Firewall Usecases

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Writing Usecases

These use case follow Alistair Cockburn's template. Note that there are several stages of usecase. If you want to grab a template for the early stage of a use case, you can get it here

Firewall Realted Use Cases

Use Case: User behind firewall accessing Regions both behind firewall and outside of firewall

Goal in Context:

Given a user (avatar) behind a fire wall, he should be able to access (teleport) to both regions within the fire wall and to public regions outside of the fire wall. He should have access to public assets and private (behind the firewall) assets. Some examples would be:

  • Employee at company XYZ meeting with other employees at XYZ to discuss purchasign a new product from a third party. During meeting, employees teleport to public location to see the product.
  • Organization sets up a security prototype area behind the firewall to try out new ideas. The organizaion allows its people to access this region to refine and test before making any assests public. The "behind the firewall" users do not have to create a second private avatar or special login to do this.

Scope: Multi regions


Primary task

Primary Actor:

avatar whose user is behind a firewall that makes use of both public and private (behind the firewall) regions.


The primary need if for users (avatars) in organizations providing a private region for security/research/testing. The parallel would be with web browser users that can access both public (outside firewall) and private (inside firewall) web pages.


This use case should appear mainly with organziations who wish to support their own internal "Second Life" and want thier avatars to move seemlessly between the internal region and the external region.

Use Case: User outside a firewall tries to access region inside firewall

Goal in Context:

Given a user (avatar) outside a firewall, he should not not be able to access (teleport) to regions within the firewall. The SL clien should display an appropriate message. Some examples are:

  • A user outside a firewall receives an teleport invitation from someone inside the firewall.
  • A user on a laptop that was previously inside the firewall attepts to access the same region while outside the firewall.


Multi Region


Primary Task

Primary Actor:

A user (avatar) outside a firewall (or who has moved outside the firewall)


The primary need if for users (avatars) in organizations providing a private region for security/research/testing. The parallel would be with web browser users that can access both public (outside firewall) and private (inside firewall) web pages but when outside the firewall get an appropriate error.


This use case should appear mainly with organziations who wish to support their own internal "Second Life" and want thier avatars to move seemlessly between the internal region and the external region.