15:51]  NOPE (margithe): maybe... Animus?
[2017/06/08 15:51]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): no, AC refs, please, heh
[2017/06/08 15:52]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): but
[2017/06/08 15:52]  Mazidox Linden: We can't steal from The Secret World, either.
[2017/06/08 15:52]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): animus, "may" be a good nomenclature instead of "animated mesh"
[2017/06/08 15:52]  Whirly Fizzle: Repo for it is called Axon
[2017/06/08 15:53]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): no one has come of with a ideal name yet
[2017/06/08 15:53]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): and NARMS sounds dreadful
[2017/06/08 15:53]  Rex Cronon: "moving bones":)
[2017/06/08 15:53]  NOPE (margithe): Animus mesh. Kinda like.
[2017/06/08 15:54]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): -mesh
[2017/06/08 15:54]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): animesh
[2017/06/08 15:54]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): heh
[2017/06/08 15:54]  NOPE (margithe): well, looks like it will be Axon...
[2017/06/08 15:54]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): shouts: SUX
[2017/06/08 15:54]  NOPE (margithe): Animesh? Makes perfect sense
[2017/06/08 15:55]  Jenna Felton: Project Pupeteer, when Project Alive is not aceptable then :)
[2017/06/08 15:55]  Mazidox Linden: I read that as "Animeish"
[2017/06/08 15:55]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): animesh would be very unique search term
[2017/06/08 15:55]  Rex Cronon: anime ?
[2017/06/08 15:55]  NOPE (margithe): Puppeteer is another thin already
[2017/06/08 15:55]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): no Rex, smh
[2017/06/08 15:55]  Whirly Fizzle: Whatever they call it, kit should be something unique for MP searches
[2017/06/08 15:55]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): yes
[2017/06/08 15:55]  NOPE (margithe): yus.
[2017/06/08 15:55]  Whirly Fizzle: Everyone will just keyword spam it though, like bento  >.<
[2017/06/08 15:56]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): Animesh, Axon, Alive ;)
[2017/06/08 15:56]  Rex Cronon: u can call it tentacle. lol
[2017/06/08 15:56]  NOPE (margithe): So searches are lot littered with old confusing content
[2017/06/08 15:56]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): Rex, that is hentai, not anime, heh
[2017/06/08 15:56]  Jenna Felton: :)
[2017/06/08 15:56]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): what is this villain called with multiple robotic arms and a bowl cut hairdo?
[2017/06/08 15:56]  NOPE (margithe): New keyword spam, whatever. The problem is old stuff getting misinterpreted
[2017/06/08 15:56]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): Doc Oct?
[2017/06/08 15:56]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): Project Doc Oct
[2017/06/08 15:57]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): shouts: NO
[2017/06/08 15:57]  NOPE (margithe): NO.
[2017/06/08 15:57]  Jenna Felton: I like the name Animesh, good derivation of "Animated Mesh"
[2017/06/08 15:57]  Whirly Fizzle: Well bento wasn;t so bad for old listings.  Not too may bento boxes on the MP.
[2017/06/08 15:57]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): IP violation
[2017/06/08 15:57]  Rex Cronon: PDO?
[2017/06/08 15:57]  Mazidox Linden: Call it project Mazidox. Problem solved. No one talks about pesticides!
[2017/06/08 15:57]  NOPE (margithe): No cookie for you, go stand in the corner
[2017/06/08 15:57]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): the only Project Mazidox is bear assembly
[2017/06/08 15:57]  Whirly Fizzle: Hmmm HMMMMMMM  Mazi... you would of course have to defer making your Bear till it could be animated  ;)
[2017/06/08 15:58]  NOPE (margithe): ooooh
[2017/06/08 15:58]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): Project Pinochio
[2017/06/08 15:58]  NOPE (margithe): NO
[2017/06/08 15:58]  Mazidox Linden: The project might never ship then, and we don't want that D:
[2017/06/08 15:58]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): make a Ted bear
[2017/06/08 15:58]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): complete with soundbytes from teh movies
[2017/06/08 15:59]  Mazidox Linden: I still want to make a spraycan...
[2017/06/08 15:59]  Rex Cronon: i think the lindens already picked the name. they r just trolling u:)
[2017/06/08 15:59]  NOPE (margithe): Caleb, are you working on anything shiny btw?
[2017/06/08 15:59]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): no, sounds like they're going with Axon
[2017/06/08 16:00]  NOPE (margithe): Axon is dumb
[2017/06/08 16:00]  NOPE (margithe): it's Animesh.
[2017/06/08 16:00]  Whirly Fizzle: Axon is just the repo name.  Project name isn't always the same
[2017/06/08 16:00]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): just maintenance
[2017/06/08 16:00]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): then theres still hope
[2017/06/08 16:00]  Mazidox Linden: Neither of us have anything to do with naming. That's one of the two hard problems in computer science after all, along with time and off-by-one errors
[2017/06/08 16:00]  Whirly Fizzle: ...or we would have a gazillion Pokemon projects now with Rider haha
[2017/06/08 16:00]  Mazidox Linden: /me segfaults out of here
[2017/06/08 16:01]  Nal (nalates.urriah): Thx all
[2017/06/08 16:01]  Mazidox Linden: Thanks for coming out everyone!
[2017/06/08 16:01]  Whirly Fizzle: Thanks Lindens
[2017/06/08 16:01]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): we'd love to name at least one project
[2017/06/08 16:01]  NOPE (margithe): we better bring this to Vir next week
[2017/06/08 16:01]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): see I didn't even ask abotu shineys
[2017/06/08 16:01]  Minuet Voir: Thanks all
[2017/06/08 16:01]  NOPE (margithe): i did it for you
[2017/06/08 16:01]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): thank you thank you lucy
[2017/06/08 16:01]  NOPE (margithe): ok, computer club hour is over!
[2017/06/08 16:01]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): and margithe you are welcome to ask about shinies
[2017/06/08 16:02]  NOPE (margithe): i'm off to the vending machine.
[2017/06/08 16:02]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): gee put a muzzle on me will ya
[2017/06/08 16:02]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): shouts: no fantasizing
[2017/06/08 16:02]  Minuet Voir: lol
[2017/06/08 16:02]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): muzzle beach
[2017/06/08 16:02]  NOPE (margithe): oh wait
[2017/06/08 16:03]  NOPE (margithe): didn't we get a word about some windlight shiny?
[2017/06/08 16:03]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): no
[2017/06/08 16:03]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): that was all speculative
[2017/06/08 16:03]  NOPE (margithe): or was it just trolling again?
[2017/06/08 16:03]  Whirly Fizzle: Yeah at simons's UG
[2017/06/08 16:03]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): we haven't heard anything yet
[2017/06/08 16:03]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): it is on the "road map" though
[2017/06/08 16:03]  NOPE (margithe): We need new sky and new ground.
[2017/06/08 16:03]  Jenna Felton: I need talk to Oz next time about windlight shineys :)
[2017/06/08 16:03]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I'm chalking up Rider's current shiney to being it
[2017/06/08 16:04]  Whirly Fizzle: No, it's real.  But we don't know what exactly it is yet apart from some kind of WL shiny.  Oz confirmed it on a JIRA issue too
[2017/06/08 16:04]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): if it isn't, then I'll just be surprised with something else
[2017/06/08 16:04]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): win win, unless it is a meh featuer
[2017/06/08 16:04]  NOPE (margithe): at least it's something, which is more than nothing
[2017/06/08 16:04]  Jenna Felton: ayways, i need go off.
[2017/06/08 16:04]  NOPE (margithe): although if it's another estate suckup, i'll implode.
[2017/06/08 16:04]  Jenna Felton: thank you all for the meeting and have a good end of the week :) see you all next time
[2017/06/08 16:04]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): ciao,folks
[2017/06/08 16:04]  Minuet Voir: Have a good weekend
[2017/06/08 16:05]  NOPE (margithe): Thanks everyone, Lindens, see you next week!
[2017/06/08 16:05]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): whirls
[2017/06/08 16:09]  A&A McCool Hair Moonlight: Ready