German speaking Linguists

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Grouplogo by Kuraiko Yoshikawa

Who We Are

German speaking Linguists are Residents of SL who are able to speak German and at least one additional language. Furthermore, they feel dedicated to the translation of the Second Life Wiki or other Second Life related non-profit resources. Beeing a member of the inworld groups German speaking Linguists or Second Life Mentors is not required to label yourself as a German speaking Linguist. These memberships are optional and require the compliance to certain guidelines. Have a look at the Volunteer Portal for guidlines of the Second Life Mentors group. The guidelines for the German speaking Linguists inworld group are:

  • Having the will to support the goals of the German speaking Linguists by contributing your skill (no need to be able to actually speak German).
  • Obey to the Tao of Volunteers while speaking in the group chat or while representing the German speaking Linguists group.
  • No non-Linguists related chat in the group channel (e.g.: no advertisement).

Violation of these guidelines might result in an exclusion from the inworld group after one warning.

If you'd like to join the group, please ask any current member for an invitation.

German speaking Linguists Meetings

When and Where?

We're currently not hosting regular meetings, tho they can be addressed/requested when needed. Not an official GsL meeting but a place and time to see many GsL members with GsL related topics is the office hour of the German localization specialist (and GsL member) Simone Linden.

Links to GsL Meeting Transcripts

A page which only includes the summaries of the meetings can be found here.

Transcript and summary of every single meeting:

Links to Simone Linden's Office Hour transcripts

German speaking Linguists Pavillion

If you would like to contribute to the German speaking Linguists Pavillion at SLVEC, please read the building guidelines at the SL Volunteer Education Center article and list your contributions at SL Volunteer Linguist Center/German.