Beta server office hours/Minutes/2018-04-05

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Revision as of 15:32, 5 April 2018 by Caleb Linden (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre> [2018/04/05 15:00] Whirly Fizzle: You *can* :P [2018/04/05 15:00] Mazidox Linden: I'm not sure I can in this case Whirly. [2018/04/05 15:03] Einstein Bosch: Hello al...")
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[2018/04/05 15:00]  Whirly Fizzle: You *can*  :P
[2018/04/05 15:00]  Mazidox Linden: I'm not sure I can in this case Whirly.
[2018/04/05 15:03]  Einstein Bosch: Hello all
[2018/04/05 15:03]  Mazidox Linden: Welcome welcome welcome everyone.
[2018/04/05 15:03]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): glad that our group is bigger this week
[2018/04/05 15:03]  arton Rotaru: Gunaaaabend
[2018/04/05 15:03]  Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Hello, Mazidox and Caleb.
[2018/04/05 15:03]  Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Hello, Rex and Whirly.
[2018/04/05 15:04]  Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Hello, Nalates.
[2018/04/05 15:04]  Whirly Fizzle: Hiya  :)
[2018/04/05 15:04]  Rex Cronon: hi all
[2018/04/05 15:04]  Rex Cronon: i crashed:(
[2018/04/05 15:04]  Yuzuru (yuzuru.jewell): Wow..
[2018/04/05 15:04]  Rex Cronon: a few minutes ago
[2018/04/05 15:04]  Einstein Bosch: wb rex
[2018/04/05 15:04]  Rex Cronon: hi yuzuru
[2018/04/05 15:04]  Rex Cronon: hi whirly
[2018/04/05 15:04]  Rex Cronon: hi einstein
[2018/04/05 15:05]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): Let's do this
[2018/04/05 15:05]  Rex Cronon: am i under water?
[2018/04/05 15:05]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): you are not
[2018/04/05 15:05]  Whirly Fizzle: No
[2018/04/05 15:05]  Einstein Bosch: above
[2018/04/05 15:05]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): do you look underwater from your view?
[2018/04/05 15:05]  Rex Cronon: yes caleb
[2018/04/05 15:05]  RegionCross_AT_Control: The region has changed.
[2018/04/05 15:05]  RegionCross_AT_Control: All attachments accounted for: 3,4,5,14,15,18,19,20,21,54,55
[2018/04/05 15:05]  Mazidox Linden: Spoilers :)
[2018/04/05 15:06]  Whirly Fizzle: You're in that constipated squat when you are not quite fully logged in though
[2018/04/05 15:06]  Rex Cronon: constipated? lol
[2018/04/05 15:06]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): rex is it similar to this?
[2018/04/05 15:06]  Rex Cronon: is this a new feature:)
[2018/04/05 15:06]  Whirly Fizzle: No, probably just your net sucking
[2018/04/05 15:06]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): anyways
[2018/04/05 15:07]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): Main Channel was updated
[2018/04/05 15:07]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): Internal fixes
[2018/04/05 15:07]  Whirly Fizzle: -_-
[2018/04/05 15:07]  Mazidox Linden: ^_^
[2018/04/05 15:08]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): and Bluesteel LeTigre entailed different kind of internal fixes
[2018/04/05 15:08]  Whirly Fizzle: -_-
[2018/04/05 15:08]  Rex Cronon: a few minutes ago when i crashed everything look ok. now i am under water and i can move very little
[2018/04/05 15:08]  Mazidox Linden: I'd teleport next to you Rex. See if that fixes it.
[2018/04/05 15:08]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): did you login directly here?
[2018/04/05 15:09]  Rex Cronon: yes directly here
[2018/04/05 15:09]  Whirly Fizzle: You're here lol
[2018/04/05 15:09]  Rex Cronon: mazidox. how would u tp nr me fix this?
[2018/04/05 15:09]  Rex Cronon: near me*
[2018/04/05 15:09]  Whirly Fizzle: TRy ground sit & stand?
[2018/04/05 15:09]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): i see you looking around worried and hunched over
[2018/04/05 15:09]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): rex
[2018/04/05 15:10]  Bugsly Linden: hi all!
[2018/04/05 15:10]  Bugsly Linden: 10 minutes later ^
[2018/04/05 15:10]  Bugsly Linden: :D
[2018/04/05 15:10]  Whirly Fizzle: That's the constipated crouch.hehe
[2018/04/05 15:10]  Whirly Fizzle: There better
[2018/04/05 15:10]  Rex Cronon: i had to use ctrl+alt+4
[2018/04/05 15:10]  Rex Cronon: hi bugsly
[2018/04/05 15:11]  Whirly Fizzle: Ok now Rex?
[2018/04/05 15:11]  Rex Cronon: ok. now better
[2018/04/05 15:11]  Whirly Fizzle: \o/
[2018/04/05 15:11]  Rex Cronon: i wonder if is some attachment somebody is wearing that is causing this?
[2018/04/05 15:11]  Mazidox Linden: Oh hi Bugsly.
[2018/04/05 15:11]  Mazidox Linden: Fancy running into you here.
[2018/04/05 15:12]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): You can try logging in with a default avatar
[2018/04/05 15:12]  Whirly Fizzle: Homestly, it's most likely your net
[2018/04/05 15:12]  Mazidox Linden: So, we rolled DRTSIM-340 to some RCs
[2018/04/05 15:12]  Bugsly Linden: wahhht attachments?  :D
[2018/04/05 15:12]  Mazidox Linden: But the main attraction, the reason you're all here.
[2018/04/05 15:12]  Mazidox Linden: DRTSIM-372.
[2018/04/05 15:12]  Rex Cronon: bling;)
[2018/04/05 15:12]  Rex Cronon: major bling;)
[2018/04/05 15:12]  Einstein Bosch: try tp
[2018/04/05 15:12]  Mazidox Linden: It's not internal fixes. It's not logging changes.
[2018/04/05 15:12]  Whirly Fizzle: Is that more exciting internal fixes then the other internal fixes?
[2018/04/05 15:12]  Bugsly Linden: its its
[2018/04/05 15:12]  Mazidox Linden: We're taking a first pass at how regions talk to your viewer, inspired by region crossing issues.
[2018/04/05 15:13]  Whirly Fizzle: ahhhh
[2018/04/05 15:13]  Mazidox Linden: Pelican agrees with Whirly.
[2018/04/05 15:14]  Whirly Fizzle: Is my viwer psychotic or does Bugsly look...odd?
[2018/04/05 15:14]  Mazidox Linden: Those numbers you saw earlier? Those were part of our test harness for getting quantifiable data about *how much* better region crossings perform under certain repeatable conditions using this new simulator code.
[2018/04/05 15:14]  Mazidox Linden: It's easy to say "Crossings feel better" but QA demands more rigor.
[2018/04/05 15:15]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): Is there an avatar with blister animation?
[2018/04/05 15:15]  Bugsly Linden: You don't like my avatar enhancements I've selected special to make me look better :P
[2018/04/05 15:15]  Mazidox Linden: We want to have actual data that says "We know the code performs better under the following conditions" when we go back to the developer with our findings.
[2018/04/05 15:15]  Rex Cronon: bugsly, r u major bling;)
[2018/04/05 15:15]  Whirly Fizzle: Hmm is that Kelly?  lol
[2018/04/05 15:15]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): :)
[2018/04/05 15:16]  Bugsly Linden: @Whirly I'm using all these attachments for region crossing testing
[2018/04/05 15:16]  Whirly Fizzle: ahhhh
[2018/04/05 15:16]  Bugsly Linden: but I kind of like looking like a big flying bubble
[2018/04/05 15:16]  Whirly Fizzle: Ugh totally scripted up too hehe
[2018/04/05 15:16]  Bugsly Linden: :D
[2018/04/05 15:17]  Whirly Fizzle: [Script info: 'Bugsly Linden': [137/144] running scripts, 2832 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.152603 ms of CPU time consumed.]
[2018/04/05 15:17]  Bugsly Linden: hehe yeah
[2018/04/05 15:17]  Rex Cronon: u should wear some fancy hair and shoes bugsly:)
[2018/04/05 15:17]  Whirly Fizzle: Nasty
[2018/04/05 15:17]  Mazidox Linden: How else are we supposed to replicate the average region crossing experience? :)
[2018/04/05 15:17]  Bugsly Linden: ^  :D
[2018/04/05 15:17]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): Entering regions with style
[2018/04/05 15:18]  Rex Cronon: and also wear an "special" attack hud...
[2018/04/05 15:18]  Einstein Bosch: at rausch
[2018/04/05 15:18]  Whirly Fizzle: Wear 10 copies of Mystitool & you'll have a bad time region crossing  :D
[2018/04/05 15:18]  arton Rotaru: Mystitool  is still a thing?
[2018/04/05 15:19]  Einstein Bosch: still works
[2018/04/05 15:19]  Whirly Fizzle: Only if you want to test teleports failing etc  :D
[2018/04/05 15:19]  Rex Cronon: einstein, he is a linden he can crash a sim without  getting banned:) i think
[2018/04/05 15:19]  Einstein Bosch: hope not rex
[2018/04/05 15:20]  Einstein Bosch: anyways any other update beside regions crossing?
[2018/04/05 15:20]  Bugsly Linden: there I'm wearing some rocker hair*
[2018/04/05 15:20]  arton Rotaru: where can we test region crossings
[2018/04/05 15:21]  Mazidox Linden: Nothing exciting. We're still in early early (dev) testing of some account synchronization (agni->aditi) work, and we're getting close to that communications infra OS upgrade we've been talking about on occasion.
[2018/04/05 15:21]  Rex Cronon: hair is very important to wear when crossing. people don't like arriving scalped or with hair moved to weird places(like your crotch)...
[2018/04/05 15:22]  Bugsly Linden: whispers: oh so my lower leg isn't where I should wear this hair?
[2018/04/05 15:22]  Einstein Bosch: believe the accounts sync is better now
[2018/04/05 15:22]  Einstein Bosch: 24 hours
[2018/04/05 15:23]  Einstein Bosch: at least for me
[2018/04/05 15:23]  Rex Cronon: u got afro leg hair:)
[2018/04/05 15:23]  Bugsly Linden: arton Rotaru  there are a few regions here but nothing accessible yet.  We will let you know  :D
[2018/04/05 15:23]  Mazidox Linden: Oh, right!
[2018/04/05 15:23]  Mazidox Linden: I remember the regions I was gonna do for DRTSIM-372
[2018/04/05 15:23]  arton Rotaru: found them on the Grid Tool
[2018/04/05 15:23]  Mazidox Linden: Give me a minute or three to get the list please?
[2018/04/05 15:24]  arton Rotaru: but if there are more...
[2018/04/05 15:24]  Einstein Bosch: ty maz
[2018/04/05 15:24]  Mazidox Linden: Okay, assuming we have space for them all...
[2018/04/05 15:25]  Mazidox Linden: Est Full1
[2018/04/05 15:26]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): we also need to check for allowed agents per region
[2018/04/05 15:26]  Mazidox Linden: I have to go remove some Symbols of Death that I painted around there, so don't go poking around just yet.
[2018/04/05 15:26]  Rex Cronon: automatic testing?
[2018/04/05 15:26]  arton Rotaru: tyvm Mazi
[2018/04/05 15:26]  Mazidox Linden: Give me until tomorrow, maybe?
[2018/04/05 15:27]  arton Rotaru: np
[2018/04/05 15:27]  Bugsly Linden: :)
[2018/04/05 15:27]  Rex Cronon: so, what exactly is allowed on those sims?
[2018/04/05 15:27]  Mazidox Linden: Cross regions!
[2018/04/05 15:27]  Mazidox Linden: Lots and lots and lots of crossing of regions.
[2018/04/05 15:27]  arton Rotaru: I remember the last time we did region crossing pile on testing. Caleb was in charge of that actually :)
[2018/04/05 15:28]  Mazidox Linden: Cross them straight, or diagonal, or back to back or at 500 meters a second.
[2018/04/05 15:28]  arton Rotaru: it was labeled "atomic crossings"
[2018/04/05 15:28]  Rex Cronon: or use a bus full of people?
[2018/04/05 15:28]  Mazidox Linden: Glytch bus!
[2018/04/05 15:29]  Whirly Fizzle: haha
[2018/04/05 15:29]  Einstein Bosch: did the recreation of the avi on the new sim improved?
[2018/04/05 15:29]  Einstein Bosch: im curious abouthe the changes :)
[2018/04/05 15:32]  Mazidox Linden: We're not really the right Lindens to get into details of exactly what changed, sorry Einstein.
[2018/04/05 15:32]  Rex Cronon: there was this catapult where people could sit on a projectile that was thrown from one sim to the next. if u were to get like close to 100 aves to sit on one projectile and to become cannon fodder...
[2018/04/05 15:32]  Einstein Bosch: ty maz
[2018/04/05 15:35]  Mazidox Linden: So let's see... I'm trying to think if we have any other things to announce this week.
[2018/04/05 15:35]  Mazidox Linden: I'm working on Animesh Land Impact testing?
[2018/04/05 15:35]  Mazidox Linden: I think a lot of you already knew that
[2018/04/05 15:35]  Mazidox Linden: But oh well
[2018/04/05 15:35]  Mazidox Linden: Now you know twice!
[2018/04/05 15:36]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): os upgrade to other services should be in the pipeline as well
[2018/04/05 15:36]  Einstein Bosch: communication is done?
[2018/04/05 15:36]  arton Rotaru: os upgrade seems like a lifetime job
[2018/04/05 15:37]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): it is
[2018/04/05 15:37]  Mazidox Linden: Communication is not done yet.
[2018/04/05 15:37]  Einstein Bosch: now im confused
[2018/04/05 15:37]  Rex Cronon: get ready for windows 2020;)
[2018/04/05 15:37]  arton Rotaru: so mazi, you could tell us the current formula of the Animesh land impact, right
[2018/04/05 15:37]  Einstein Bosch: we need better communciation now
[2018/04/05 15:38]  Mazidox Linden: Yeah it's... Heyyyyyyy wait a second.
[2018/04/05 15:38]  arton Rotaru: :p
[2018/04/05 15:38]  Mazidox Linden: Nice try rabbit!
[2018/04/05 15:39]  arton Rotaru: you could give us a list of regions to test Animesh Land impact as well ^^
[2018/04/05 15:39]  Mazidox Linden: Sure!
[2018/04/05 15:39]  Mazidox Linden: Here's the list:
[2018/04/05 15:40]  Mazidox Linden: []
[2018/04/05 15:40]  arton Rotaru: :)
[2018/04/05 15:40]  Mazidox Linden: (Sorry, LSL joke)
[2018/04/05 15:40]  Einstein Bosch: :p
[2018/04/05 15:40]  arton Rotaru: Pelican agrees
[2018/04/05 15:41]  Rex Cronon: is there "animesh 101 4 noobies" page?
[2018/04/05 15:41]  Mazidox Linden: Thanks Pelican!
[2018/04/05 15:41]  Rex Cronon: u need to populate your list mazidox:)
[2018/04/05 15:42]  arton Rotaru: I don't think rthere is a  for noobs for any topic regarding SL
[2018/04/05 15:42]  arton Rotaru: a 101
[2018/04/05 15:42]  arton Rotaru: my numblock is switched off
[2018/04/05 15:42]  Mazidox Linden: I can almost-promise that I'm working on Land Impact QA
[2018/04/05 15:43]  arton Rotaru: 11123
[2018/04/05 15:43]  Mazidox Linden: Except right now I'm telling you I'm working on it, instead of working on it.
[2018/04/05 15:43]  Mazidox Linden: Oops.
[2018/04/05 15:43]  arton Rotaru: I have a question for the non Lindens here, regarding that bakes on mesh thing
[2018/04/05 15:43]  arton Rotaru: I still don't get how that is supposed to work
[2018/04/05 15:43]  Einstein Bosch: so the current formula will be obsolete
[2018/04/05 15:44]  arton Rotaru: will it use system clothing layers only?
[2018/04/05 15:44]  Whirly Fizzle: Have you tried the viewer Arton?
[2018/04/05 15:44]  arton Rotaru: not yet
[2018/04/05 15:44]  Whirly Fizzle: It's pretty easy to do it
[2018/04/05 15:45]  Whirly Fizzle: Your baked textures can be applied to any attached object, prim or mesh.
[2018/04/05 15:45]  arton Rotaru: yeah, but how do apply more than one texture to a single face/material
[2018/04/05 15:46]  Mazidox Linden: As I understand it (note, I'm working on Animesh, not bakes on mesh) you put on clothes, and those get put into your bake.
[2018/04/05 15:46]  Whirly Fizzle: Edit the attachment, go to Texture tab, click on texture thumbnail, choose "bakes" & pick from baked head, eyes, upper, lower, hair or skirt, & the bake will be applied to the attachment & the corresponding base avatar section will be alpha'd out.
[2018/04/05 15:47]  arton Rotaru: hm
[2018/04/05 15:47]  Whirly Fizzle: If you change your bake, by wearing another skin for example, the bakes on the attachment update
[2018/04/05 15:47]  Einstein Bosch: i like being green
[2018/04/05 15:47]  Mazidox Linden: Bicycle agrees?
[2018/04/05 15:47]  Einstein Bosch: :)
[2018/04/05 15:47]  Mazidox Linden: I'm so confused right now.
[2018/04/05 15:47]  arton Rotaru: hm
[2018/04/05 15:47]  arton Rotaru: I guess I have to try it
[2018/04/05 15:48]  Einstein Bosch: someone at content creation probably did that to her avatar
[2018/04/05 15:48]  Einstein Bosch:
[2018/04/05 15:49]  Einstein Bosch:
[2018/04/05 15:49]  arton Rotaru: but these bakes only work with the default system avatars UV layout?
[2018/04/05 15:49]  Whirly Fizzle: Nope
[2018/04/05 15:50]  Einstein Bosch: anyway regarding the formula that gone be obsolete, can we have a link?
[2018/04/05 15:51]  Einstein Bosch: (land impact)
[2018/04/05 15:51]  Mazidox Linden: You mean the Animesh formula that's on Animesh 2 etc? I don't know it off the top of my head.
[2018/04/05 15:51]  Einstein Bosch: a link would do the trick :)
[2018/04/05 15:51]  arton Rotaru: wasn't it just plus 200
[2018/04/05 15:51]  Whirly Fizzle: yeah
[2018/04/05 15:52]  arton Rotaru: the cost of the mesh + 200
[2018/04/05 15:52]  arton Rotaru: when Animesh is switched on
[2018/04/05 15:53]  Einstein Bosch: not the formula doh :)
[2018/04/05 15:53]  arton Rotaru: and the current tris limit is 50k still?
[2018/04/05 15:53]  arton Rotaru: or is it 500k
[2018/04/05 15:53]  Whirly Fizzle: Um not sure
[2018/04/05 15:54]  Whirly Fizzle: The AnimeshXL region has the limit lifted I think
[2018/04/05 15:54]  arton Rotaru: it used to be 20k at first
[2018/04/05 15:54]  arton Rotaru: yeah there could be a special region
[2018/04/05 15:55]  arton Rotaru: that Animesh land impact will be a shocker I bet :)
[2018/04/05 15:56]  Whirly Fizzle: I hope it will be less then that for release, but Mazi is being a meanie & won't tell us  :P
[2018/04/05 15:56]  Mazidox Linden: I can make up numbers if you want.
[2018/04/05 15:56]  arton Rotaru: lol
[2018/04/05 15:56]  arton Rotaru: please don't
[2018/04/05 15:56]  arton Rotaru: people will take it for granted
[2018/04/05 15:56]  Mazidox Linden: Hence "if you want" :)
[2018/04/05 15:57]  Rex Cronon: what fun it would be to have an animated sculpture if is using all your allowed prims?
[2018/04/05 15:57]  arton Rotaru: Caleb lost his crankset on his bike
[2018/04/05 15:57]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): never had it
[2018/04/05 15:57]  Mazidox Linden: Well if it's a spraycan then you know it's awesome Rex.
[2018/04/05 15:57]  Mazidox Linden: Because spraycans are the best.
[2018/04/05 15:57]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): it's next level fixie
[2018/04/05 15:57]  Whirly Fizzle: That guy filed the JIRA - who was here earlier
[2018/04/05 15:58]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): thank you, will take a look at it
[2018/04/05 15:58]  arton Rotaru: lol, I could tell it's a fixie
[2018/04/05 15:58]  Whirly Fizzle: I wonder if he relogged though
[2018/04/05 15:58]  Whirly Fizzle: Because it may be..  *rummages*
[2018/04/05 15:58]  arton Rotaru: no brakes either
[2018/04/05 15:58]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): see
[2018/04/05 15:58]  arton Rotaru: no brakes, no hands, no teeth
[2018/04/05 15:58]  Einstein Bosch: ???
[2018/04/05 15:58]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): no brakes no pedal no crankset
[2018/04/05 15:59]  arton Rotaru: how is cycling in san francisco actually
[2018/04/05 15:59]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): bad
[2018/04/05 15:59]  arton Rotaru: isn't it annoying going uphill all the time
[2018/04/05 15:59]  Cupcake Commander (caleb.linden): not so much the hill
[2018/04/05 15:59]  Whirly Fizzle: This