Bug triage/2007-09-10

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Revision as of 08:11, 11 September 2007 by Boroondas Gupte (talk | contribs) (→‎Misc Pool: added →‎Unfinished business: subtitle)
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NOTE: No triage on Monday, 9/3. U.S. Holiday (Labor Day)

General triage - Monday, 3pm PT (2007-09-10) in the Hippotropolis Meeting area🖈. See Bug triage for details.

Fast Track Import

(Move bugs here that have solid repros, or valid patches that you have reviewed)

Hot by Vote


Misc Pool

  • SVC-108 - Votes: 4 - llUnsit command will work for anyone on any parcel if the avatar being unsat is sitting on the LAND (does not do this if they are on a Prim) - Traven Sachs
    • Imported
  • SVC-109 - Votes: 0 - There is no way to safely serialize a list, a new function is needed. - Argent Stonecutter
    • Move to 'Feature Request', waiting for more votes
  • VWR-433 - Votes: 2 - Vivox-gw.exe crashes in Voice Beta after 5-10 minutes; voice chat does not work at all - Cory Edo
    • Resolved 'Fixed'
  • VWR-437 - Votes: 1 - Object description is modified just by opening the object editor dialog - Rita Cummings
    • Imported
    • A Linden should have a look at it, as it's unclear what the expected behavior should be. The (closed) VWR-438 might be worth a look, too, as there might be some data loss involved.
  • VWR-442 - Votes: 3 - No warning when inviting a new owner - Gigs Taggart
    • Imported
  • VWR-443 - Votes: 0 - Share with group toggle grays out when checked on deeded objects. - Gigs Taggart
    • Imported, QA to repro
  • SVC-118 - Votes: 1 - Invitations to existing group members get sent, but have no effect - Gigs Taggart
    • Imported, assigned to Rx team
  • SVC-119 - Votes: 1 - Titles do not update on Role Change - Gigs Taggart
    • Imported, QA to repro
  • SVC-120 - Votes: 0 - Objects -> Permissions -> Modify Rights -> affects Return ability - Gigs Taggart
    • Resolved, 'Needs more info'
  • SVC-122 - Votes: 1 - Simulators stay online even when the CAPS server is down - Eddy Stryker
    • Imported, assigned to Periapse Linden
  • MISC-123 - Votes: 0 - Unable to paste text from user's text editor into SL notecard - Mr Greggan
    • Imported
  • VWR-454 - Votes: 0 - Avatar Locks Up in Voice Beta Client - Jared Halleck
    • Resolved 'Needs more info'
  • VWR-490 - Votes: 4 - LOD algorithm broken? - Haravikk Mistral
    • Resolved 'won't finish'

Unfinished business

Pre-meeting activity

Some issues will be resolved in the course of building this agenda. Rather than deleting them from the proposed agenda, move the issue and associated discussion into the appropriate section below.



  • VWR-542 - Votes: 1 - CTRL-ALT-T Shortcut for Highlight Transparent no longer works - Matthew Dowd
    • Resolved "Needs More Info"


Transcript is/will be at Bug triage/2007-09-10/Transcript

Community members generally collaborate on the agenda for bug triage meetings. Here's how you can quickly fill in an otherwise blank agenda:

Setting up

  • Go to Bug_Triage/YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY is the four digit year code, MM is the two digit month code, and DD is the day code
  • Write and save {{subst:Triage Template}} as the only content of your new page. This will copy the complete markup from Template:Triage Template as a starting point for your agenda.
  • Fill in the relevant time, date, and location info for the upcoming meeting. The easiest way to do this is to copy the entire block of information from an earlier meeting of the same type (RC, regular, etc...) and modify the date and time as needed.

Populating the issue listings section(s)


  1. !/usr/bin/env perl

use XML::Simple;

my $bugs = XMLin($ARGV[0]);

foreach my $item (@{$bugs->{channel}->{item}}) {

 $title = $item->{title};
 $title =~ s/^\^\*\] //;
 $key = $item->{key}->{content};
 $votes = $item->{votes};
 $reporter = $item->{reporter}->{username};
 print "* $key - Votes: $votes - $title - $reporter\n";



  • Pick a reasonable cutoff point, and copy the output into the appropriate section of your newly created page.