Color Sims

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Color Sims form a Subcontinent in North West of Sansara. They are one of the oldest places on the grid and offer to visitors some very rare Geographic features.


The Color sims are a group of 30 sims, placed in contact one with the other. Their unique Geography is well known throughout the grid. They are high populated and have rare Land With Restricted Access.

They are limited in North by North Sansara Sea Forts and ANWR Channel, in West by Gulf Of Lauren and Shemerville (considered by some new residents as one of Bay City suburbs), in East by Void Ocean and in South by West and East Volcano Islands (in South East, see Mountains Of Central Sansara), an isolated gap of Void Ocean (South West) and San Francisco Sims (also named The Old World by newer residents).

One of the most strange things is that even if Color Sims are very old, they don't look finished. In South, there is an inland gap of void Ocean, hosting two private-owned sims. In some parts, land ends without any border of Water.


The first thing a person will notice here is the extreme land fragmentation, much like the one found on some private continents like Caledon - Winterfel. There are many islands, separated by smaller or larger channele, while the land is formed by islands with unpredictable Altitude change. This little subcontinent has more then other large continents have to offer. It is impossible to write something general for all sims found here. Much better is to make a description of each one.


At a first look Color Sims lack of transport ways. But this is not true. In fact, they offer many alternatives for transport. The main way through is GSLR, the oldest railway on the grid. There, an automated tram can be seen every a few minutes. A second branch, without automated trains, extends South. Residents are allowed to rezz their own trains almost anywhere along the rail. Unfortunately it covers only East part of the subcontinent, but still it is the most accesible way to get a first contact with the landscapes.

There is a highly developed network of invisible roads. They are slices of protected land that separate parcels. They connect remote parcels inside a sim and create a multisim network that also includes a lot of waterways. A complete measurement of this network is almost impossible, but estimations are of 12 km (see Sansara Network). For a comparation, Corsica Network is of 27.68 km, for a continent with 30 times larger surface.

Automated Transportation exists here and it is where you wouldn't expect. On of the Yava Script Pods makes a tour of these sims, following slices of Protected Land. It moves slow and on a tricky route. Also, the SLGI Trains come here en route to GSLR or to Bay City. From Purple docks, a ferry moves after a schedule to Cecropia docks in Heterocera.

A good option to visit Color Sims is by simply walking. Ban lines or entity orbs are very rare.