Content Creation Improvement Informal User Group/Archive/July 3rd, 2012 Meeting
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Revision as of 15:46, 3 July 2012 by Geenz Spad (talk | contribs) (moved July 3rd, 2012 Meeting to Content Creation Improvement Informal User Group/Archive/July 3rd, 2012 Meeting)
15:06 | Geenz Spad | so, welcome everyone to the first content creation improvement meeting! |
15:07 | these meetings are informal meetings, with the intention of coming up with ideas to improve the state of content creation for second life | |
15:08 | Siddean Munro | Hi Oz :) |
Geenz Spad | the idea is for people to discuss their ideas in a collaborative environment, and if everyone can agree on an idea, that idea will hopefully be made into a proposal at some point for Linden Lab, and prototypes demonstrating that functionality will also eventually be submitted as well | |
15:09 | moving on, the first item on the agenda: | |
Educating users on efficiency, and Linden Lab setting building standards. (Stickman) | ||
15:10 | this is an interesting one | |
care to elaborate Stickman? | ||
Stickman Ingmann | Sure. | |
15:12 | A lot of content creators come into Second Life without any prior knowledge of how 3D rendering works. Video game companies usually establish a "polygon budget" and a "texture memory budget." At any time, no more than said amount can be displayed on the screen, or it overwhelms the console, or system that the game is being developed for. Second Life has no set budgets or limits. There's no information about the average or minimum system used to access SL. Content creators have no direction on what can and can't be done in Second Life. | |
Sometimes this isn't a problem. Sometimes it results in horrible, wasteful creations, that don't need to be so complex and expensive. | ||
15:13 | Geenz Spad | so basically, you'd like to educate content creators on making more efficient content? |
Asha | That is seriously needed now that more mesh is hitting the grid. | |
Cyclic Gearz-Bellamy | I really agree with this. I've seen some things made in mesh that could have been SO much lower land impact, and with smaller res textures without losing quality | |
Stickman Ingmann | Yes. Get information about the kinds of systems people use, what they're capable of handling. What viewers people use, what features people have enabled.
[15:13] LockallLockall is now active on Inara Pey | |
15:14 | Asha | Like boots with 60,000 triangles. o.o |
Lindsay Pinelli | thank you Siddean xD | |
Geenz Spad | well, I don't think LL will be direclty setting a standard that everyone will need to work around, but I think it's worth discussing ideas for what a standard should be | |
Stickman Ingmann | I've got an old Jira somewhat related to the issue, too: About collecting opt-in stats, so content creators know what kinds of system and features they're creating for. | |
Braydon Randt | sorry to bring up a chestnut .... but refing build behavour is all well in good , but games use nomals and specular materials systems ... sl can barely squeeze mesh out of its bones | |
Geenz Spad | as more of an informal standard that people should be working within | |
15:15 | Siddean Munro | Rather than a standard, what about we propose some documentation on good v bad? |
Geenz Spad | Braydon: we'll touch on that one a bit later | |
Siddean's idea could work | ||
Cyclic Gearz-Bellamy | Even if it's just getting the information and education out there, letting people know what they can achieve without going crazy with polys | |
Crash Uladstron | I'm with Sid,I think a standard is unrealistic | |
Siddean Munro | I think there's a bit of guesswork going on from people not in the professional biz, so to speak | |
Crash Uladstron | but a page on the wiki describing what to aim for | |
Stickman Ingmann | Geenz, I'm looking for cold hard facts. If someone wants to cater to the top-end systems only? Let them. If they want to create something that even the lowest system that connects to SL can see perfectly? Then they can do that. But right now, it's all shooting in the dark. We have no information. | |
15:16 | Asha | Yes, the point is that some people have no idea what the best practices are. It would be nice for LL to provide an official word on it. |
Siddean Munro | If there was some documentation specifically related to this, it might help people get more efficient builds | |
Caine Munro | Real problem to me seems to be financial incentive: If you make a low-poly item that's well done and within a reasonable budget, someone who comes along and blows any poly budget out of the water will look a lot better in advertisements and end up selling more items on marketplace and such. | |
Braydon Randt | LL have the policy ... that you can create what you want as long as you are prepared to pay the upload cost for bad modelling ,. the user on the other hand ... suffers the results | |
Martin RJ | Braydon there have been mirrors, once, but Windlight broke them | |
Cyclic Gearz-Bellamy | The problem with catering to one end or another is that tech is getting better as such a rapid rate, targetting a specific tier of tech wouldn't be viable, there'd be a replacement a month later. | |
Geenz Spad | maybe we should look at from more of a "if you want to target this group of people, you should work around these constraints" point of view | |
that's generally how the game industry looks at it | ||
15:17 | Oz Linden | The problem is that the range is too wide for documentation to be of much use to you. If you can imagine it, someone connects to SL with it (and some you probably would never guess). No one system time is even close to more than a low single digit percentage. |
s/time/type/ | ||
Geenz Spad | for example, for high-end PC games, typically a 10,000 triangle character mesh is "okay" for a high detail mesh | |
15:18 | Crash Uladstron | You can't tho because people interract,you target something for powerfull computer owners and their friends with low end computer comes by their 2343545 triangle place |
Geenz Spad | that's fair enough, but this is where we start looking at the different "classes" of hardware | |
Braydon Randt | so are we ultimately catering to the lowest comming demoninator ? | |
15:19 | Geenz Spad | not at all |
Braydon Randt | common* | |
Raz Welles | I suppose if you wanted to be harsh you could let a region owner dictate how many polys and textures a person is going to be alotted on entering a sim, I'm not a big fan of that idea though :x | |
Siddean Munro | What would help solve this issue is bump maps ;) Just as an aside | |
Braydon Randt | it would help some .... not all | |
Raz Welles | Normal maps would certainly help | |
Asha | Normal maps ftw | |
Geenz Spad | well, to be fair, custom bump maps do help substantially | |
15:20 | 'Kota Buck | But would be great |
Geenz Spad | which I guess kind of blends into #3 | |
Stickman Ingmann | Raz, the last thing I want is hard limits like that. LL's been doing a lot of work on making a technical solution for "lag." Letting people create their excessive products, and then trying to make the system handle displaying them with minimal lag. I believe a better solution is information, education. Tell content creators what's reasonable. | |
Braydon Randt | the useability of them is not in question , but only certain users have the ability to create such maps ... others .. use templates etc and dont have access | |
Raz Welles | Stick: and thus I mentioned at the end I don't like the idea either | |
Caine Munro | Keep in mind though this isn't fundamentally a tech problem - it is a social one. Without creator incentive to make low(ish) poly items, it'll never be a priority when making new items. | |
15:21 | Raz Welles | I think Caine is right |
Stickman Ingmann | So Oz. You said things are all over the chart. But that doesn't make the information useless. It just means that there are a lot of demographs. | |
Raz Welles | though I have seen people do top notch popular stuff with single texture maps zoned | |
Caine Munro | A way to incentivise low poly creation would be to make it really clear at purchase time what sort of lag the item 'could' cause. Which is it's own enormous can of worms. | |
Geenz Spad | I think it'd help if content creators knew what kind of hardware classes are the most common | |
Raz Welles | any way you slice it, the materials project has a lot to offer | |
Asha | And yet, som have no frame of reference of what low poly means. That is why there needs to be education from an official channel. | |
*some | ||
15:22 | Raz Welles | You could save texture space baking your lighting and reusing repeating textures |
Braydon Randt | im sure theres some users .. who want to access SL .. with a computer no more powerfull than an Iphone | |
Stickman Ingmann | I don't want to spend the whole time arguing about what information is and isn't useful for content creators to have. Can we move on to the materials project? I'd really like to hear more about that. | |
15:23 | Raz Welles | Yeah what's up on materials |
Geenz Spad | well, education is one problem that we'd have to find ways to fix amongst our selves, and we definitely won't be figuring out how to fix that problem in a single meeting | |
Braydon Randt | well .... cload party have them ... SL doesnt .... hense the migration | |
cloud* | ||
15:24 | Geenz Spad | so, materials! |
Tyr Rozenblum | I was going to say that, well sort of. Cloud party has bumps/materials/etc. | |
Oz Linden | Think about what metrics you could expose in the viewer to help people understand what contributes to costs | |
Braydon Randt | again ... we are catering to lowest common denominator | |
Tyr Rozenblum | not to compare i know the intention isnt to talk about other games. But its browser based and will be able to eventually run on tablets | |
'Kota Buck | I'm not sure you can really call it a migration to cloud party at this point. | |
Geenz Spad | I know plenty of things about materials. | |
Tyr Rozenblum | definatly not a migration lol | |
Cyclic Gearz-Bellamy | It's not a migration, it's not even out of it's first week. | |
15:25 | Geenz Spad | first off, a solution has been proposed to LL |
sachi Vixen | I don't think bumpers persay will make people migratebut they are certainly going tohelp content there look classy. Add that to a genius, simple UI and you have a potential winner. | |
Stickman Ingmann | More about materials, less about Cloud Party. | |
Siddean Munro | Offtopic people, can we get back to the materials? :) | |
Braydon Randt | thats my point .... i want materials .... more than pathfinders ... or being able to view on a calcualtor | |
Tyr Rozenblum | I was using the comparison to say that it is possible to get it and people on dated computers still run alright. | |
Martin RJ | lol Braydon | |
15:26 | sachi Vixen | That was bump maps not car bumpers
[15:26] AshaAsha chuckles at Braydon |
Geenz Spad | the solution proposed was a collaboration between myself and Ash Qin | |
what did make it into the proposal is such: | ||
custom bump maps | ||
custom specular maps | ||
15:27 | Braydon Randt | we have a great system with second life ... and i want to see it kick competitors asses ... i want it to have the technology that was available at least 10 years ago ... so not having a materials system is not really acceptable in this day and age |
Geenz Spad | and a couple of other things I won't quite get into as of yet | |
Martin RJ | how'd you make that backwards-compatible, Geenz? | |
Geenz Spad | but what I will say, is progress is being made, and hopefully there'll be more information soon
[15:27] LockallLockall is now active on Inara Pey | |
15:28 | Raz Welles | Sorry I want to get something cleared up for myself, am I correct in assuming we're using bump maps and normal maps as interchangeable terms here? I thought bump maps referred to single dimension heights while normal maps can account for lighting in 3 dimensions |
Siddean Munro | Is there any way we can keep tabs on it? | |
Asha | Is this project for a specific viewer? | |
Stickman Ingmann | So you told me you had more information than anyone else on materials, and all you're going to say is "progress is being made, but we can't tell you what?" | |
Geenz Spad | Asha: this project is for the official viewer, but of course other TPVs will benefit directly from it as such
[15:28] AshaAsha waves to Phadrus. ^^ | |
Asha | Ok thanks Geenz | |
15:29 | Braydon Randt | aso bottom line .. no BS ... is a materials system being develped ? |
Caine Munro | Stick: No point promising things that aren't certain yet. | |
Geenz Spad | Braydon: work is being done, and the overall hope is that we'll be able to show you something soon :) | |
Braydon Randt | terms like " hope" .... come along with " possible" | |
15:30 | Typhaon Nishi | is there a place for updates on this project as Siddean asked previously? |
Siddean Munro | That's more promising than nothing is happening at all :) | |
Braydon Randt | yet ... what i want to know is " yes its being done..." sorry to sound like yoda yere ... but " there is no try .... only do" | |
Asha | I'm glad to hear someone is working on adding bump and specular maps. | |
Toast Bard | haha | |
15:31 | Cyclic Gearz-Bellamy | There's definitely progress at least, that's good to hear |
Geenz Spad | unfortunately, right now updates will be coming as things are completed; of course there's some things I can't talk about here *yet*, but please understand I'm working as hard as I can to pretty up Second Life however I can :) | |
and materials is most definitely a large item on my to-do list | ||
Oz Linden | I'll try to de-mystify a bit.... Geenz is being careful | |
15:32 | Braydon Randt | come on OZ .. educate me |
by my light | ||
guide me | ||
Oz Linden | They've been working on a proposal, and we've been looking at it very closely | |
Braydon Randt | so 3 years then ? | |
15:33 | Siana Gearz | why is the process not more open than that? |
Oz Linden | doing it would require some server side support, of course, and we've been trying to refine the goals to be something we can get done | |
Stickman Ingmann | Heh. Why is everything in SL so closed now? They used to tell us what broke and why and how they fixed it when the servers went down. | |
Martin RJ | because some TPV-devs would jump on it right at this very moment and implement features that aren't finished yet - I believe | |
Siana Gearz | >.< | |
15:34 | Caine Munro | As an unrelated developer talking: It's not more open than that because there's not a lot of point to have non-technical input on a very technical implementation and Braydon - where do you think code comes from? |
Martin RJ | not you :P | |
Siana Gearz | Caine, well, some code could come from ME but i feel excluded from the get go. | |
Stickman Ingmann | So what's the scope of the materials project? Bumpmap, specular, normal maps? More or less than that? | |
Braydon Randt | allthough i accept and agree, that rushing forward can mean a lot of clean up for the mistakes that get dragged in , i can also say ... that the overall server side issues asside ... the content creators want it ... they need it ... it will reduce load on the servers with reduced model cost ... ergo its a win win | |
15:35 | Geenz Spad | for a version 1 release, more or less that Stickman |
Oz Linden | that's still not nearly decided, Stickman | |
Braydon Randt | ive got a degree in real time systems programming from Brighton Uni ... so im not exactl spethal | |
Geenz Spad | but we're still determining what will be in a version 1 release, but I promise everyone here, that the moment I can say something more, I will | |
15:36 | Stickman Ingmann | And you can't give us a time? "Within three years" or "before Christmas" or any of that? |
Braydon Randt | thats my question .. just knowing that it is on the horizon is good to know | |
Geenz Spad | what I will say regarding timeline is more speculation at this point, so please don't take this as a promise in any form | |
Braydon Randt | as " maybe and possibly" is a no | |
Geenz Spad | I can't stress that enough | |
15:37 | Stickman Ingmann | I understand time estimates. I would hope everyone here is a content creator and has blown through their own deadlines. |
Geenz Spad | but my hope is, we'll have something shown off to the community, and something for people to be testing by the end of the year, or sometime early next year | |
Stickman Ingmann | That's promising, at least. | |
15:38 | Phoenix-FirestormViewer Rocks | whats this for? |
Geenz Spad | this isn't something I have any intention of dragging out any longer than it needs to be | |
Raz Welles | Stick: I don't have deadlines anymore, I've blown so far past them they've become the undead-lines | |
Geenz Spad | Tank: materials | |
Phoenix-FirestormViewer Rocks | more spcifically?
[15:38] Oz LindenOz Linden has to leave... | |
tc oz | ||
Siddean Munro | Ok oz, thanks for coming | |
Stickman Ingmann | Thanks for coming, Oz. | |
15:39 | Not too much time left, should we move on to the next topic? | |
Typhaon Nishi | cheers Oz | |
Geenz Spad | anyways, moving on to our next agenda item | |
Discussing morph targets for deforming mesh. (Siddean Munro) | ||
Stickman Ingmann | I can fill up the end of the meeting with a number of Jiras about content creation tools I pulled up. | |
Martin RJ | Bye Oz | |
Phoenix-FirestormViewer Rocks | sorry I was late, i was told this started at 3:30 | |
Siddean Munro | We have a third item on the agenda | |
Geenz Spad | Stickman: by all means | |
Siddean Munro | 4th, I should say | |
Geenz Spad | but yeah, so, morph targets | |
Stickman Ingmann | First, Siddean's morph targets. Is that a thing? An actual possibility? I was told we were getting custom bones, no morph targets. Ever. | |
15:40 | Raz Welles | Yeah we were initially shut down on morph targets |
a solid loud resounding "no" | ||
Geenz Spad | I've had a couple of conversations regarding this | |
Phoenix-FirestormViewer Rocks | wheres the agenda? | |
Geenz Spad | | |
Siddean Munro | | |
Phoenix-FirestormViewer Rocks | thx | |
15:41 | Geenz Spad | from what I'm hearing, it's not a definite "no" |
but there are however, some things that need to happen before that on LL's side | ||
Raz Welles | totally listening now | |
Stickman Ingmann | Do you have a list of the things that need to happen on their side, or is it just a nebulous excuse for them to finish without accountability? | |
15:43 | Any news on custom skeletons, or have those not been mentioned? | |
Geenz Spad | I don't have a 100%% definite list of things that need to happen, but I have an overall gist; there's a few backend things that will need to happen, and there's a few file format things that'll need to happen; some of it a viewer developer can handle, the rest of it LL has to handle | |
those haven't been mentioned to me | ||
Siddean Munro | Is there a jira or proposal doco for this? | |
Stickman Ingmann | So it sounds like we're more likely to get morph targets than custom skeletons at this point. | |
15:44 | Geenz Spad | so anyways, back on the subject of morph targets |
Tyr Rozenblum | Something I wondered and Oz, or anyone directly involved might be able to answer this best. Something that concerned me (even though i was and am one of the ones pushing for it) | |
Geenz Spad | let's discuss how morph targets would effect content creators | |
Tyr Rozenblum | is what about mesh out now. We know with the deformer its atleast useable. But would the new 'cbones" being introduced back in, effect everything out on the grid to date? | |
15:45 | Geenz Spad | from my understanding regarding cBones, they're additional bones you can optionally rig your mesh to |
Siddean Munro | You would probably have to reweight your mesh | |
Stickman Ingmann | Morph targets would make up for all of the things the skeleton can't handle. Wiggling toes, bending fingers, facial expressions. You could even use it for slider-base face customization on custom mesh avatars. | |
Geenz Spad | if they're not rigged, your mesh shouldn't really deform around them, but I'd like to have RedPoly discuss how that'd effect content creators | |
15:46 | Siddean Munro | Custom morph targets would be my personal preference |
15:47 | Geenz Spad | so anyways, morph targets; for those of you who don't really know what these are, they'd basically enable a content creator to "paint" how they want their meshes to look if they adjusted a slider
[15:47] AshaAsha would prefer morph targets as well. |
15:48 | so you could for example, have a muscular morph target, or a slim morph target, or even a fat morph target; and all content creators would have to do is sculpt these shapes out to how they feel the final result should look | |
Stickman Ingmann | I want anything. If I can't get custom skeletons, I'll make due with morph targets. Both have some serious strengths and drawbacks, but something is better than nothing. | |
Especially considering we don't have "UUID flipping" on meshes. | ||
Raz Welles | The most powerful combination would be the ability to dictate animation position and morph target position in a single llsetprimitiveparamsfast | |
15:49 | Geenz Spad | now really, at its core, there's two different questions that should be discussed concerning morph targets |
Siddean Munro | Morph targets would add more work, but about as much work as adding and weighting to extra bones, methinks. From a builder's perspective | |
15:50 | Geenz Spad | the content creator facing question is, how should the content creators work with this? what kind of work flow would be ideal? |
Crash Uladstron | we're doing a lot of work as things are now anyway | |
Siddean Munro | Yep | |
Anouk Spot | yeah | |
Asha | No kidding | |
Typhaon Nishi | (insert affirmative response here) | |
Geenz Spad | I imagine being able to sculpt how a mesh should deform would be a god send :P | |
Raz Welles | from a time perspective, I do like the no-extra-work nature of Qarl's deformer, if you could bake that server side like you bake textures I think that would be pretty ace | |
15:51 | Siddean Munro | could the morph target information be included in the SLM file for upload? |
Crash Uladstron | it would be yes | |
Braydon Randt | trying to work within a system ... with still allow existing content .. just newer content will have the new finctionality , wether you choose to update your content is a personal choice | |
Stickman Ingmann | I'm not sure I understand the question. We make various morph targets for a mesh, we probably name them something specific in the file before we upload them. Then we access them via script or some new UI element to slide the mesh between the morphs. | |
Raz Welles | siddean: you shoudl be able to | |
Morphs are just the same set of verts with different positions, and then interpolated between the two | ||
Geenz Spad | Siddean: with a few extensions to the format, yes | |
Siddean Munro | Like.. just thinking aloud, morph targets or shape keys with the same name as the SL morph targets they are related to | |
15:52 | Raz Welles | it's a linear interpolation so it can only really go in a straight line if it's between two morphs |
though multiple morphs at one time may let you correct that | ||
Geenz Spad | Raz: we'll focus on the technical side of the conversation on the next meeting | |
Raz Welles | ok | |
Geenz Spad | since we only have 8 minutes left | |
Raz Welles | d'oh | |
15:53 | Geenz Spad | so anyways, I guess we could do something like, specifying groups that correspond to different shape sliders on the existing avatar mesh |
and if you want your mesh to morph around those parameters, you simply add your morph target to that group in whatever 3D application you use | ||
15:54 | Siddean Munro | That's what makes sense to me |
Raz Welles | This might be out of bounds but, maybe you could dynamically generate the set of sliders and UI by reading the file? It would mean a new floater though | |
Geenz Spad | that would be awesome | |
Raz Welles | Then you wouldn't be restricted to what's in the viewer | |
Geenz Spad | but right now, we have to look at it from what would likely make it into a version one release | |
15:55 | and the most obvious application for this would be an alternative to the mesh deformer to enable aritsts to specify how something should deform instead of leaving it up to the mesh deformer | |
15:56 | Asha | And the Lindens are open to the morph target possibility now? They were dead set against it before. |
Stickman Ingmann | I'm having trouble understand your talk of mesh deforming and morph targets. These sound like different things. | |
Siddean Munro | Would it be possible to have both systems side by side? | |
Raz Welles | Morphs with LSL interface, newbies wouldn't be able to create sliders but plenty of people here are battle hardened to make theri own UI's | |
Stickman Ingmann | Asha, that's what we just heard, yes. No word on custom skeletons, their "real" solution, and morph targets are a possibility. | |
Raz Welles | Just another random thought heh | |
Geenz Spad | I will say I haven't heard a "no", and I've heard that it would be cool if something were to be started, so we'll just have to see what happens | |
Raz Welles | *their | |
15:57 | Asha | Ah, I see. |
Raz Welles | gotcha | |
Typhaon Nishi | maybe in time there could be an option to have the default deformer or have some kind of custom deformation | |
Asha | Well, I guess that is an improvement over the solid no in the past. | |
Stickman Ingmann | I don't know if everyone is on the same page here. "morph target" is a very specific 3D modeling term. | |
Siddean Munro | We are on the right page Stick | |
Raz Welles | morph target == shape key == blend shape | |
Geenz Spad | Stickman: we are, it's more how they're being utilized | |
15:58 | Stickman Ingmann | You create a model, say a face, and a second model, say the same face with the eyelids closed. Then you can "slide" between the two. They need to have the same number of faces, etc, and it interpolates the vertex positions between the two, depending on how far you push the slider. |
Geenz Spad | in this context, as an alternative to a solution that's been said to have sometimes spotty results | |
Siddean Munro | That's what we're talking about | |
Crash Uladstron | yes Stick | |
Stickman Ingmann | Right, but I heard other people saying things that was confusing me. I wanted to make sure we were on the same page. Not saying it for those that already know. | |
Siddean Munro | s an alternative to the deformer which calculates the distance the mesh has to float about the avvie skin | |
15:59 | With no creator control | |
Geenz Spad | right | |
Crash Uladstron | I do think a default deformer needs to be in place as well as this | |
Stickman Ingmann | So are we talking about custom morph targets, or are we talking about hooking into the appearance settings and their morph targets? | |
16:00 | Geenz Spad | Stickman: a bit of both |
Typhaon Nishi | yeah like a have a tick box option to use the "default deformer" or "custom deformations" | |
Siddean Munro | For now we're talking about using the existing ones, but someone raised the question of customs | |
Geenz Spad | in a perfect world, we'd have custom bones, custom morph targets, and similar | |
and an interface to expose the various settings for all o this | ||
of* | ||
Raz Welles | and a better scripting language | |
Geenz Spad | :P | |
Braydon Randt | i want cake | |
Raz Welles | xP | |
16:01 | Geenz Spad | I still can't believe M shelved C# scripting :P |
Asha | Well, it would be nice if residents can come to a consensus on what they want the most...first. | |
They won't do them all. | ||
Stickman Ingmann | What I want would be custom morph targets. Unrelated to anything SL already has. | |
Braydon Randt | mesh people want materials | |
clothing makers want materials and deformers | ||
Geenz Spad | honestly, I'd support Qarl's mesh deformer being an "easy" solution for those who don't really mind what the outcome is | |
Siddean Munro | Right, Braydon :) | |
Braydon Randt | non mesh makers .. want flexies, larger textures and no mesh | |
Raz Welles | Yes for clothing, I think people would want to spend more time designing new clothes and less time weight painting | |
16:02 | MartinRJ Fayray | I want hyperjump xD |
Crash Uladstron | morph targets is a good solution however entry level creators would need a default deformer imo | |
Braydon Randt | and i .. personally ... still want cake | |
Geenz Spad | I agree with Crash | |
Martin RJ | I want Braydon's cake | |
Siddean Munro | Yep, it's be nice to have both options | |
Geenz Spad | looks like we'll be going a bit over our time limit discussing the content creation side of things | |
Siddean Munro | sorry for typos, my fingers are frozen :/ | |
Siana Gearz | morph targets don't eat away on number of bones that a vertex can be affected by. | |
16:03 | Geenz Spad | which is fine, we'll just pick up on the dev side of things next meeting |
Asha | The thing is...if you can build a model, you can build a morph. There isn't a huge skill jump there. | |
Raz Welles | I think you could sneak in morph targets and just offer an LSL api to its interpolation position initially | |
Martin RJ | hyperjump is a great method for 'content creation' on my own grid! | |
Siana Gearz | two are simply not enough in the pelvic area. | |
Techplex Engineer | I'd like a better prim align tool that doesn't just use square bounding boxes | |
Stickman Ingmann | What Raz said. | |
That's version 1. | ||
Raz Welles | yes | |
Martin RJ | second Techplex | |
Crash Uladstron | If you can build a model you can build a morph agreed,you're udnerestimating the amount of people using cloth simulators etc | |
Braydon Randt | actually .. i want one system ... thats consistant , so i can learn it .. and mvoe on | |
Martin RJ | and I want a better build-grid | |
16:04 | Raz Welles | So it's come to this |
Toast Bard | speaking of cake when will we be talking about the alpha glitch with rigged mesh? | |
Asha | You can make a morph even easier if you use most cloth simulators, especially Marvelous Designer which a number of people are using. | |
16:05 | Braydon Randt | like you eh ash *pokes her side* |
16:06 | Crash Uladstron | that is true however many have a very low understanding of anything beyond making a model and copying weights,not that I'm defending them or anything lol |
Stickman Ingmann | Alright, I'm heading out. Thanks for the information, Geenz. | |
Geenz Spad | I think that goes more into the education bit :P | |
but anyways | ||
thanks for coming out to the meeting everyone | ||
Asha | lol | |
Geenz Spad | we'll be picking up where we left off with next tuesday's meeting |