LSL Constants vs Globals

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Revision as of 19:41, 21 November 2008 by Siann Beck (talk | contribs) (Copy editing)
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There are some advantages in using global variables over the string and key constants; it's faster and uses less bytecode when it is longer than 3 characters and is used more than twice, but it uses more bytecode when it is shorter than 3 characters or is used once. This is easily demonstrated by running the scripts in Figure 1.


  • Faster
  • Uses less bytecode when it is longer than 3 characters and it used more than twice.


  • User can accidentally change the value.
  • Uses more bytecode when it is shorter than 3 characters or it used once.

Figure 1: Bytecode Cost
Constant Global



   key a = NULL_KEY;
   key b = NULL_KEY;
   key c = NULL_KEY;
   key d = NULL_KEY;


default {

   state_entry() {
       llOwnerSay((string) llGetFreeMemory());


<lsl>key null_key = NULL_KEY;


   key a = null_key;
   key b = null_key;
   key c = null_key;
   key d = null_key;


default {

   state_entry() {
       llOwnerSay((string) llGetFreeMemory());
